"Starting from the North Sea, followed by the West Sea, the deal with Mr. Kaido is in progress.

We need a deeper connection to the new world, bringing in some alien beasts, and making the kingdom of the North Sea a little more dependent on us. "

· "I understand, BOSS." Tezolo understood.

After signaling Tezolo to leave.

Doflamingo then looked at Gladius, who was a little disturbed in his thoughts.

189 Mess Shampoo.

"Doflamingo then looked at Gladius, who was a bit upset.

With a hook of his finger, the photo just now flew towards him.

Gladius took it in a daze, before he had time to take a closer look.

The young master had already walked away with the future proprietress in his arms, and the voice came from afar.

"Gradius, I'll give you a vacation, let's go and see where you used to stay, but don't do things that make me unhappy."

"Young master! My life belongs only to you!"

Doflamingo waved his hand in response.

Faced with the kindness of others who don't expect anything in return, you can always leave some traces in your heart.

It's good to go and have a look, maybe you can get more hatred for the world government.

Seeing the boss disappear, Gladius tremblingly touched the three smiling people above.

His life is bestowed by the BOSS.

But these people are also the family members he has been with for two years.

On the other side, Smoothie who walked away looked curiously at the bubbles rising around him.

The bubbles become colorful in the evening sun, making the whole world seem more colorful.

Wrapping Doflamingo's arm, pressing his budding mountain on top of him, Smoothie asked.

"Dover, don't we go right away?"

"Don't worry, I'll show you the scenery of Chambord."

Doflamingo took out a life card.

"By the way, check on a family member's recent situation."

"Yes, Dover!"

Smoothie replied that she wished that Flamingo would be alone with her a little longer.

From Dressrosa to Chambord.

Dover has been busy with various family matters.

Holding the life card, the two walked towards the direction of the No. 3 island.

What Doflamingo is holding is naturally Crowe's life card.

He planned to take a look at Crowe's state from a distance.

As for why there is no phone bug? Which beggar can use a phone bug.

Pretend to be in place.

Cross the boundary line of the second island and step into the third island.

The surrounding environment immediately changed from the bustling to a bit dilapidated, and there were still gunpowder smoke in some places in the distance.

This confused Smoothie, who had little experience.

The navy and the world government departments are not just next to islands 60-69, why is it like this here.

There were more and more malicious eyes looking at Doflamingo and the two in the crowd.

However, the height of the two of them is not easy to mess with, and no one is stupid for the time being.

Sensing Smoothie's doubts, Doflamingo laughed before she could ask.

"Fufufufu, Smoothie, does the law apply to the man who made it?"

"Of course not!" Smoothie understands this truth, just as they all have to listen to her mother's words, but she can go back on her own words.

"So, of course the confusion here is that someone is paying for it."

Doflamingo looked to the side alley.

In the dark, something interesting is happening.


A little girl with green hair is pulling a drunk man. Speak sweet words.

"Uncle, I'm sorry to trouble you, my mother really needs help, I can't move her!"

"Okay, okay!" Jie Rui looked drunk, his steps were slow, but his eyes were full of greed.

I didn't expect to have such a reward when I went out to have a drink with my companions. This brat and her mother are enough for me to enjoy myself for a month.

Thinking of this, Jie Rui's greedy eyes swept up and down the little green-haired girl in front of him. This kind of thing has not appeared on Island 3 for a long time.

Walking around a corner, Jerry saw a woman locked in the corner.

190 Slave Hunting Operation

In a tavern not far away.

Sloan, the leader of the slave catcher team, shrewdly shone through his fat little eyes from time to time. He asked his first mate.

"Where's that little **** Jerry?"

The first officer immediately yelled at the group of people who were drinking heavily. "Where is you little bastard, Jerry?"


A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.

A big-headed doll with a head bigger than its body stood out with a dazed expression.

"Jerry left with a little girl."

? There are little girls in this **** place?

Sloan noticed something was wrong. Thinking of the recent rumors, he asked the big-headed doll. "Going that way?"

Jerry on the other side is observing the woman lying in the corner.

The woman had a big belly and was at least six or seven months pregnant.

The temporary shelter made of paper and iron couldn't even completely cover her body.

The skin on the body is crystal clear, without traces of hard work and exercise.

Plus the broken silk embroidery on the body.

There is a maddening, maternal beauty.

Jie Rui licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes became clearer.

He found a big guy, this kind of abandoned, down-and-out aristocrat, is his favorite thing, and he has no ability to resist.

"Sir, can you give us some financial help?" The woman rubbed her belly, showing a hint of flattery.

Who can stand this? The perverted Jerry instantly became confused.

It seems that it's okay to sell after a while.

The green-haired little girl behind him quietly pulled out two daggers from under her skirt.

It is not so much a dagger as it is two pieces of wood, but the dark dried blood on the top shows that it is not lacking in sharpness.


Two wooden thorns pierced into the back of the waist, instantly interrupting Jie Rui's reverie.

"Ah! Damn it, little bastard."

Jerry swept his arms backwards, trying to grab the attacking little girl.

With a cruel smile on her face, the little girl charged forward by taking advantage of her figure.

Not only dodged Jie Rui's attack, but also came to his crotch in an instant.

Two wooden thorns, one deep into the chrysanthemum, the softest part of the human body.

A handle is completely submerged from the prostate!

The pain that was filled to the point of tearing pierced Jerry's mind through every nerve.


Letting out a horrifying scream, Jerry clutched his crotch, and his body went limp.

next moment.

Two wooden thorns pierced Jerry's neck.

After wiping the dirty wooden thorns off his body, the little girl skillfully climbed on his body and began to touch the gold.

Only then did the woman put down her covered mouth, and looked at the little girl regretfully.

"Monet, thank you for your hard work. Mom can't help you with anything."

"It's okay, Mom, I'll fix your leg."

If you look away, you can see that the woman's legs are not pretending to be obsequious, but like mud, obviously broken by someone.

"Boss, this is right here. I just peed and saw Jierui walking this way."

Thin voices came from the alley.

The little girl and the woman felt chills, and they didn't wait to take the next step.

The big-headed doll rushed in from the alley, watching the two people's bowl-like eyes emit a golden light.

Then I saw Jerry lying dead.

Happily shouting back.

"Boss, here, Jerry is dead, can you share his money with me?"

"Of course! You deserve it."

Sloan and a large group of people packed the alley to the brim.

Looking at the blood on Monet's body, his interest became more and more high.

"The green-haired devil who follows the single order, with this name, he will definitely sell for a lot of money."

191 This is Your Reward for Protecting Mom

"The green-haired demon who follows the lonely idiot, with this name, he will definitely sell for a lot of money."

Monet bit his lip, the veins on his hands were bulging.

Living here with a disabled mother, she has done her best.

What to do in this situation.

"Don't talk, right?"

Sloane slashed with his palm. "Give it to me, help her speak!"

A group of people approached slowly with their swords raised.

Monet couldn't help taking a step back, and pulled out the wooden spur hanging on his lower back.

Seeing this, Monet's mother Jones struggled to get up.


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