The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

It seems that it is not so easy to escape today. Xia Yan's eyes moved left and right, looking for the figure of the strongest falcon Shuxin, but he never found Shuxin, and he was very confused.

The younger brother at the door of Shuxin's room was already anxious. He shouted many times but dared not go in, and there was snoring inside.

There were 70 pirates surrounding the tavern, which was difficult to deal with!

The evil wolf here just ate alone and fell asleep on the table.

Originally, Xia Yan wanted to poison his younger brother, but ended up overturning two big fish. Xia Yan didn't know the result yet and was still on guard against their backhand.

No matter, fight! We can't wait any longer. When the pirates gather around us, we won't be able to use our fists and feet because there are too many of them. It's a waste of energy to yell like a silly straw hat and blast them away. It's not worth it.

The best way to fight one against many is to attack with the least consumption.

Xia Yan tightened the sword in his hand and exerted force secretly. The sword turned slightly red. This was the Fire Dance Whirlwind Sword Technique that Xia Yan had learned not long ago (the sword technique used by Rainbow Cat in The Legend of the Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit). The Fire Dance Whirlwind Heart Technique is to convert your own Qi (physical strength) into heat and store it in the body. When using the Fire Dance Whirlwind Sword Technique, the sword will be more violent and take away the burning effect. Xia Yan's breathing is to store Qi all afternoon.

At this time, Ishida Ichiro did not rush over, but hid behind and shouted: "Kill them."


The pirates were so powerful that they couldn't scare Xia Yan. Looking at the first pirate rushing over with bared teeth, he must be going to attack you.

Xia Yan drew his sword and swept across. The pirate's sword broke when it hit Xia Yan's sword, slashing the pirate's neck. The pirate was dead, and no blood flowed out of the wound, leaving only a strange burnt throat.

But no one paid attention to these. Even if the people in front stopped, they would be pushed forward by the people behind.

Light Footsteps.

Xia Yan could only use his body skills to shuttle through the crowd, occasionally giving the pirates next to him a sword, but there were more and more people, and it was getting more and more crowded, and Xia Yan's space for movement was getting smaller and smaller.

He had to speed up the small-scale movement of his feet, and unknowingly, his Light Footsteps skills rose to a higher level.

Sure enough, the scene was the fastest place to improve, but he had to be alive in the end.

If you can't avoid the attack, use your back to receive it, because there is a big sword on your back, and because of its weight and thickness, their attacks can't cut this sword at all. To be able to cut this sword, at least you have to reach the realm of a swordsman who can cut iron. If you are already a swordsman, Bounty will definitely not be just this.

He dodged a slash flexibly, and kicked his left calf with his right foot. The pirate lost his balance and fell forward. He kicked up and broke his neck, but the pirates on both sides rushed over.

Xia Yan turned over and stepped on the pirate he had just killed. The pirate was still in a half-bow state. Xia Yan swept his feet behind and his sword in front. The one in front died directly, and the one in the back was kicked in the face, breaking two teeth.

This is Xia Yan's embarrassment. He is too short. He can only kick someone in the face by standing on a half-bowed pirate. It is difficult to strike effectively.

Scratching the thigh is too small to cause any damage, and cutting off the thigh is too wasteful of physical strength. It is not worth it. If you are not careful, you will be finished if you get stuck with the sword.

Taking advantage of this height, Xia Yan kicked the pirates who surrounded him in a circle. Xia Yan, who was still in the air, looked at the piece of meat attacking him from above.

This jumping ability is really amazing. It must be 8 meters, right? Xia Yan took the time to complain. He couldn't avoid it anyway, so he put the meteor back into the scabbard at his waist.

He held the big sword behind him horizontally in front of him. Just as he finished doing all this, a mace hit the big sword fiercely. Xia Yan flew backwards like an arrow from a string, and he didn't know how many pirates he knocked away.

After finally stabilizing his body, Xia Yan moved the hanging sword horizontally at an angle to block a needle. Looking along the needle, Yougu quickly disappeared in the crowd.

In the moment of distraction, Ishida Ichiro's piece of meat came over again. Xia Yan gritted his teeth, picked up the sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Ishida Ichiro, and stabbed, ready to give him a head-on collision.

Bang! The two sides collided, and there was no sound of the sword entering the body. Xia Yan's feet were pushed back by the huge force, plowing two gullies on the floor. Xia Yan's cloth shoes had already burst.

It turned out that Ishida Ichiro had tied a big shield in front and back, making himself look like a turtle, with a big iron chain around his neck, like a chain mail, and a helmet on his head.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched, how to play this?

Ishida Ichiro gave Xia Yan two effective attacks and stopped, calling his younger brother to the upper


Xia Yan was speechless. He had just fought with him once, and he changed to such a dirty style. How could he play?

But it was very effective for Xia Yan now. After taking a few deep breaths, the pirates came up again. Xia Yan could only swing his sword and sweep. He swept the first pirate's calf and broke it directly.

Xia Yan slapped his waist with his left hand, and the pirate found that there was an extra needle on his neck. He fell to the ground and fell to death after a few thumps.

He pulled the hilt of the sword back and hit the third leg of the pirate. He screamed in pain, leaned over and arched his back, and there was an extra needle between his eyebrows.

Xia Yan changed his style and focused on the lower three routes. As long as he saw the right opportunity, he would give a needle to the aorta. The aorta could quickly spread the poison, and there would be no movement in a few times.

Xia Yan was killing people everywhere, and his butt was numb. He secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

He pulled out the needle on his butt with his backhand and quickly took out a green pill and swallowed it. This is the antidote he prepared based on the poison he had been poisoned with.

Just after taking the medicine, a huge mace attacked, and Xia Yan could only block it with his sword, and was knocked out again.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Xia Yan was not angry but happy. He had been attacked and repelled by Ishida Ichiro several times, and now he has retreated to the edge. With this time, he is about to be out of the circle.

Xia Yan hit the wall hard, grabbed it with his backhand, and jumped onto the roof with a backflip, preparing to escape with the shadow dance step like last time.

Just as he was about to escape, a row of arrows shot at Xia Yan from the other side of the wall, scaring Xia Yan into a cold sweat.

The method that the bastard thought of. Almost pitted himself to death.

If Falcon was here, he would definitely say "Thank you for the compliment."


Here, Zhan Guo has come to the North Sea and met a poor boy with yellow hair, crying there. After listening to his story, Zhan Guo decided to take him back first.


Here, Meilin and Daoyi were hugging each other on a rooftop, eating popcorn and watching Xia Yan's wonderful performance, occasionally giving some pointers, and the boss's cheeks were slightly red.


Garp had already forced Dadan to take in Ace. Garp and Ace were sleeping soundly in the bandit's living room. I still envy Garp's carefree life.


Sora was thinking that Sengoku would get a great achievement so that he could take over his position and retire. After fighting for a lifetime, he is old and it's time to rest.

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