Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 32 The Iron Lord Daimyo: Yamato

Three days later, Shiromue Uyumaru dragged his severely injured body and walked into the weapons factory behind the bell alone. Next, he would serve as a prisoner in the factory for three years.

The capital of flowers, the big snake city.

"Guhahaha, that bastard Shuangyue Niuwan has always refused to surrender to us, but now he has become a prisoner. It's really heartwarming!"

The big snake laughed happily, and the smile on his face was extremely distorted. For him, seeing the suffering of Guangyue's followers was the happiest thing in the world.

And recently, Kaido has hit the Guangyue Group one after another, and it's hard to be unhappy. He wakes up laughing when he wakes up recently!

"Kaido, I'll give you another toast!"

"Well, don't get drunk."

Kaido poured alcohol into his mouth, feeling very happy.

The battles he had experienced before were nothing more than jokes for him, and the opponents were all characters who couldn't make it on the stage, and Shuangyue Niumaru was his first opponent to fight seriously!

This fight was a blast!


Kaido touched his right shoulder, the wound originally cut by Shuangyue Niumaru had healed, and it seemed that no scar could be left.

Compared with Kozuki Oden, Shuangyue Niuwan was a lot worse after all, failing to leave him with permanent scars.

When the wine was almost finished, Kaido beckoned, called Yamato to his side, and then looked at Orochi.

"Oroch, Shuangyue Niuwan has become a prisoner, and the post of the name of the bell is vacant. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

"I haven't considered this yet."

Orochi was surprised that Kaido would ask this. As soon as he received the news, he immediately held a celebratory banquet. He hadn't considered the selection of a new daimyo for the time being.

"In that case, I have a candidate!"

Kaido pushed Yamato out and grinned: "My daughter Yamato will be the daimyo after the bell. This girl has long wanted to play the daimyo game!"


Orochi was stunned, but he didn't expect Kaido to want his daughter to be a big name, and he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Wano country is his territory. If the big name positions are all held by Kaido's people, it is not a good thing for him, and his power is likely to be invaded!

However, Kaido's daughter is only four years old, and she is still a little girl with white hair. Maybe it is true as Kaido said, she just wants to play house games.

Failing to get a reply, Kaido's face immediately sank.

"What, can't you?"

"Okay, of course it's fine!"

Orochi reacted and quickly showed a bright smile: "It's only Yamato who is only four years old. If you want her to be a famous name, will you..."

"That's not right!"

Kaido smiled playfully: "Let her play as much as possible behind the bell. After she gets tired of playing, even if the corpse of the bell is all over the place, it's nothing to worry about."

"That's right, it's just a group of pariahs, it doesn't matter if you play bad!"

Orochi smiled embarrassingly, and let go half of the restless heart. Since Kaido is just to satisfy his daughter's playfulness, it's okay to cooperate.

"Then it's settled!"

Kaido stood up, holding a glass full of fine wine in his hand: "From today, Yamato is the daimyo of the bell queen, everyone, raise a toast to the daimyo of the bell queen, Yamato!"

"Congratulations to His Highness Guiji!"

Everyone got up and drank the wine in their hands together. The eyes that looked at Yamato were full of envy and jealousy.

Becoming a daimyo at the age of four has never happened in the history of Wano Kingdom, how can one not be jealous!

"Okay, I won't go home if I don't get drunk today!"

Kaido laughed and drank the drink. The main purpose of this banquet was for the position of the daimyo.

As the governance of a township, the power is second only to the existence of the general, the importance of the daimyo is self-evident, just to give Yamato some experience in governing the country!

Yamato was still a little confused at this time,

What happened, how suddenly she became famous, she didn't know what to do!


Looking for help, he turned to Kaido.

Kaido laughed: "No need to worry, just do whatever you want, whether it's killing people and setting fires, or in the fish and meat village, no one dares to hurt you when I'm here!"


Yamato nodded very depressed. What she wanted to ask was not this, but what the daimyo needs to do on weekdays and how to be a good daimyo!

She didn't like killing people and setting fires, and when she ate the fruit of the wolf god, she promised the green algae-headed warrior to protect the country of Wano, how could she be a villain like her father.

The bad atmosphere in the banquet hall made the little girl very uncomfortable, and she quickly ran out and went to her room alone.

"Really, my father knows how to fight and kill."

Yamato mumbled for a while, suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Sasaki, his eyes bright like a light bulb.

This guy is a samurai, he should know how to be a daimyo!

Yamato looked up at Sasaki with anticipation in his eyes: "Uncle Sasaki, can you teach me how to be a qualified daimyo?"


Sasaki was silent for a long time, then knelt down on his knees, with his forehead firmly on the ground. He was very sure at this moment that the daughter of the ghost in front of him was the only hope for Wano Kingdom!

"His Royal Highness Yamato, from now on, I, Sasaki, will do my best to help you!"


Yamato was taken aback, and hurried forward to try to pull Sasaki up, but the other party didn't move at all, which made her eyes red.

"Get up, my father said that no matter what the situation is, you are not allowed to kneel. Although that stinky old man is annoying in most cases, I think he is right!"

"Your Highness Yamato."

Sasaki smiled and shook his head: "This is a courtesy of a retainer in Wano country, and a courtesy of my willingness to swear allegiance to you."

"That's not OK!"

Yamato put his hands on his hips: "Since you want to be my retainer, then you have to obey my orders, get up, and don't kneel!"


Sasaki smiled bitterly and stood up reluctantly.

Etiquette is an important criterion for judging whether a samurai is excellent. If this matter spreads, he will definitely be looked down upon by other samurai.

"That's right!"

Yamato slapped Sasaki on the back happily, with a very bright smile, she is also a big man with a younger brother, although she does not like to rule.

"Uncle Sasaki, tell me about that green algae-headed samurai, he's even more powerful than you, and he can actually cut down your father!"

Sasaki: "..."

He is also great!

The next morning, the news of Kaido's daughter becoming the daimyo of Rinhou spread throughout Wano, causing an uproar.

"A four-year-old girl as a big name?"

"What a joke, are we going to be ruled by a little girl like that!"

"That girl is just Kaido's puppet!"

"How could it be... Ushimaru-sama is in prison!"

The people in the Linghou area reacted the most. First, their daimyo was imprisoned, and then they were ruled by Kaido's daughter.

For a time, everyone was in danger.

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