The day of Roger's execution soon arrived.

Smoker arrived at the central square of Roger Town early.

A high execution platform was built on the originally empty square, reflecting the solemn light under the scorching sun.

The execution was at noon.

Although it was still early, the square was crowded.

Smoker was not in a hurry. He came to an abandoned building outside the square, dismantled the wooden board sealing the door, and walked around to the terrace.

This was the Feng Shui treasure land he found when he came here before.

The view was wide and unobstructed.

The terrace was covered with plants, and it was difficult to notice it from the outside.

The key is that there are not many people, quiet! !

Smoker walked to the edge of the terrace and looked at the crowd below.

Red Hair, Hawkeye, Mingo, Crocodile, Moria, and Buggy...

The heroes who will stir up the world in the future are all crowded in the crowd, waiting to witness the fall of the king.

When a whale falls, all things come to life.

When the overlord falls, new people emerge.

This kind of thing has been going on on the sea for hundreds of years.

Looking at the many people dressed obviously as pirates below, Smoker frowned slightly.

[The Navy couldn't have been unaware of the appeal of this execution to the pirates, but still let it go. ]

[I'm afraid they want to use this execution to completely scare the pirates! ]

[It's a pity that the Navy miscalculated. They underestimated Roger's awareness and scheming, and also underestimated the fanaticism and greed of the pirates! ]

Suddenly, Smoker realized something was wrong.

Now the Navy Marshal is Sora, and the Admiral is Sengoku.

Let's not talk about Sora first, how could Sengoku make such a mistake? !

This kind of self-defeating operation is more like the work of the Five Elder Stars.

Although I have a good impression of the Navy and believe in the Navy's determination to wipe out pirates,

but when I think that the Navy obeys the orders of the World Government, especially the Celestial Dragons,

I feel a little uncomfortable.

Smoker couldn't help shaking his head and muttering to himself.

"Public execution... What a stupid decision!"

"The Navy really made a bad move!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Smoker.

"Alalala, white-haired brother, it's very rude for you to evaluate the Navy like this!!"

Smoker felt a chill on his back and was shocked: "Who?!"

Although he didn't awaken his observation Haki, his perception was still very sharp.

But this time he didn't notice that there was someone behind him!

If this was an enemy, I'm afraid he would have...

Smoker looked back.

A tall and thin Navy man appeared behind him at some point.

He was about three meters tall, a true admiral!

Wearing a rare purple navy uniform and a pair of round-frame sunglasses, he looks a bit sloppy.

Such a recognizable appearance is like engraving his name on his forehead.

"Admiral of the Navy Headquarters... Oh no, Vice Admiral, Kuzan."

"Alara, brother, do you know me? What an honor..."

"But who are you? Although you are very young, your aura is frighteningly strong!"

Smoker's face darkened.

You said I'm frighteningly strong? !

Then what kind of monster is you? !

Who is this yin and yang? !

On the other side, although Kuzan had a smile on his face, he was secretly alert in his heart!

The guy in front of him looked strong, but he was obviously a teenager who was not old enough to join the army.

The navy has very strict restrictions on the age of joining the army.

You can only become an intern at the age of fourteen.

You can only become a private at the age of sixteen.

No matter how young a child is, even if he is an orphan of the navy, he will not be accepted into the army.

After all, the Navy is not a dark organization like CP.

So, although the Navy is large and full of talents, there will not be such monster-like children.

Pirates are the opposite.

They don't care about age, even children can get on board.

These children have been used to fighting since childhood, as long as they can survive to grow up, their strength will not be weak...

So, facing Smoker, Kuzan also became suspicious...

Seeing Kuzan's expression changing, Smoker guessed the other party's thoughts and suddenly shuddered.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a pirate..."

"If possible, I still hope to join the Navy."

"Oh? Really?!"

Kuzan's eyes lit up.

Such a strong boy wants to join the Navy?

That's really good news...

"That's great, brother, what's your name? Which village are you from?!"

"Smoker, from Suiko

Island... Never mind, I guess you haven't heard of it."

"Ah la la..." Kuzan scratched his head awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm ignorant haha."

So, the two of them started chatting, and they had a great time.

Kuzan is very similar to Garp,

Looking thick-skinned, but actually shrewd.

After asking around, he soon determined that Smoker was indeed not a pirate, and he was even happier.

Smoker felt even more amazing.

No wonder the two of them could become good friends in the original plot,

Although their personalities were much different, they were indeed very compatible.

After chatting for a while, Kuzan suddenly spoke.

"Smoker, you haven't answered the question just now, why do you say that public execution is a bad move?"


