Pirate’s Fruit of Mind

Chapter 144: Chi Yue Was Arrested

"Princess Chiyue, I'm coming...!" Xiaoji, the blond murloc, finally caught up and came to Princess Chiyue, saying intermittently.

Glancing at the panting little murloc beside her, Princess Chiyue said, "Xiao Ji, your body is getting weaker and weaker, so you don't have to walk so fast in the future."

"Yes, Princess Chiyue, I...um!" Before finishing her sentence, Xiao Ji frowned, and turned to look at a coral reef below, where a group of six humans were staring at them with unfriendly expressions.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xiaoji's expression, Princess Chiyue asked, looking down at the same time.

Frowning secretly in his heart, those guys seemed to recognize him.

Xiao Ji stepped forward and reached out to gently touch Princess Chiyue's huge orange tail, and said pitifully, "Princess Chiyue, let's get out of here as soon as possible, those humans' malice towards you is too terrifying."

Chi Yue didn't reply, but quickly observed the current situation.

The father and emperor below are still suppressed, and there is the mother and concubine on the side. The failure is early.

The strong man with two knives, with the current Murloc Island, no one can stop him. The current solution is for everyone to retreat to the deep sea and wait for the humans to retreat by themselves. After all, these humans cannot stay in the Murloc Island forever.

well! Thinking of this, Princess Chiyue could only sigh deeply in her heart, but on the surface she still had a paralyzed face.

"Let's go! Let's tell everyone to retreat into the deep sea and temporarily avoid this war." Princess Chiyue said, flying to Shuiche Town, preparing to notify the civilians to retreat first.

"Wait for me! Princess Chiyue."

The blond-haired little Ji was left behind again, and could only catch up with her mouth full of helplessness.

"Hey! Are you still okay?" The bearded man in a nurse's attire hurriedly urged, but his eyes were fixed on Princess Chiyue who was going away.

"It will be ready soon, Boss Arthur." The two subordinates who were urged were helpless, and this was already the fastest speed.

The two continued with their hands, quickly connecting several cylindrical tubes together, and then mounted two propellers.

Soon! An aircraft shaped like twin propellers with a ring-shaped bubble wrapped in the middle was born.

After the two subordinates quickly adjusted the height of the seat, they immediately said to their boss: "Okay, Boss Arthur!"

"Then I'll get on first, and you guys will follow behind!" Arthur, the big nurse in uniform, looked bright, holding a backpack in his hand, and riding on as he spoke.

After starting the machine, after a while of "fluttering", the propeller turned quickly, and then flew into the sky, chasing Princess Chiyue.

Everyone below was stunned when they saw it, as if they had forgotten something!

"The Bubble Sparkler seems to be still in Boss Arthur's backpack...?"

The rest of the people looked at each other, and in the end they could only run with tears in their eyes. After all, it was 20 billion Baileys.

"Those humans seem to be chasing after them. What should I do? Princess Chiyue!" Xiao Ji, who had just chased Princess Chiyue ahead, cried for a while. She already felt that a human being exuding great malice was approaching them quickly.

"Fly downward, first inform the others to leave the Fishman Island,

We also left directly and went to the deep sea. "

After thinking about it for a while, Princess Chiyue held the blond Xiao Ji in her hands and quickly went downstream.

At this time, there happened to be many soldiers heading towards the town below, and they were going to inform everyone to leave and retreat into the deep sea, but Princess Chiyue didn't know it.

When she was just approaching the ground, Princess Chiyue was discovered by Dragon Palace soldiers.

A soldier with the captain position quickly ran to Princess Chiyue, and said solemnly: "Princess Chiyue...! Why are you still here? The king has already notified everyone to take refuge in the deep sea, and you haven't been notified yet? You hurry up!" Hurry up and leave, we have to go to other towns to inform everyone."

"Father has already notified?" Princess Chiyue was puzzled, but her tone was not puzzled.

At the same time, he thought to himself that his father had notified him early in the morning. It seemed that he also knew that the only way to win this war is for everyone to withdraw from Murloc Island.

"Ah! Princess, you know that the king has already notified you! Then you still...?" The soldier looked confused at this moment, and came here after knowing it. Isn't this adding trouble to them!

"..." Princess Chiyue glanced at the soldier, but didn't explain, although it was her calm tone with a paralyzed face that made him misunderstand.

"Princess, let's leave quickly! That human has already come after us." At this moment, the blond Xiaoji standing in the hands of Princess Chiyue pointed at the direction the two came from, and said hastily.

There, a human sitting on a strange aircraft is flying towards here at a fast speed, and the strange nurse's uniform is also clearly visible.

"What? Someone is actually chasing Princess Chiyue!" Hearing this, the captain's soldier looked angry, then looked at Arthur who was flying, and said with a cold face: "Princess, go away, leave this place to us!"

"Yeah!" Chi Yue replied, holding the blond Xiaoji in one hand and flying towards the border of Fishman Island.

"Stop! Don't run, my Bailey!" The bearded nurse saw Princess Chiyue running away, and shouted wildly, but he didn't dare to call "Princess" directly, fearing that his peers would find out, so he cut him off. .

At this time, the soldiers, seeing this hateful human being staring at their beautiful princess with an ugly face, opened the bubbles one after another, loaded them into the car, and rode into the air to stop Arthur.

"Don't think about it, you perverted man in cross-dressing!"

