On an island in a remote area of ​​the East China Sea, a village called Xiluobu Village is located here.

Although the village is not particularly prosperous, it is a rare good thing for the villagers.

The remote location, the sparse island structure nearby, and the complete lack of wealth value make the pirates look down on this island. Therefore, Xiluobu Village can be said to be particularly harmonious and peaceful.

You know, even in the East China Sea, which is known as the weakest sea, there are many people whose families have been destroyed by pirates. From this point of view, Xiluobu Village can even be said to be a pure land on earth.

Well, except for a long-nosed big talker who spreads fake news of pirate invasion in the village every morning, which affects sleep a little, Xiluobu Village really can't find other shortcomings.

Fortunately, the villagers are also quite kind. They don't care about the lies of the long nose, but cooperate with the long nose in good faith.

Today, as usual, with the sun rising slowly, Usopp, wearing a yellow suspender suit, stretched his body. His tanned skin even reflected some light in the sun.

"Today is another beautiful day."

With his strange long nose, Usopp started a new day full of energy.

Of course, although he was full of energy, for Usopp, his daily routine was more or less the same.

In the morning, he went to the village in the name of the pirates coming to remind the villagers not to let down their guard. Then he looked for an opportunity to approach Miss Kaya to chat. After the chat, he started to brag in front of Carrot Head, Green Pepper Head and Onion Head to satisfy his idea of ​​becoming a pirate captain.

Finally, he slightly improved his sniping skills. After all, these were his only two specialties.

Well, another specialty is bragging...

Also, although it is called sniping skills, in essence... it is actually the hit rate of the slingshot...

Well, it does sound a bit regrettable, but his sniping skills are still very strong, well, although it is currently limited to the hit rate of sniping.

Usopp has no idea how many days, or how many years, of such boring days he has experienced.

"It would be great if pirates really came."

He often thought so, without considering what kind of damage the village would suffer if pirates really invaded.

"In this way, the people in the village will be able to see my great Captain Usopp turning the tide and saving the village from danger, and then everyone will thank me!!! Hahaha!!! At that time, even Miss Kaya will... Ah! The great Captain Usopp!!! Hahahaha!!!"

Well, this can be regarded as Usopp's teenage delusion. Although it is unrealistic, it is indeed very much his style.

But Usopp, who was full of imagination, never thought that on this seemingly ordinary day, the long-lost pirates really came.

Before going to the village to let the villagers start a new day, Usopp would subconsciously look at the sea, but today, he saw a small boat on the sea surface that was usually quiet and slowly sailing towards their island.

"Hey? What is that? The boat of the victims?"

It's no wonder that Usopp would think so, after all, there was a guy with a silly smile on the bow of the boat, who was excitedly talking to his companions at this time.

I guess he was happy because he finally got saved after encountering the island. It turned out to be the victims. After all, there can't be pirates so stupid.

Although I don't know why, the female companion on the boat suddenly beat up the guy who was grinning before, but it shouldn't be a big problem.

However, these guys are really in a good mood. Even if they are in trouble, they can be so happy?

Usopp inexplicably felt that he couldn't help but want to get close to that group of people.

Thinking of this, Usopp quickly walked towards the shore, intending to welcome the other party. There was no other way, who made the great Captain Usopp handsome and kind?

At that time, the people on that boat would definitely be grateful for his welcome, and then he could brag about himself to their heart's content, and when they looked up at his great figure, let them shout "Long live Captain Usopp!" .

Oh my, it's really...

It's so exciting!!!

Just like that, as the boat slowly docked at the shore, the four people on the boat also got off the boat one by one and came to the shore.

"Yeah... I haven't been ashore for a long time!"

Zoro stretched his body and sighed.

"Is this the village you mentioned?"

Nami looked at the path ahead and asked Ji Shengling beside her."Yeah."

Ji Shengling nodded, indicating that it was correct, but his eyes were looking at the figure beside him, and he said with interest.

"But before that, let's take a look at the guy over there."

Seeing this, everyone followed Ji Shengling's gaze. Of course, this should be referring to Luffy and Nami. Zoro had noticed it a long time ago.

On a stone in the distance, a guy with a strange long nose was standing with his chest crossed proudly, with a black pirate flag next to him. The flag looked very much like the famous painting "The Scream" painted by Edward Munch in Ji Shengling's previous life.

"I am Usopp, the leader of the great pirate group that reigns over this village. People praise me and call me [our captain, Captain Usopp]. Who are you to this island?"

Although he thought the other party was a victim, Usopp thought he should still show his dignity. Moreover, among the four people in front of him, the guy with green hair didn't look easy to mess with. What's the matter? By the way, why is the guy with purple hair more handsome than Captain Usopp? Damn it!

Usopp was delusional without any self-awareness.

However, Luffy didn't care. In fact, after the other party claimed to be a great pirate, he wanted to fight with the other party even more.

Well, no reason, after all, he really believed what Usopp said.

Although it was estimated that Luffy was the only one who believed it at the scene.

"My name is Luffy! The man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

Luffy's eyes were firm and he shouted out his dream.

"Pirate King? What? They are the victims... Wait wait wait! What did you say?! Pirate King... You are pirates!!!"

Usopp didn't take it seriously at first, but soon realized what Luffy was talking about.

In an instant, Usopp was almost scared to death, but then he thought of the village behind him, so he suppressed his fear and said firmly.

"So it's the damn pirates? If you want to attack this village, I advise you to give up! Because my 80 million subordinates will not let you go!"

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