Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 518 NEO Commander-in-Chief’s Invitation


The glasses fell to the ground and the lenses shattered!

Soon, the birdcage that hung over Dressrosa slowly disappeared.

The people looked up at the clear sky, unable to regain their consciousness for a long time, until the execution rack appeared on the big screen, with Doflamingo tied to it, and tears fell uncontrollably.

The evil tyrant who has ruled Dressrosa for several years has finally been defeated!


! "

The sound of joy and tears resounded throughout the island!

The leader was defeated, and the cadres of Don Quixote's family lost their fighting spirit. They were defeated one after another, and the soldiers also laid down their weapons and surrendered.

The war is over.

But in the center of the battlefield, no conclusion has been reached on the issue of Doflamingo's ownership, and all parties are refusing to give in to each other.

In front of the execution rack, the atmosphere was tense.

Marco put his hands in his pockets and stood side by side with Lucci. Behind him stood Dole, Haldin and other neo generals.

"We, neo, have made the greatest contribution to the fight against Doflamingo this time. We, neo, deserve to take him away!"

Whether it's fighting Doflamingo, dealing with the Don Quixote family's troops, or rescuing injured people, neo's performance is obvious to all.

Of course, the main reason is that with a large number of people, the contribution will naturally be the greatest!

Ain glared angrily and argued with reason: "It was Teacher Zefa who suppressed Doflamingo head-on and established the victory of this war, so Doflamingo should be handed over to our new navy to handle!"

Doflamingo is the king of the Shichibukai, a strong man who has awakened his abilities, and is one of the underground emperors. His intimidation among pirates is second only to the strongest Yonko.

Except for Zefa, everyone else present was extremely confident, but they dared not say that they could defeat Ming Ge on their own. Even Marco, even if he could win, it would not be easy.

But that’s it for group fights.

"I've done my best!"

Hancock raised his chin proudly,

It's a pity that both sides ignored it, and the Liku King's Army and other forces were not even qualified to intervene.

The power to handle Doflamingo is obviously in the hands of neo and new, and neither party wants to back down.

The achievement of capturing Oshichibukai is very important to both parties who are just starting out, especially Zefa. The Oshichibukai system is one of the important reasons for the birth of the new navy!

"Bulu Bulu~~"

Suddenly, the phone bug in Marco's arms rang!


Marco was startled and immediately took out the phone bug. The long beard revealed the identity of the caller.

The biggest sponsor behind neo is Kaido the Beast!

Marco found a quiet spot and answered the phone.

"I'm Marco!"

"Uh-huh-huh, it's me..."

After a while, Marco returned to the execution rack and looked at Zefa with a strange look: "Doflamingo can be handed over to you, but there is one condition!"

"What conditions?"

Zefa's eyes moved slightly, and Marco suddenly changed his mind. It must be related to the phone call just now, but he didn't know who could control him.

Marco said in a deep voice: "Senior Zefa, the new navy led by you will join the neo maritime patrol force!"

"This is impossible!"

Ain and Binz spoke excitedly and even took up arms. How could the new navy they had worked so hard to create be given up to others.

"Don't be impatient, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Marco glanced at the two of them and looked at Zefa who was calm: "New joins neo, and at the same time, senior Zefa, please be the commander-in-chief of neo!"


There was silence.

"Zefa becomes the commander-in-chief of neo?!"

Dole, Hailding and other generals were stunned and speechless. No one could have imagined that the superiors would suddenly make such a decision!

But they soon realized that Zefa could indeed serve as the general manager of neo. It could even be said that no one was more suitable than Zefa!

Strength, resume, experience, personality...

Among the current decent figures, the only one who can rival Zefa is Admiral Sengoku. However, the older generals such as Garp and He either have too willful personalities or are unable to convince the public with their strength.

Dole's eyes were filled with joy. She was originally a member of the navy and had received guidance from Teacher Zefa and trusted him very much.

This is a good thing!

Ain and Binz also stood there blankly.

I originally thought that neo was going to annex new, but I didn't expect that they wanted to ask Teacher Zefa to be the boss. In this case, new would take a big advantage.

The two of them looked at Zefa at the same time.

"Teacher Zefa?"


Zefa was silent for a long time and took a deep breath.

He knows too little about neo, lacks trust, and cannot take risks with the new navy he created.

"I reject!"


The venue was quiet again.

"Ain, Binz, let's go."

Zefa turned and left, waving.

"Doflamingo gave it to you!"

Neo has shown sincerity, so he can't be stingy. A mere Doflamingo is nothing.

Dole and the others looked at each other, then looked at Marco and asked in a low voice: "General Marco, are we next?"

"Escort Doflamingo back to headquarters!"


"Also, leave enough manpower behind. This country has just suffered a disaster and there are many people who need help."


The generals took action immediately. Doflamingo was a repeat offender and needed to be tried before he could be punished.

Dressrosa was also messed up by the Bird Cage. With the poor strength of the Liku King's army, it was impossible to organize an effective reconstruction operation.

Moreover, Neo is very opposed to the hereditary system of princes and nobles, and may send personnel to take over Dressrosa and establish a municipal management system like the Seven Waters City.

Relatively speaking, the system of electing mayors and other systems in the City of Seven Waters is more advanced, and it is not so easy to breed corruption.

In the sea of ​​neo radiation, the hereditary system of princes and nobles will eventually be eliminated. This is the strategy set at the beginning of neo's creation!


Marco looked at the backs of Zefa and others leaving, and sighed helplessly. As expected, he was rejected just as Mr. Kaido said.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If the two sides do not merge, there will definitely be disagreements and frictions in the future, and even turn into war.

We can only look at Mr. Kaido’s actions.

At the port, the three returned to the new fleet.

Ain and Binz hesitated to speak, their eyes filled with confusion.

I came to a new world where I was unfamiliar and didn’t even have a place to stay. Under such circumstances, being welcomed by neo made me feel very comfortable.

However, Teacher Zefa refused.

The two stood behind Zefa, looking at the endless sea, and couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Zefa, where are we going next?"

"Go kill all the pirates!"

Zefa turned his back to the two of them and did not waver in his words.

When establishing the new navy, he had already made plans.

There are three volcanic islands called end points in the new world. As long as they are detonated with power rocks, the environment of the new world will change dramatically, enough to kill all pirates!

He doesn't believe in the world government and navy, let alone neo.

The only one you can trust is yourself!

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