On the deck outside the Cocoa West Village, two fishmen were on their daily patrol.

Even though he had a cooperative relationship with the local navy, Aaron still only trusted fishmen of the same kind as himself.

Or, to put it more thoroughly, his friendship with Colonel Mouse was nothing more than a mutual benefit of interests, and this kind of relationship where one could betray the other at any time was not worthy of Aaron's trust.

Daily patrols were originally boring, but today seemed a little different.

"It's a pirate flag I've never seen before."

"It's really strange, did they get in by mistake or did they come to trouble us without knowing the consequences? A mere trash human dared to come to our territory!"

The two fishmen looked at the pirate ship that was coming in front of them with disdain.

"Who cares what he does, no matter what the reason, if he dares to come to our territory, then be prepared to stay here! Hahahaha!"

The two fishmen laughed at the humans on the pirate ship.

But at this moment, two figures jumped off the pirate ship.

Before the two fishmen had time to react, the knife light and kicks fell on the two fish.

When the pirate ship docked, the two fishmen had turned into fish meat lying limp on the ground.

"The so-called fishmen are just like that..."

Zoro wiped the Wado Ichimonji helplessly, revealing an invincible loneliness. If it weren't for the bandages on his body telling everyone how badly he was beaten by Hawkeye before, someone might think that Zoro had killed Hawkeye.

The fishman who was rumored to be ten times stronger than humans was lying next to him like a pile of dead meat, and bright red continued to flow out of his body.

Sanji shook his head at the fishman who had fainted with lumps and footprints all over his head.

"No, he looks too much like a human, I can't do it, and according to the amount of bleeding, I guess he can't eat it."

From his tone, this guy really regrets that there is one less delicacy in the world.

Well, that's not right. This may not be a delicacy. It may be very unpalatable.

Otherwise, even if it is a fishman, it will definitely be eaten to extinction by humans.

Anyway, Ji Shengling doesn't believe that some Tianlong people have never tasted the taste of fishmen.

The crowd said no more. After tying up the two fishmen, they headed towards the Cocoa West Village on the island.

Nami vaguely remembered how suitable the Cocoa West Village was for people to live in her childhood, but when she returned to her hometown again, her heart couldn't help but twitch.

After many years, this village has become so desolate, and damaged streets and dilapidated buildings can be seen everywhere.

The people of the Straw Hat Group looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but get angry, but because of Nami's emotions, they didn't say much.

Everyone came to the central area of ​​Cocoa West Village and saw a middle-aged man wearing a windmill hat and with scars on his face and body after being patched.

He heard the footsteps of a group of people coming and couldn't help but look up, but when he saw Nami in the crowd, his eyes widened.

"Nami?! What's wrong with you?!"

Since being forced to join the Arlong Pirates, Nami has rarely come to the village. The few times she came back, she only went back home to see her sister and take care of the orange tree.

"Don't worry, Jian, it will be over soon."

Nami looked at this man who had so much on his shoulders and smiled gently.

Jian was stunned for a few seconds when he heard it, and then he stood up suddenly and looked at Nami excitedly as if he had thought of something.

"It's almost over... What do you mean? Could it be... Did you... really collect 100 million Baileys?!"

"One hundred million... Maybe, but maybe it's no longer needed."

Looking at the group of people beside her, Nami said to Jian calmly.

If we only consider Nami's own savings, there is still a gap from 100 million, but with Ji Shengling's investment, it is very easy to collect 100 million.

And Ajian also noticed the people around Nami.

How to say it, these people look weird.

Ruozhi, who looks silly in a straw hat, a fierce man with bandages all over his body, a guy with a long nose who doesn't look very reliable, a blond frivolous man with curly eyebrows in a black suit, and a purple-red man with strange clothes, who looks handsome but makes Ajian feel cold for some reason.

Oh, by the way, Johnny and Joseph are helping everyone to guard the Merry and the two kidnapped fishmen.

"Who are these people..."

He always feels that these people are not very reliable.

Ajian has had some feelings for Nami's adoptive mother Belle Mare since the beginning, but unfortunately until Belle Mare passed away, this manPeople did not get the opportunity to express their feelings.

Even so, Jian treated Nami and her sister as his own children and took care of them completely as his own children.

Now seeing Nami coming back with these guys who looked unreliable and saying that they could solve the problem, Jian could not help but worry that Nami would do something stupid.

But Nami had long since stopped paying attention to Jian and greeted the people in the Straw Hat Pirates.

"My home is over there, let's go, I'll take you to see my sister."

"Hey! Nami!"

Jen wanted to go forward and ask a few more questions, but Nami didn't give him a chance at all.

Led by Nami, the group came to her home. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a woman with short blue hair and brown skin coming to greet them.

"Nami? It's been a long time since we last met. Are these your friends? Welcome, welcome!"

Nojiko led everyone into the house.

Nami told everyone that Nokiko was her sister. Although they were not biological sisters, their relationship was much closer than that of some biological sisters.

Luffy had a deep understanding of this. Even though he was a bit thick-skinned, he missed Ace and Sabo who was in trouble when he saw other sisters getting together.

The house of Nami and Nokiko was not big, but it was very warm.

There was no doubt that this was the work of Nokiko, after all, Nami did not go home most of the time.

However, Nami, the seemingly strong sister, was very open-minded.

"So, is there any boyfriend among these people, Nami?"

"What are you thinking about, Nokiko! I said they are my partners! They are not boyfriends!"

Nami was immediately blushing with anger and angrily retorted, which made Nokiko feel a little funny.

"Is that so? That's a pity. I thought Nami brought her boyfriend home with her."

"That's not true!"

"Nami-san! If you need me, I can be your boyfriend anytime!!!"

Sanji's eyes suddenly lit up with love, and he twisted into a strip and came up, but was punched on the head by the furious Nami.

"Go to hell!!!"

Really, even if she really wants a boyfriend, Nami will consider Ji Shengling first. As for Sanji, he must be the last one in line... No, he doesn't even have the qualification to queue!

Thinking of this, Nami secretly glanced at Ji Shengling who was sitting on the chair and doing nothing. This sight was also captured by Nojiko, her sister, but she didn't point it out.

Looking at Sanji, who was lying on the ground with a big bump on his head but full of happiness, Usopp's eyes twitched wildly.

But why did you reward him?

"Heh, you deserve it, you pervert."

Zoro was gloating.

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