Smoker touched his chin and sighed.

"Brother Kuzan, tell me the truth, Roger...was he really caught by the navy? "

Kuzan originally looked relaxed, but his face changed drastically after hearing this, and he subconsciously said: "What nonsense..."

But seeing Smoker's expression, the rest of the words were immediately blocked in his chest.

Looking around, he made sure there was no third person, then he leaned over and whispered: "How do you know? !"

Smoker was prepared for this.

"It was just a guess before, and now it is really confirmed... I can only say that your navy has made a fool of itself."

Kuzan was puzzled: "What do you mean? !"

"It's fine if you catch Roger, but you have to say it's a head-on defeat."

"It's fine if you publish a report, but you have to add a photo."

"It's not enough to add a bounty photo of Roger, you have to add a photo of Vice Admiral Garp!"

Kuzan was embarrassed when he thought of Garp's unwillingness to cooperate with the photo.

"That... Mr. Garp caught Roger, isn't it unreasonable? "

Smoker rolled his eyes at Kuzan.

"I don't doubt Vice Admiral Garp's ability. If Roger is really captured, he can only be defeated by him."

"But Vice Admiral Garp in the photo looks too clean, right? There's not even a scratch on his face! ! "

"Uh..." Kuzan choked when he heard this, and finally understood what Smoker meant.

Indeed, let alone Garp alone,

even if Garp, Sengoku, and Zephyr joined forces,

they would inevitably get bruised if they wanted to capture Roger.

I didn't expect the problem to be here.

Kuzan looked at Smoker in shock. This guy...his mind is really sharp!

In fact, Smoker already knew the plot.

First shoot the arrow and then draw the target, reverse inference, he can find the flaw anyway.

But in Kuzan's eyes, Smoker was just rubbing the faces of those staff officers in the headquarters...

Smoker's words were not over yet.

"In fact, even if there was no photo, the pirates would not believe that the navy could catch Roger. Golden Lion is the best example... Moreover, for an elite pirate group, only the captain was captured, and everyone else was missing. It looks weird no matter how you look at it. "

"Of course, this news is mainly for the allies and civilians, it's not a big problem..."

Kuzan felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but defend himself.

"Anyway, the death of the Pirate King will surely deter the pirates, how can it be a bad thing? !"

Smoker looked at the reporters who were setting up cameras on Den Den Mushi in the square.

"I think it's just the opposite."

"What do you mean? !"

"Roger likes to speak with his fists, but it doesn't mean he has no brains. How can someone standing at the top of the pirates be a fool!"

"Would a person like this not guess that he would be publicly executed? Would he accept such an insult? !"

"Besides, the enemy Golden Lion came to snatch people, what about Rayleigh and Jabba? Do you think they are cowardly or weak?"

"The only explanation is that all this was done intentionally by Roger, and his purpose was to publicly execute."

Kuzan was still puzzled: "But what is he trying to do? !" "

Smoker chuckled: "No matter how famous Roger is, he is still just a pirate. I'm afraid today is his only chance to talk to the whole world!"

"With Roger's identity and the secret of the great treasure he holds, what kind of storm do you think he will stir up with this opportunity?"

Kuzan's face turned pale in an instant: "I can't let him succeed! !" After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Brother Kuzan, I don't recommend you to do this..."

Kuzan stopped: "Why? !"

"Public execution is the government's decision, and it is not something you, a vice admiral, can change."

"It has come to this point. Even if the government knows there is a problem, it will not suspend the execution. After all, it is related to their most important face..."

"If you don't mention this matter, no one can find you. If you mention it, you will become a thorn in their eyes. Every time I see you, I will think of myself

Being fooled, guess...what will they do? ! ”

Smoker walked up and patted Kuzan on the shoulder.

“If you can't solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem!”

“So, you didn't hear anything today, and you don't know anything! ! ”

Kuzan was stunned.

Smoker was also secretly pleased.

Relying on the advantage of being a time traveler, he turned the hindsight into a brilliant plan.

I believe this wave of performance is enough to shock Kuzan.

Kuzan frowned, his face changing.

But after a while, his eyes regained their determination.

“Thanks, Brother Smoker, I accept your advice! But...”

Kuzan walked to the edge of the terrace and stared at the execution platform.

“No matter what that guy is planning, no matter what the future will be like, my justice will not change!”

A layer of ice condensed on Kuzan's body.

“I will use this cold power to implement the passionate justice! ”

Smoker gave a thumbs up.

“As expected of Big Brother Kuzan, he is so handsome! !”

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