Dessert time ended soon, and when Katakuri walked out of the New Year's Dessert House, he had returned to his perfect brother appearance.


Katakuri looked at Kaji with an extremely cold look.

The same goes for Quinn, his malicious eyes are like looking at a slaughtered pig, waiting to carve up the flesh and blood.

The Kingdom of Germa was reduced to ruins, and all the soldiers were frozen into ice. Only the seriously injured Kaji and a few children who had not grown up were left.

There is no need for marriage, Germa 66 will be destroyed today!

Quinn and Katakuri faced off, and the atmosphere was tense. The subordinates of both sides gathered behind them and took up weapons one by one.

The time has come for Tuqiong to show his dagger!

Quinn smiled and spoke first: "I want to take Kaji away!"


Katakuri frowned, and nodded slowly after thinking briefly. What the nations needed was Germa's science and technology, and they had little need for Kaji himself, and even planned to get rid of him.

Germa's laboratory and factory should be hidden under the ruins, and the corresponding hulls only need to be packed and brought back to the world.

"This ship belongs to all nations!"


Quinn agreed immediately.

He knew that there were technological equipment from Germa 66 on the ship, especially the factory that produced warriors, but these were of little value to the beasts.

Taking Kaji away, the Mads of yesteryear were officially resurrected. It was not easy to build a cloning factory. It was just a matter of more money and less money.

Technology is the core productivity!

Quinn strode to Kaji. Looking at Kaji, who had a gloomy face and seemed to want to die with him, he felt as happy as if he had eaten an ice cream.

At that time, Mads was forced to disband and everyone went their separate ways. Caesar defected to the World Government, Kaji returned home to inherit the throne, and Bajin fled with the experimental funds.

And he has no political background,

Without a good family fortune to inherit, and no money or power, he eventually became a pirate and was hunted down by the navy every day. He was the worst offender.

I have been wandering for half my life, but luckily I met the Lord of Ming!

Now he is the boss of mads!


Quinn smiled extremely brightly.

"Come with me, Brother Kaji!"

"Quinn! You, poof-"

Kaji's eyes were so angry that he was dizzy. He was seriously injured in the first place, but now he couldn't bear it anymore. He vomited out a large mouthful of blood and fell forward straightly.

Quinn didn't care at all, as long as he didn't die. Based on his understanding of Kaji, this guy was actually extremely cowardly. After going to the new world, he had to face reality.

"Jack, take him away."

"Yes, Brother Quinn!"

Jack stepped forward and grabbed Kaji, holding it directly in his hand.

"Put down father!"

Seeing this, the Leijiu siblings who were protecting Kaji immediately attacked Jack. However, their fists and feet, which could easily crush rocks, were only suitable for scratching Jack, who was over eight meters tall.

Jack said with a cold face: "Brother Quinn, do you need to take them away?"


Quinn waved his hand and it was enough to take Kaji away. He didn't like children like Brother Kaido.


Jack's eyes were cold and he simply raised his arm and knocked all four of them away without any mercy.

What fiancée?

He doesn't need that kind of stuff!

On the other side, people from all nations also began to clean up the battlefield.

Most of the hull was damaged, and it had no auxiliary power such as sails. It only relied on snail swimming. It would take years and months to reach the new world. Moreover, most of the hull was of little value.

It is necessary to take away the hulls carrying technology factories, as well as the scientific researchers and servants without combat effectiveness, to improve the technological level of the nations and increase the population.

Half a day later, everything in the Germa Kingdom was completely divided, leaving only the broken shell and the four little ones that woke up from the ruins.

"Gelma, destroyed."

Leijiu came to the top of the castle and looked at the ruins of the Germa Kingdom. Not only was there no sadness in her heart, but she felt inexplicably touched.

It seems that this is the scene she has been waiting for for a long time, looking forward to the demise of the ruthless Kingdom of Germa!

Leijiu looked at the three younger brothers. Due to the lack of emotion, the three of them had no feeling at all about the scene in front of them.

Neither sad nor angry.

Lei Jiu spoke calmly.

"We are free!"


The three brothers frowned at the same time. The concept of freedom was a bit unfamiliar to them.

The eldest son Yin Zhi said coldly: "Leijiu, my father is not dead yet, we should save him!"

"I have to go to you, I have my own things to do."

Leijiu decisively refused and turned around to leave.

In fact, like Sanji, she had long wanted to escape from her father's rule. Now that her father was missing, she had regained her freedom.

Hope to find them.


Three days later, the island closest to the battlefield.


! "

In the tavern, Yamato wolfed down the food like a starving ghost reincarnated. He stuffed large pieces of bone and meat into his mouth and swallowed the bones together.

In less than a minute, a table full of food was cleared!

The girl banged the table hard!

"I want to eat more!"

"Here it comes, super seafood fried rice!"

Hong Ling held a sea bowl that was bigger than a human and smashed it hard in front of Yamato. He was so tired that he was sweating.

In just half a day, all the chefs in the back kitchen collapsed from exhaustion, but she was the only one who could persist.

Even the captain can't eat pigs!

Leaving the Kingdom of Germa, the Dog Dog went to the nearest island as quickly as possible to find a doctor to treat the captain's injury.

However, when they arrived at the hospital, they discovered that the captain's injuries had long since healed, leaving not even a scar. The attending doctor thought he was just entertaining her.

There was no choice but to send the captain to the hotel to rest.

After being in a coma for three consecutive days, the captain woke up with an earth-shattering "I'm so hungry"!

"Ah, I'm full!"

After stuffing the entire bowl of seafood fried rice into his stomach, Yamato patted the belly that seemed to be hiding an elephant, and burped with satisfaction.

After every battle, you have to eat a big meal!

After a while, the belly lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye and returned to the state of eight-pack abs.

The little girl immediately jumped up and stretched comfortably.

Mr.3 and Hongling stared at Yamato, hesitant to speak.

Yamato felt uncomfortable being stared at and couldn't help shrinking his neck: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Captain." Hong Ling asked worriedly, "Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"


Yamato shook her head, she was very comfortable now!

Mr.3 asked nervously: "Do you have the urge to transform? For example, do you want to ow?"




Yamato's eyes widened, how could the third brother guess her thoughts?

Mr.3 and Hongling looked at each other.

It’s over!

When he left the Kingdom of Germa, there were very few parts of the captain's body that were intact, and it was strange to think that he would be fine after a short sleep.

Not only that, what happened to the giant white wolf before?

I have seen the captain transform into a white wolf before, but the size was not that exaggerated. But this time the white wolf transformed was bigger than a house!

Could it be that the captain is possessed by a monster?

"I'm back!"

At this moment, Bebo rushed into the tavern in a panic, holding the latest news newspaper and reward order in his hands!

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