Although there are many so-called unruly people, most people in the pirate world are relatively simple and kind.

This is undoubtedly a good thing, but it will also bring some unpleasant results.

To put it simply, these people are particularly... easy to deceive.

Basically, they will believe whatever others say as long as it is not an obvious lie.

From Crocodile and Doflamingo's control over the two countries, to the giant spider Squad betraying Whitebeard because of Akainu's words, to this Clo in front of him.

It can be said that in this world, it is very easy to deceive the trust of most people.

However, in contrast, Kaya is easily deceived by Clo, so she is naturally easily touched by Ji Shengling's remarks.

Not to mention that what Ji Shengling said is all true, even if it is a fabrication, he estimates that Kaya will believe it.

As expected, after hearing Ji Shengling's solemn words and looking at Cloe who was indifferent at this time, Kaya's originally weak body seemed to lose strength in an instant, and her originally sick skin became even paler. She looked at Cloe beside her with unbelievable eyes.

"Mr. Crabateer..."

Kaya didn't know who to believe anymore.

Although she still thought that it was a bit unbelievable that the housekeeper who had taken care of her for three years was a bad guy, she did waver.

Usopp felt a little scared. When he thought of such a dangerous guy following Kaya for three years, he was scared for Kaya and sweated coldly.

If he hadn't known himself, he would have kicked Cloe right now.

"This is not true...right?"

Kaya's voice was a little choked. She hoped that Cloe would answer her that it was all a misunderstanding.

But unfortunately, Cloe just had a calm face, opened the door that he didn't want to let everyone in, and then talked to himself.

"Three years."

Kro took a deep breath and asked calmly.

"Do you know how I spent these three years?"

Of course I played Greedy Blue Moon!

Ahem, I got off topic. Ji Shengling really wanted to say that, but this behavior obviously ruined the atmosphere. In addition, people here didn't know what Greedy Blue Moon was, so he just shut up.

No one on the scene interrupted Kro, so he grabbed his collar and answered his question with a gloomy face.

"For this so-called qualified butler status, I have to be humble and wear a mask every day. Not only do I have to do this kind of inferior job! I also have to put on a disgusting smile like a wiped-out thesis every day to communicate with others in a so-called friendly manner! What a joke!"

"I even have to accompany this stupid little girl to do some stupid and useless things every day! Stupid things!! Stupid things!!! Three years! I'm tired of these three years of humiliation!!! You fucking know who I am! I'm famous all over the sea! A terrifying pirate who makes people turn pale at the mention of my name! [Hundred Strategies] Clo!!! If it weren't for being able to enjoy life openly, spend a lot of Bailey recklessly, and say goodbye to the damn pirate life hunted by the navy, I wouldn't be willing to endure this kind of shabby place that even fools would want to vomit for three years! Three years!!!"

His eyes were filled with a strong murderous intent. At this moment, the mask of the noble butler had been completely abandoned by him, and the brutal pirate who had disappeared for three years officially returned.

Kaya's face had turned pale with fear, and her weak body fell completely. Fortunately, Usopp was quick-witted and rushed to Kaya's side to support her, regardless of Kuro's strong murderous aura.

"Mr. Usopp... How could Crabater......"

The butler whom she trusted the most turned out to be a brutal pirate who killed people without blinking an eye. Even Kaya couldn't accept this extreme change.

Usopp wanted to comfort Kaya, but the damn thing was that his mouth was still affected by the bottle of chili powder and he couldn't speak.

Zoro had his hand on the knife early in the morning, and Nami also looked serious and stared at Kuro vigilantly. Only Luffy realized it later until Kuro began to expose himself.

"Ah? So this uncle is really a bad guy? I thought he was joking with us with his murderous aura just now!"

Suddenly, the originally tense atmosphere turned into black lines on Zoro and Nami's faces.

Ji Shengling ignored his own silly captain who was slow to realize the situation. Instead, he raised his hand and aimed the muzzle of the Tezcatlipoca gun in his hand at Clo's head, saying disdainfully.

"So a dirty pirate captain like you deserves to live like a rat.Living in the gutter, the life that others desire is not even as good as the pleasure in your eyes. You who only see the interests are only worthy of being a pirate in this life. Even among pirates, you are just a scum among scum. "

Faced with the muzzle of the gun pointed at his head, Cloe didn't care. He had absolute confidence in his skills, but he didn't think that Ji Shengling's bullet could hit his head. Even in this environment, he still raised his palm expressionlessly and raised his eyes, saying indifferently.

"What do you know! If it weren't for you bunch of inexplicable pirates who suddenly messed up, my plan could be perfectly realized! In just two days or so, the owner of this mansion, Kaya, will [die] due to illness, and as someone who has taken care of her wholeheartedly for three years, I will get the inheritance right of all her property in her [suicide note], and live a rich and noble life from then on! ! ! "

Then, with a little doubt in his cold eyes, he asked Ji Shengling without emotion.

"However, I am very curious, how did you get this information of mine and confirm my Kro? To be honest, if you hadn't pointed out the information about the [Ten Blades], I was going to let you go alive. "

"You dare to say such a thing when I pointed a gun at you? You are really worthy of being the famous [Hundred Stratagems] Captain Kro! But from what you said, you mean that we are all going to die here today, right?"

Ji Shengling smiled at him like a fool, but Kro didn't care about Ji Shengling's words. He didn't take this group of pirates seriously at all.

The only one who needs to be paid attention to is probably the guy with three swords behind.

But, even the pirate hunter who has recently become famous in the East China Sea is just a small character that can be easily solved in his eyes.

This is Kro's confidence.

"If you can tell me the reason for confirming my identity, I might leave you a whole body. "

Kloe spoke to Ji Shengling like this.

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