At this moment, Reiju was strolling leisurely in this primeval forest full of dangers.

"Huh? That is..."

Reiju suddenly found a strange plant on the grass not far ahead, which immediately aroused her interest. She hurriedly walked to the plant.

"Sure enough, I was right!" Reiju happily reached out and pulled out the plant, and put it to her nose and smelled it. "According to my understanding, this herb should have been extinct long ago. I didn't expect to see it here again."

Reiju put the herb into her backpack. She looked around at the small dinosaurs that were watching her vigilantly, and murmured: "Is it because this place has not been developed by people, some species that disappeared outside have been preserved here."

"Even rare species like you have stayed?" Reiju looked up at the thick branches above her head.

At some point, a huge saber-toothed tiger was staring at Reiju, and its muscles began to exert force, ready to tear Reiju to pieces at any time.

Suddenly, a burst of purple smoke emanated from Reiju, and the saber-toothed tiger instantly moved, opening its bloody mouth and rushing towards Reiju.

"Paralysis mist!"

Reiju glanced at the saber-toothed tiger that pounced on her, smiled slightly, and did not dodge.


The saber-toothed tiger instantly fell straight down from mid-air, its entire body unable to move as if petrified.

Its eyes instantly changed from fierce just now to panic.

I didn't expect that after so many years of hunting, I would actually fall into the hands of this little prey in front of me.

Reiju smiled and picked up her backpack, squatted beside the saber-toothed tiger, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the saber-toothed tiger's fur. The saber-toothed tiger could only tremble and close its eyes, allowing Reiju to do whatever she wanted to it.

"It's better for cats to be obedient. Showing fangs and claws will make people dislike it."

Reiju stroked the big cat in front of her and said gently: "Remember not to do this next time you see me, I will dislike it very much."

After touching for a while, Reiju stood up and continued to walk into the depths of the forest.

After all, this island is so big, there must be other undiscovered herbs waiting for her, so she can't waste too much time on petting cats.

Seeing Reiju walking away, the paralyzed saber-toothed tiger heaved a sigh of relief.

It didn't expect that Reiju controlled it just to touch its fur, and it thought it was dead this time.

As Reiju continued to walk in the deep forest, more and more large beasts fell unconscious along the way.

From small wolves to large carnivorous dinosaurs, all of them regarded Reiju as harmless prey, and were knocked down by Reiju with poison without knowing it.

Reiju didn't use that kind of deadly poison on them, but just made these creatures unconscious for a while.

After all, they still have to live on this island for a year. If they wreak havoc here, they may have nothing to eat in the end.

Besides, her purpose this time is to collect some herbs for emergency use, and collecting food is the job of Witt and others.

"By the way, why are there no creatures around?"

Reiju looked around in confusion, and she keenly discovered that the beasts that were very active before seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and a very heavy sound of footsteps came slowly from the depths of the dense forest.

Reiju put aside the backpack full of rare herbs on her back with a solemn expression, and then reached out to take out the transformation jar.

"Who will come this time... Judging from the footsteps, it should not be a guy who is easy to deal with."

The footsteps gradually approached, and the tremors of the ground became more and more obvious.

Reiju instantly transformed, put on the "Pink Poisonous" combat suit, and prepared for the battle.

Suddenly, in the depths of the dense forest, two big feet stepped on the surrounding thick trees and walked towards Reiju.

Reiju looked up in surprise and followed the big feet.

At this moment, what came into her eyes was a giant as tall as a hill. The giant bent down and reached out to pull the big tree above Reiju's head away.

The two looked at each other, and the tall giant laughed at Reiju and said, "Hehehehe, I was wondering why the island suddenly became lively today. It turns out that there are new guests on the island."

The giant's sturdy voice instantly rang in Reiju's ears. Reiju looked at the giant with a serious expression.

The giant in front of him asked in disbelief: "Why would the giant from Elbaf appear in the Grand Line..."

Hearing the familiar name of Elbaf, the giant looked at Reiju happily: "Little girl, you are quite knowledgeable. You actually know that our giants come from Elbaf."

Then, the giant slowly stood up and introduced to Reiju with a smile: "I am the strongest warrior in Elbaf Village, Donli."

Hearing Donli introduce her name, Reiju said to Donli politely: "I am the ship doctor of the Black Dragon Pirates, Vinsmoke Reiju. It's nice to meet you, Donli."

Hearing Reiju's very polite answer, Donli laughed heartily. He stretched out his hand to lift Reiju up and brought Reiju in front of him.

"I didn't expect a little girl like you to be a ship's doctor."

"Hehehe, I'll invite you to my house."

Reiju glanced at Donli. She could feel that Donli had no intention of hurting her. She pointed to the backpack she had put aside before: "Can you help me get the backpack? I collected these with great difficulty."

"Hehehe, no problem, Reiju."

Donli agreed readily. He bent down, pinched the backpack that Reiju had put under the tree with two fingers, and handed it to Reiju in his palm.

"Thank you, Donli."

Reiju put on the backpack and thanked Donli with a smile.

Donli looked at Reiju with a smile and said, "Then let's go."

Then Donli dragged Reiju towards his home in the forest.

At this moment, Witt and others on the other side also encountered some problems.

Because it was the first time to encounter so many dinosaurs, Marius was obviously a little too excited.

He was like a child, constantly provoking the dinosaurs he met along the way.

No matter whether they were carnivorous dinosaurs or not, and no matter whether they wanted to fight him or not.

Marius would go forward and fight with these dinosaurs one by one.

In a blink of an eye, the food piled in front of the three people had piled up into a small mountain.

The problem now was not the lack of food, but how they could transport the food back to the ship.

Marius looked at his masterpiece in front of him embarrassedly. He scratched his head and said apologetically: "Sorry, Witt. I was a little too excited."

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