All the soldiers roared, pointing their spears and tridents at Arthur one after another.

"Go away, you little ones!"

Faced with the soldiers from the Dragon Palace blocking the way, Arthur, the nurse in costume, inserted his hands into the two round holes in the front, and suddenly the front of the aircraft protruded from the two round holes, just like the round-barreled machine guns installed on the front of the aircraft.

"I'm an injector who ate the needle fruit, come and get an injection, babies! It hurts to inject the syringe-shoot!" Arthur yelled, and pointed the round tube in front of the override aircraft at the soldiers, using his ability.

呵呵...! Actually, needles used by nurses for injections flew out at a very high speed, like machine gun fire, and instantly hit the soldiers ahead who were too late to dodge, or because they were too fast to dodge.

"Ah! It hurts! Ah..."


Suddenly there was a strange cry, and the soldier who was shot felt an unbearable pain that hit his brain instantly, stimulating every nerve, making people feel unbearable pain.

Bang bang bang...! The soldiers, who couldn't bear the pain soon, passed out one after another, and fell to the ground, rolling up circles of dust.

"Hahahaha! Babes, you have tasted my strength. I am a professional nurse when it comes to injections." Arthur laughed, quickly flew past the soldiers, and continued to chase Princess Chiyue.

The blond-haired little Ji in front also sensed that the soldiers were dealt with in an instant, and suddenly panicked, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"What to do! Princess Chiyue, the soldiers are all down, and that human is chasing after me again." The blond Xiaoji cried.

Chi Yue glanced back, that strange flying machine was too fast, it would be caught if it went on like this, and her body...!

Thinking of this, Princess Chiyue's eyes were firm, and she said to the blond little Ji: "I'm going to speed up, if you can't stand it, you have to tell me!"

"I can bear it, Princess Chiyue!" The blond-haired little Ji said quickly with a firm face.

Princess Chiyue nodded, and flicked her huge tail vigorously. It was like changing a sports car, and the speed increased instantly, whoosh! Fly away at extreme speed.

"My Bailey, you can't escape!"

Arthur, who was chasing after him, didn't panic when he saw Princess Chiyue speeding up, and calmly put his finger on a button in front of him.

"Come on! Four-wheel drive, let's break out, Santa Maria!" As Arthur yelled, he pressed the button.

boom! Suddenly Arthur's car shot towards Princess Chiyue like a rocket.

"Hehe! I can't run away, let me give you an injection quickly, babies!"

Arthur's lewd voice suddenly appeared behind Princess Chiyue.

"Ah! What to do, that human is chasing you again, Princess Chiyue." The blond-haired little Ji cried.

Princess Chiyue turned her head to look, her expression remained unchanged, and continued to fly upwards, but she was thinking secretly, what should she do.

"I can only go down and ask for help!" Princess Chiyue secretly said.

At the critical moment, she was still very sensible, without being pretentious, she did what she thought, Princess Chiyue swung her tail upwards, and her body was about to fly downwards.

It's just that it was too late at this time, and Arthur stretched out his evil hands again with excitement, and inserted them into the cylinder, and the pair of circular tubes stretched out again, aiming at Princess Chiyue.

"Be careful! Chiyue..." The blond-haired little Ji hadn't finished her reminder yet.

Arthur shouted in a low voice: "Come on baby, it's time for an injection, anesthesia syringe - shoot!" Immediately, countless needles were shot at Princess Chiyue.

Facing the oncoming needles, Princess Chiyue swung her huge tail and kept stirring, knocking away the needles one by one.

"Hahaha! It's useless, the anesthesia syringe - shoot!" Arthur laughed, and continued to control the cylinder to fire countless needles, shooting at Princess Chiyue.

The so-called long-term defense will lose, and Princess Chiyue's upper body seems to be a little stiff. When avoiding the needle attack, she is struggling, and Arthur can see it.

"Come on baby, let's get an injection!" Arthur excitedly turned the direction of the aircraft and kept flying and shooting around Princess Chiyue.

Faced with this kind of attack, Princess Chiyue couldn't bear it very quickly, and was shot with dozens of needles, and the anesthetic injected into her body along with the needle tube.

Immediately, her body felt numb and uncontrollable, and even her brain began to become lethargic. Princess Chiyue quickly let go of the blond little Ji in her hand.

"Xiao Ji, hurry up, his target is me!" Saying that, Princess Chiyue rushed towards Arthur with all her strength.

"No! Princess Chiyue," the blond Xiaoji yelled, and also rushed towards Arthur.

"Haha! Come on baby, it's time for an injection!" Arthur laughed, and the anesthesia needle continued to shoot at Princess Chiyue and Xiao Ji with blonde hair.

Not long after, Princess Chiyue and Princess Chiyue stopped in front of Arthur, and fell into a coma under general anesthesia.

"Haha, my Bailey, it's finally done."

With an excited expression, Arthur took out the second set of the three-piece human trafficker, the long and thick binding rope and the huge sack, which were obviously prepared for the mermaid princess.

Quickly tied the rope for the mermaid and the little blond murloc, put them on a sack, Arthur took out another thing, and made a big bubble to put the mermaid and the little blond murloc into it.

Then he took out the phone bug, dialed to inform his subordinates, and went directly to the exit of Murloc Island, where they had already occupied, and they could go out from there, everything was perfect.

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