Pirate’s Fruit of Mind

Chapter 139: Prosperity Above Flesh

In the vast hall of the Dragon Palace, a figure sat high on the throne, and Neptune stood quietly below, without a single guard around.

"Chi Yue is still the same as before!" The figure on the throne sighed faintly, his tone full of distress.

"Father, why don't you just let Chi Yue go, and just watch it, she won't just leave by herself." Feeling the pity in Father's heart, Neptune couldn't help but quickly speak for his sister.

The figure on the throne was the king of the Dragon Palace, a tiger shark murloc. He stood up, four meters tall, with strong blue muscles, exuding an aura of a king involuntarily.

"Hey! You don't understand the cruelty of the outside world and the horror of history. Now is not the time to leave the bottom of the sea!" Dragon Palace King came to Neptune and sighed.

"..." Neptune answered in silence, this sentence again, every time the emperor said this, he was tired of hearing it.

Ha ha! King Dragon Palace smiled, seeing Neptune's thoughts, and was not angry.

Turning around and walking to the throne, Dragon Palace King put away the previous smile on his face and said coldly: "The reason for the sudden increase in human traffickers these days has been found."

"What is it? Father." Neptune asked.

"There is a Tianlong man who offered a bounty of 20 billion Baileys in the black market, and wanted to catch Chi Yue as his slave..."

"What! That bastard Tianlong actually offered a reward to Chiyue, we are also a member of the world government, why did that Tianlong want to do this?"

Before Dragon Palace King finished speaking, he was interrupted by Neptune, because he really couldn't understand this matter, Chi Yue is the princess of a country that joins the world government, it's like the monarch of a country...! Thinking of this, Neptune suddenly fell silent.

"You also understand! The Tianlong people and the world government cannot be confused. To a certain extent, the Tianlong people are above the world government. The reason why they offer rewards through the black market is just for a fig leaf. They are all deceiving themselves. "

The indifferent words of King Dragon Palace made Neptune realize for the first time the cruelty and darkness of the world, and also understood what his sister Chi Yue meant by "depending on oneself".

"Father, don't worry, no matter how many traffickers come, I will defeat them." Neptune's expression was fixed, he would never let his sister be taken away.

"Well! During this time, you lead some soldiers to monitor the outer waters of Murloc Island. Once a large-scale fleet appears, come back and report immediately. Don't love to fight, understand!" Dragon Palace King said in a deep voice.

"Understood, Father!" Neptune finished and walked out of the hall.

20 billion Baileys, the ones attracted are not those people traffickers and the like, the stronger ones haven't appeared yet!

"I hope that group of monsters won't appear! Otherwise, it will be troublesome." Dragon Palace King secretly said, with a heavy look in his eyes.


In the Chambord Islands, time has passed in a flash. This is already the third day that Luo Han and others have landed on the island. Now everyone is gathering on the No. 13 island.

"Hey! Sister Shao, are you real?" Luo Han had a look of disbelief, "There is no one in this place, and there is a bar here, are you sure?"

Looking around, let alone people, there is not even a road. Although it is on a small slope, someone must come here to see it!

"Yes! Big sister,

It's a bit out of the way here. "Ash also said.

"I'm not here to make money, so there's no need to open in places with a lot of people." Sister Shao smiled, "Besides, I'm still a pirate with a bounty on offer. It's not good to be too high-profile, so this place is very suitable."

"Yeah! That's right!" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this place is really suitable. It belongs to an illegal area, and it is also close to restaurants, hotels, and amusement parks. It's okay if you're usually tired. It's good to go outside for a walk.

"Okay! We actually chose this place, so let's start the work and try to build the bar house in two days or so!" Seeing that everyone had no objections, Luo Han said loudly.

"Hey! What you said is true, Luo Han! Don't be kidding," Aixi couldn't believe it, curling her lips, "Is it possible to live in the house built in two days!"

"Yes! As long as the materials are in place, I can build a house in a few minutes!"

Luo Han looked confident, this is not bragging, with his mental power and the architectural design he learned in his previous life, he built it in a few minutes, and his mental power solidified for a few days. After the materials solidified, a house came out soon.

As for digging the foundation, in this world where one punch shatters the ground, Luo Han can complete it with a single thought.

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to Luo Han. Let's go to Island 50 now. There are shipyards and coating factories there. There should be some building materials to buy." Sister Shao smiled slightly.

"Okay! Let's go, Elles!" Luo Han shouted upwards.


A graceful figure came down from the top of the Alchiman tree. It was Elles. At this time, she had already put on the turquoise shirt and blue-black hot pants that Ai Xi helped her buy yesterday. flip flops!

"Hey! Everyone's painting style seems to be biased by Aixi." Looking at the flip-flops on his feet, Luo Han secretly sighed.

During a shopping trip yesterday, all six of them, except Cole, put on flip flops. I don’t know when Ashe became obsessed with flip flops and insisted on letting them wear them.

However, don’t tell me, flip flops go well with the Bubble car, Luo Han insisted on using it to make the Bubble car that everyone bought yesterday feel like a sports car.

call out! Galloping all the way, everyone headed towards the No. 50 island.

