The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

I can't drag it on any longer, Xia Yan thought, stopped, and bumped into Chao Feng.

"I want you to die, I want you to die, and I'm going to kill your whole family." Chao Feng, who was furious, was on the verge of madness.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, my whole family has died a long time ago, but I can still kill your whole family, such as your brother." Xia Yan used words to stimulate him again, trying to make him reveal his flaws.

"Ah~~" Chao Feng roared angrily, "Little devil, I will make you die ugly, I will cut your flesh and drink your blood." The angry Chao Feng hit more crazily, and the force continued to increase.

Xia Yan's pressure doubled, and Lingbo Weibu took shape slightly under the pressure. He moved around Chaofeng in a small area and dodged. No matter how fast or fierce his attack was, he couldn't hit him. He was angry.

He kept turning around him, and the knife in his hand kept adding wounds on him.

The pain made Chaofeng stop attacking and calm down.

He found the right opportunity to collide with Xia Yan. Xia Yan was bounced back a few steps, and another gap was added on the knife. It seems that I have to find a better knife next time, preferably a double-edged sword.

Xia Yan's eyes condensed slightly. Isn't this right in front of him? His eyes were instantly hot, like an old bachelor seeing a beautiful woman who took off her clothes.

Chaofeng looked at Xia Yan's hot eyes, are you sick, staring at me like this.

His eyes gradually became cold, and it seemed that he was ready for the final blow. Xia Yan clenched the knife and took a deep breath.

He had not yet learned advanced sword techniques. He usually practiced basic sword techniques, and his boxing skills were limited to one move, the Vajra, which could burst out instantly. It seemed that he could only use the Vajra with his sword, and great power would make miracles happen.

Meteor Slash


Without any fancy moves, the two men collided with each other, and Xia Yan's blade fell on the deck.

The Meteor Sword got stuck on Xia Yan's clavicle.

At the critical moment, Xia Yan took a half step forward, letting his sword hit Chao Feng's slash, changing the trajectory of the sword, making the sword parallel to his body, and increasing the area of ​​the slash. After the sword passed the buffer of the slashing sword, it slashed flat on Xia Yan's chest. Because the force was not enough, it got stuck on the clavicle and ribs.

And Xia Yan's half-broken sword was against Chao Feng's left chest, and he used the Vajra to drive the whole sword into it, directly piercing his heart.

Chao Feng looked at his left chest in disbelief: "This is impossible."

Xia Yan fell on the deck, broke the Meteor Sword with force, and sweated coldly from the pain.

"My brother will avenge me." Chaofeng still didn't give up.

Xia Yan stood up and slowly approached his ear, whispering: "Are you talking about Shutian Chaoshan? Then there's no need to wait, he has already left before you."

Chaofeng's eyes widened, and a lot of blood flowed from his mouth: "Impossible, impossible." He was still muttering, thinking that I, Shutian Chaofeng, had a great reputation in my life, killed hundreds of people, and plundered hundreds of millions of wealth, but today I am buried here.

Xia Yan tore his tattered clothes into bandages and sprinkled himself with some homemade gold wound medicine.

He didn't dare to stay, and found the lifeboat that was put in advance. He salvaged a few times and found some gold, silver, jewelry and pirate corpses. He cut off all the heads in one go. Who knows which one has a bounty.

Xia Yan had to leave quickly, because the blood would attract carnivores in the sea.

He hurriedly cut off a few heads, took the meteor sword, paddled quickly, and the lifeboat quickly left the scene.

Bang! A huge electric eel appeared in front of him, more than ten meters long, as thick as two people hugging together. Xia Yan showed helplessness on his face.

He drew out his sword and showed his determination: "Come on, beast." Then he jumped towards the sea beast.

The boss's wife pulled the boss's hand: "If you don't take action, you will really be gone."

It can be seen that the boss's wife is unhappy because the boss always doesn't let him take action, resulting in Xia Yan's body being injured all over. Meilin is very distressed.

The boss stretched out his hand and pointed at the sea beast's head from a distance, making a gesture like shooting his head after losing a card game, "Flying finger gun." A small ray of light pierced the sea beast's head.

Xia Yan's sword just pierced the sea beast, and the sea beast fell down. "What the hell?"

Xia Yan had a big question mark on his head. Is the sea beast so weak? I don't think I even pierced the skin.

Forget it, never mind, let's go home quickly.

The boss and the two of them returned home in a few flashes and turned off the lights.

The lifeboat burned directly at the port. Xia Yan tiptoed back home and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the lights in the room on the second floor were turned off. It seemed that they were asleep.

He put several heads in a large black garbage bag and put them in the corner, and then went to take a shower.


The wounds all over his body were soaked in sea water, and the pain was sore that only those who used it would know.

After applying the golden wound medicine, Xia Yan fell asleep immediately, because he was too tired.

The next day, Xia Yan got up early. The wound on his chest had already scarred, and the shallow wounds had healed. I couldn't help but sigh that this body's recovery ability is really strong.

He dragged a big black garbage bag out and came to the Fortune Winery to exchange money.

Because there were no customers in the winery in the morning, it was still the same front desk, who directly threw the big plastic bag on the counter.

The front desk was full of smiles this time, for fear of offending Xia Yan. In this kind of place, even if he was beaten to death, no one would pity him.

He opened it, and several heads rolled down, "Ah~~" It was not the first time he collected heads, but these ten heads were all unusually sharp, swollen by sea water, and some were burned beyond recognition.

Bajiesi was very annoyed. If this kid was not his distant relative, he would not bring him to work.

He came downstairs with his signature smile, hello!

Just saw the falling head, surprised: "Brother is worthy of being a master, he solved the Vole Pirates so quickly."

He was also surprised, he had seen many bounty hunters, but there were basically no bounties that came with a group of people to collect the bounty.

"You make a fuss every day, and you don't count the spoils for the guests."


"Come, brother, sit over here, what do you want to drink, I'll pour it for you." Bajies led Xia Yan to the side.

"No, prepare 400W Bailey's cash for me." Xia Yan still made his voice a little hoarse.


"I just compared the bounties. Shutian Chaofeng is 5 million Baileys, Shutian Chaoshui is 1.5 million Baileys, and there are two 800,000 Baileys. The others are so different that they can't be compared. There are also a few without bounties." The receptionist said quickly, his legs shaking. This guy is really a killer.

Bajies paused, "That's 567,000 Baileys. How about 6 million?"

"Okay, take 4 million Baileys in cash, and I'll make a list for the remaining two million. You can buy something for me."

"No problem." The manager turned his head and said, "How can you be so nervous? Why don't you go get money and paper and pen for the guests?"


The receptionist hurried to prepare.

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