The mission is over.

Smoker returned to the Navy Headquarters.

The whole of Marinford was beaming with joy.

The battle against the Pirate Alliance this time was undoubtedly a complete victory for the Navy.

All the five pirates, except Wang Zhi who was stationed on Beehive Island and the missing Flame Flower, died in the battle.

This was the biggest victory the Navy had achieved since the capture of the Golden Lion.

The Navy was naturally jubilant, and the World Government was secretly relieved.

If these five guys really formed an alliance, there would definitely be a big mess.

Once one of them reached the Emperor level, it would definitely cause violent turmoil in the New World and even the whole world!

And this storm that was enough to change the world pattern was easily extinguished by the Navy.

With such a brilliant achievement, Zephyr's killing of Cruz seems to be dull.

Although all the ability users of the Shattered Pirates died inexplicably.

But neither the World Government nor the Navy Headquarters have any interest in exploring.

Anyway, all they need are the pirates' heads, prisoners of war, and reports that justice will prevail.

Smoker said hello to Tina, put on a cloak, covered his iconic white hair, and came to the abandoned ship dock alone.

A guy in a tuxedo and a mustache was waiting anxiously.

Seeing Smoker coming, he greeted him happily.

"Hahaha, brother Smoker, you're late!"

"Sorry, Tansport, the Navy Headquarters is particularly lively today, and I finally got away to come here."

Tansport looked at the Navy Headquarters in the distance. Although it was far away, it was still bustling with people.

He stroked his mustache: "There is only one general, but he solved such a strong enemy cleanly and neatly... It is worthy of being the headquarters of the Navy, it is really awe-inspiring!"

Smoker held a cigar in his mouth, and threw another one to Tansport, lit it and took a puff, then asked with a half-smile: "You are Umit's right-hand man, the famous channel pioneer, and you are afraid of this?!!"

Umit is one of the underground emperors who dominates the Grand Line - the Shipping King.

Tansport is his capable subordinate.

Originally, people in the underground world kept their distance from the Navy, and Tansport and Smoker would not have any intersection.

But under the operation of Zane, Smoker "accidentally" saved him, and the two established a pretty good friendship.

Of course, it is hard to say how much of it is sincere and how much is false...

Anyway, the friendship between the two has a layer of business relationship.

Smoker took Tansport to a remote coast, where several unmarked ships were parked.

This is the pirate ship he saved up some time ago.

Smoker found that the navy was very keen on catching pirates, but had no interest in pirate ships.

Either abandon it or blow it up directly.

This is such a waste!!

A good ship is no less expensive than a bounty hunter!!

Over the years, I don’t know how much real money the navy has thrown into the water...

Smoker felt distressed just thinking about it.

There is no garbage in the world, only misplaced resources.

Since his debut, he has been dragging pirate ships into the dark space to store them.

Later, he found that it was a burden, so he asked Zane to help find a good buyer.

And Zane’s target was naturally Tansport...

The two handed over the money and the ship, and both felt that they had made a profit.

After completing the transaction, Smoker sighed.

"Umit monopolizes the shipping business of the Grand Line, why do you have to earn such hard-earned money?!"

Tansport's face was bitter.

"Don't mention it. No matter how much you earn for the boss, it's his. When doing business with you, the money you earn is yours."

"Brother Smoker, you must keep the ship for me in the future. I won't let you suffer a loss in the price!"

Smoker nodded: "Okay, don't worry!"

Suddenly he remembered something.

"By the way, how is Zane? I haven't heard from her for a long time!!"

"Zane is the famous gambling queen in the underground world! She opened a huge gambling house in Magic Valley Town and eliminated many hostile forces. Now she is very powerful! Hahaha!"

Smoker nodded and said lightly: "I'm glad she's okay. I care about her very much..."

Tansport smiled.

"As a navy, is it really good to care about the traitors of the navy?!!"

Smoker's expression became meaningful.

"Traitor? What does it have to do with me? I only know that woman can make money..."

Tansport suddenly realized and nodded in agreement

"Brother is really a perceptive person!"

The two talked for a few more words, and Tansport was about to leave.

"I'm leaving! Keep in touch in the future!"

He touched the ships one by one, jumped onto a ship, and the ship started automatically without raising the sail.

The other ships also lined up and followed behind obediently.

Smoker was amazed.

"This driving fruit is really convenient..."

Tansport ate the superhuman driving fruit.

Whether it is a carriage or a ship, as long as it is not a living thing, after being touched by him, it can move freely according to his wishes.

This ability does not increase its own combat power.

But in the shipping industry, it is definitely a god-level fruit.

When Tansport walked away, a cloud of white smoke fell from the sky.

"Smoker, you are here!"

The white smoke turned into Tina's appearance, and she looked at the ship that was getting farther and farther away.

"Tansport is gone?"


"You have to thank Karle. If it weren't for her help, these ships wouldn't be able to leave the port."

Karle is a colonel who has a good relationship with Tina.

She is a dyer who has eaten the superhuman dyeing fruit and can freely dye non-living things.

Every time Smoker asks her to re-dye the pirate ship, otherwise the ship will be blown to pieces as soon as it leaves the dock.

Smoker looked helpless: "Karle deliberately asked you to pass the message, right?!"

Seeing Tina's expression of you know what I mean, he sighed helplessly and took out two bottles of wine from the darkness.

"These are the last two bottles. Tell her to drink sparingly, or else she'll have to wait!"

"Also, tell her to be careful. If Zefa intercepts her again, I won't be responsible!"

"Okay!" Tina nodded and took the wine: "Tina will leave first. Kale is still waiting for me!"

"There's another important thing." Tina took out a document from her pocket: "This is the medal award I just received. Take a look at it. Don't forget to invite Brother Kuzan and Instructor Kake to dinner."

After that, Tina turned into a puff of smoke and flew away.

Smoker opened the medal award document and muttered it out loud.

"Vice Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters is nominated as a candidate for Admiral, codenamed Akainu."

"Vice Admiral Bonosalino of the Navy Headquarters is nominated as a candidate for Admiral, codenamed Kizaru."

"Vice Admiral Kuzan of the Navy Headquarters is nominated as a candidate for Admiral, codenamed Aokiji."

"Rear Admiral Kake of the Navy Headquarters is promoted to Vice Admiral."

"Rear Admiral Jiyuan of the Navy Headquarters is promoted to Vice Admiral."

"Rear Admiral Huoshaoshan of the Navy Headquarters is promoted to Vice Admiral."

"Rear Admiral Doberman of the Navy Headquarters is promoted to Vice Admiral."

"Navy Headquarters..."

After reading the long list of honors on the order, Smoker took a deep puff while holding a cigarette.

According to the Navy's management system,

If there is no major change, such as Garp's refusal to be promoted to Admiral, or the world conscription in the later plot,

the candidate for Admiral will be officially promoted to Admiral within three years.


[Three years later, Marshal Sora will be promoted to the Grand Marshal of the World Government's Armed Forces, Admiral Sengoku will be promoted to Marshal, and the three admirals of the Navy will take over.]

[The Navy... is about to enter a new era!]

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