When passing the No. 1 island, Luo Han stopped, frowned, and looked to the left.

"What's wrong?" Sister Shao asked.

Seeing Luo Han stop, everyone followed suit and looked at Luo Han suspiciously.

"It's okay, I'm just wondering why there are so many murloc slaves suddenly today!" Luo Hanyao shook her head and moved on, ignoring the slaves that were about to be auctioned in her spiritual perception.

Everyone followed, feeling a little heavy in their hearts. Yesterday and today have made them realize the darkness on this island, and the world is not as beautiful as they saw.

"Alas! This is also the biggest stain on Fantasy Island. Every day, slaves are sent here and taken away by auction." Sister Shao sighed.

"Big Sister, why are there so many human traffickers here?" Ashe asked, this was something she couldn't understand. In the New World, a place where the strong are respected, there is no slave trade. Instead, this beautiful little There are many islands.

"..." Sister Shao.

She couldn't answer this question for a while, mainly because there were too many reasons, and she didn't know which one was the most important.

"If there is no business, there will be no killing!" Luo Han said in an inscrutable way.

"What do you mean?" Ashe asked, Sola and Elles were also curious, and Sister Shao suddenly realized.

Luo Han shrugged and said, "It's very simple. If someone buys slaves, someone will sell slaves. There are benefits in the middle."

Oh! It turned out to be like this, I understand, Ash and Ellis showed a sudden look, if it weren't for the suspicious little eyes staring at Luo Han, it really makes people think they have understood.

Ha ha! Sister Shao smiled and explained: "What Luo Han said is, just like when we go to buy materials, people will naturally sell them when we go to buy them. Then how do these materials come from, someone will naturally find a way to get them. The same is true for slaves. , Someone bought it, so naturally someone would find a way to get slaves, which is why we were always being watched when we logged in here on the first day."

"It turned out to be like this!" This time Ashe and Ailes fully understood, and then there was a burst of anger, "The group of guys actually wanted to arrest us as slaves, Luo Han, you knew it a long time ago, so you don't care! Let them Keep staring at us!"

Forehead! Luo Han is ashamed, this has become my problem, and...

"Ailes, isn't your knowledge and arrogance wider than mine? Don't you know?" Luo Han asked. You must know that Ailes was able to communicate with Tianyue from a long distance through the knowledge and arrogance before, which shows that she It is possible to hear people talking.

After hearing Luo Han's words, Ashe shifted her position and looked at Eles with an unkind expression.

"Hehe! I can only communicate with you and Yueshi with my knowledgeable domineering, I don't know what other people are talking about." Ailes smiled calmly, making Ashe's expression in vain.

"What! The two of you can actually whisper." Hearing this, Ashe was not surprised, thinking to herself why her knowledgeable domineering can't do it.

Ellis smiled and said nothing, Luo Han hurried forward, fearing that he would be asked again.

The journey was smooth and there was no problem. Soon Luo Han and others came to the small island No. 50. In addition to the shipyard, this place is also equivalent to a cargo port.

There are several large rectangular warehouses built next to the port, all of which are the same size, but the names on the plaques are different. One of them says "New World" plus the small characters of Building Materials and Home Decoration Co., Ltd.

As soon as Luo Han led the crowd to the door of the "New World", a man in a black suit with his mouth curled up walked towards Luo Han and the others. Looking at the location just now, it was obvious that he was specially at the door to welcome guests.

After approaching, the man in the suit quickly glanced at everyone and said: "Let me introduce, my humble Kuga-Lesi is the business manager of this New World Building Materials and Home Improvement Company. You can call me Lesi! If you need anything You can tell me."

"Okay, you lead the way, let's take a look." Luo Han didn't talk nonsense, and walked into the big warehouse with everyone.

Looking at the three big characters "New World" above the gate, Luo Han secretly sighed: The New World has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if the Rocks Pirates were disbanded, its influence has been deeply engraved into this world.

"Come on! Guests, you have come here. You must have a need. Seeing everyone's exquisite attire, the building materials you want must also be exquisite. Come, this way please!" Le Si said, turning to the right, Make a please gesture.

Everyone followed, looking at the slippers of Ai Xi and the others, Luo Han really didn't see how delicate he and the others were.

On the contrary, the layout of this warehouse is very delicate, there is no such a situation of random piles, no matter whether it is floor tiles, wooden floors or large stone bricks, they are all stacked neatly, like huge cubes, without a trace. Confused.

soon! Le Si led Luo Han and others to an area.

"We're here! Ladies and gentlemen." Le Si reminded.

The corner of Luo Han's mouth twitched wildly, looking at the neatly stacked blue stone rectangular stone bricks in front of him...the sign on it, and then looking at Le Si, he finally confirmed that this guy really didn't know Cole, let alone himself up.

"Haha...!" At this time, Ai Xi and the others couldn't hold back their laughter, and when they saw Luo Han looking over, they waved their hands again and again, "It's really not intentional, I really can't help it, haha! "

Luo Han looked helpless, turned around and saw Le Si excitedly saying: "It seems that everyone's excitement can no longer be controlled, so let me introduce this epoch-making product!"

Le Si pointed to the blue stone brick behind him, his voice full of emotion.

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