Pirate’s Fruit of Mind

Chapter 340: The Arrival of Ace

Two days later!

When Ace came to the city that never sleeps, he had just landed on the No. 4 island. Before he had time to appreciate the unusual buildings here, he felt that he had come to a flat land full of white island clouds.

"who is it!"

Ace, who suddenly appeared in a strange place, changed his expression and quickly looked around.

"This is where?"

Ace is dignified, the person who can get him here quietly is definitely not easy.

The white island cloud wall erected around it was as high as a three-storey house, enclosing the entire island, and Ace didn't see what was outside the wall.

But through the position of the white clouds in the sky, he knew that he had come to an altitude of at least a thousand meters.

There is nothing here except the huge vine plant in the middle, but Ace saw scratches on the vine, including knife marks and shock waves.

"This should be a training ground!" Combined with the high walls, Ace quickly judged what it was.


Who brought me here?

While wondering, three people suddenly appeared not far in front of Ace, which reminded Ace that he should have appeared suddenly like this.

"That's my sister... Ann!" Ace was a little uncertain.

Among the three people in the distance, one man and two women, one of them, the moment Ace saw it, he knew it was his sister, which was a special perception from the blood.


What makes Ace a little concerned is that this younger sister seems to be a bit taller, at least three or four heads taller than him by visual inspection.

This is why he is a little uncertain!

"You are my brother?" Girl An came up to Ace in a few steps, condescending and casual.

If you look closely, the two actually look a bit alike.


Ace frowned slightly, this was different from the countless ways he thought of meeting each other.

An girl's light tone gave people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

Especially the phrase "brother" made Ace very concerned.

"I'm an older brother, you're a younger sister!" Ace emphasized, of course he wouldn't give in to the Shang'an girl's lingering gaze.

"Ha ha!"

Girl An looked down at Ace, gestured with her hand, and said in surprise, "However, you are my little brother!"


Ace was silent, why is this sister so uncute.

"It's not about height, I came out before you, I'm the elder brother!" Ace was a little excited, but he couldn't help it, height was a flaw.

"But..." Girl An laughed and said, "My Auntie Ellis said that I came out first!"

"The old man Karp said..." Ace didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by girl Ann: "Auntie Ellis has been watching our birth at the scene, and the leak king Karp you mentioned was born in our It came after birth, so what he said doesn’t count.”

"You are my younger brother, understand!" Girl An emphasized again at the end.


Ace looked at the dark green long-haired woman in the distance, and he couldn't refute, because that was the benefactor who saved their siblings and allowed them to come to this world safely.

But Ace didn't want to be a younger brother, and girl An's smug smile made his self-esteem explode even more.


Ace deliberately glanced at girl An and said, "We are twins, how can we tell who is the younger brother and sister?"

"Then how do you want to divide it?" Girl An's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked.

"Of course it's based on strength!" Ace smiled triumphantly.

"Okay! I agree!" Girl An replied quickly, as if she was afraid of Ace's regret.

"Come on." An girl put on a posture.


Ace was a little confused, he felt as if he had been acted.

Thinking about the information he heard, girl An has never left the city that never sleeps since she was a child, and Ace thinks that girl An is not as strong as himself.

After all, the strong are promoted in battle!

But thinking about it this way, seeing the excited look on girl An's face, Ace always felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that the idea of ​​using strength to speak,

As if it was proposed by girl Ann.


At this time, girl An suddenly stepped back more than ten meters, and then raised her straight right leg back high to make a shooting posture.

"Get ready, my attack is coming!"

"Come on!" Ace said solemnly, he felt a strong oppression from the girl An.

By now, he also knew that he might have been put in the same place. Girl An's strength didn't seem like she had never experienced battles.

"Lanqie!" With a loud shout, Girl An's right leg drew an arc from back to front in an instant, and at the same time a white crescent wave shot out from under her feet.


Along the way, the air seemed to be cut open, and a deep ditch was drawn on the ground of Daoyun.


The chopping wave swept across Ace's body, flew to the distance, and hit the wall solidified by Luo Han, making a loud "boom".

Ace was fine, flames were burning from his severed body.

"This kind of attack is useless to me!" Ace smiled, his body turned into flames and quickly gathered together, recovering as before.

"Natural!" Girl An frowned, and then showed envy.

"It's my turn!"

After letting his sister attack first, Ace saw that she didn't seem to be domineering, so he smiled with victory in sight, and when he was about to attack...


Girl An shaved and quickly ran to Luo Han.

"Father!" Girl An raised her head, grabbed Luo Han's wrist and gave Yaoyao strength, "I also want a natural devil fruit. You see, my younger brother has it, and I want it too. It's even better than him, better than him. sharp!"

Ace looked at all this in a daze in the distance. The difference between our brothers and sisters is not as important as a natural devil fruit.

Ace felt that as soon as he came here and saw the girl An, it was too far from the picture he imagined.

But... this gave Ace a real feeling, as if he and his sister were already very familiar.

and also……

"Father??!" Ace's eyes bulged suddenly, and he looked at Luo Han in shock.

so young?

Don't you mean someone from the same era as his bastard?

Through the address of girl An, Ace knew that the young man in front of him was the blue devil-Luo Han.

"You are really... a Blue Devil!" Ace came to Luo Han and asked.

"Yeah." Luo Han nodded.

Ace was unbelievable, but he wasn't asking, it would be impolite to ask again.

"Thank you both for your great kindness!" Ace bowed deeply to Luo Han and Ailes, and the two accepted it and did not move away, which was a matter of course.

Only girl An didn't care, she still shook Luo Han's arm, insisting on asking for a natural devil fruit.

Elles watched from the side and laughed, "Now there are only two nature-type devil fruits, one is a gas fruit and the other is a dust fruit, neither of which is a powerful nature-type fruit!"

"What!" An girl let go of Luo Han's wrist with a look of disgust.

"Do you still want to fight?" Luo Han asked with a smile.

"Don't fight, your brother will be your brother!" Girl An looked helpless, she lied to Ace just now, she was the one who was born a little later, so Ace is the brother.

"This..." Ace was a little confused, Luo Han explained: "You were indeed born earlier than An!"

When Luo Han said this, Ace understood.


He is still an older brother, Ace thought so, looking at girl An, the strangeness at the beginning was gone, and he became casual.

This is what Luo Han and the others want to see!

The arrangement just now was to quickly dispel the strangeness between the two siblings. Now that the goal has been achieved, Luo Han doesn't stay anymore, and is ready to practice.

"Wait, daddy!" Miss An held Luo Han's hand and said expectantly, "Can I leave the city that never sleeps now?"

"Yes!" Luo Han instructed: "Just one thing, don't be a pirate."


Girl An agreed with a smile, then took Ace and ran away, as if she was afraid that Luo Han would regret it.


Yaoyao nodded, Luo Han and Elles also left respectively.

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