"A guest is entering the store."

Paddy didn't care about the gunshots fired by the guy entering the store, and walked forward with a calm face to greet him.

The guest walked with a very unstable pace, and didn't pay any attention to Paddy who came forward to greet him. He stumbled to the nearest table and put his feet on the table.

He had dark skin and obvious dark eye sockets. He wore a gray jacket with snake patterns on the left and right, and a green lining inside. The color of his pants was the same as the jacket, and he had a blue striped headscarf on his head.

Ji Shengling casually took out a bounty from the void and placed it in front of the Straw Hat Pirates.


Usopp asked.

Ji Shengling nodded and didn't say much.

The battle captain of the Creek Pirates' Pirate Fleet, [Ghost] Akin, bounty of 12 million Baileys.

Of course, in a sense, it is not wrong to say that he is the vice-captain of the Creek Pirates, after all, he is indeed the second-in-command. The nominal vice-captain of the Creek Pirates is actually a rookie.

"Anything is fine, serve the food quickly... This is a restaurant, right?"

Ajin said in a low voice, and it was obvious that he was trying hard to say it.

Paddy didn't care about Ajin's previous attitude of ignoring him, and came to Ajin with a disgusting smile on his face.

"Welcome, uncle!"

But before Paddy finished speaking, the weak Ajin immediately interrupted.

"I will only repeat it once, listen to me, serve the food quickly."

This made Paddy raise his hand and scratch his head, reminding him with an apologetic tone.

"Sorry, guest, we don't welcome poor people in our store. Do you have money?"

His inquiry caused Ajin's dissatisfaction, and Ajin directly raised his gun to Paddy's forehead and said indifferently.

"Do you want to be shot?"

"You don't have money, do you?"

The threat of the gun did not scare Paddy, but made Paddy understand that the guy in front of him wanted to eat a free meal.

At this point, the disgusting smile on Paddy's face disappeared, and the whole person turned into a ferocious look. Then, without paying any attention to the gun aimed at his forehead, he raised his hands and smashed Ajin to the ground.

Ajin didn't even have a chance to react, and even the dining table was smashed in half by Paddy.

"Paddy, you bastard! How dare you break the tables and chairs in the store!"

Zhepu cursed Paddy angrily, but didn't care about Paddy's beating of the guests.

The guests around cheered, everyone knew that this guy who shot randomly was a pirate who wanted to eat a free meal. At this time, this guy was sanctioned by the hotel, and the guests were naturally very happy.

"What a strong force."

Luffy looked at Paddy's previous attack and couldn't help sighing.

Sanji in the back lit a cigarette idly and watched the farce in front of him calmly. In Sanji's eyes, this kind of thing is just a boring drama that happens every few days in Barati.

"If you can't pay, you are not a customer."

Paddy said coldly.

But at this moment, Ajin's stomach made a hungry cry, which made Sanji's eyes move slightly in the distance.

Zhepu subconsciously looked at Sanji, he had already anticipated Sanji's next move.

But Paddy would not let Ajin go because of this, he still mocked mercilessly.

"Oh, your stomach is growling, stinky pirate."

"Just farting, you stupid ass, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and bring me food!"

The previous attack had caused blood stains on Ajin's head, but this did not affect his trembling body to speak harshly.

But even so, it was useless, Paddy roared at Ajin.

"If you are not a guest, get out of here!!!"

At this point, Sanji felt that there was no need to watch any more, so he turned around and left the lobby alone, heading towards the kitchen.

Paddy continued to beat Ajin until Ajin could not get up in a short time. Paddy once again showed a disgusting smile, pinched his orchid fingers, grabbed his apron and saluted the guests around him. Then he carried Ajin, who was like a dead dog, on his shoulders and threw him on the deck outside the restaurant amid the applause of the guests.

Ji Shengling looked around and saw that Zeff and Sanji were gone, while Luffy curiously followed to check on Ajin's condition.

"I'll go see that guy Luffy."

Ji Shengling said hello to his companions, put down the whole leftover dragon shell in his hand, and got up and left. Everyone was relieved about this, after all, their deputy captain was very reliable except for his hit rate.

The subsequent plot was naturally as expected. After Luffy asked Ajin, Sanji brought his best seafood fried rice.Akin originally wanted to refuse in the name of dignity, but in the end, he empathized with Sanji's self-reflection and finished the whole plate of seafood fried rice in tears.

At this moment, Luffy also determined that the chef he was looking for was the man in front of him.

Then, Luffy invited Sanji, but was rejected by Sanji without hesitation. Then the two of them talked about a lot of things, and even Akin joined their conversation in the middle.

What they didn't notice was that there were two figures watching them upstairs in the Barati restaurant.

"It's stupid, isn't it."

Ji Shengling asked Zhepu beside him with a smile.

"What are you referring to, kid?"

Zhepu was not sure who Ji Shengling was talking about.

"Both of them."

Ji Shengling gave the answer.

After a second of silence, Zhepu laughed.

"Hahaha, that's right!"

"So, what's your answer, old man?"

Hearing this question, Zeff also restrained his laughter a little and said a little seriously.

"Well, I just talked about something with your stupid captain, and I understand why you chose him."

"But, this kind of thing..."

"This kind of thing still depends on Sanji's own decision, right?"

Ji Shengling helped Zeff give the answer.

Zeff didn't say anything more, just quietly watched the interaction of the three people below.

Ji Shengling didn't care, after all, he had already got the answer he wanted. But before leaving, he left a word for Zeff.

"But I believe that your son is the same as you... no, even better than you."

Zeff still didn't say much, until Ji Shengling walked away, he muttered to himself.

"You are right about that. How can that brat be compared to an old man like me who has given up his dream?"

After saying that, Zeff turned around and walked towards where Sanji and the other two were. However, the back of this old man seemed to be a little old and frail.

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