Just like that, after Luffy weighed the pros and cons, the Straw Hat Pirates decided to choose the route to Whiskey Peak.

There is no special reason here, but Luffy simply feels that he has a good relationship with this route.

Everyone has no opinion on the captain's decision. Of course, the main reason is that they don't understand the differences between the various routes in the Grand Line. For them, no matter which route they choose, it doesn't really make much difference. In this case, let's listen to the thoughts of this usually unreliable captain.

Later, before leaving Gemini Cape, everyone held another banquet here and invited Crocus to join.

When entering the Grand Line, they met the crew of the Pirate King. It would be unreasonable not to hold a banquet on such a memorable day!

Crocus also happily joined the banquet. After tasting the food made by Sanji, the old man couldn't help but sigh that Sanji's skills were comparable to the chefs of their Roger Pirates.

After the banquet, Luffy and Laboo made a promise that they would bring back the man named Brook. From then on, Laboo no longer needed to hit the Red Earth Continent.

"Goodbye! Grandpa like a flower! Thank you for your permanent pointer! Goodbye, whale!"

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates boarded the Merry one after another at dusk, and Luffy said goodbye to Crocus.


Crocus replied with a smile, and Laboo also made a whale cry in response.

After saying goodbye, Luffy raised his hand and pointed straight ahead.

"Then, to the Whiskey Peak! Full speed ahead!!"


The remaining sunlight at dusk sprinkled on everyone, and the Merry headed towards the next destination.

Crocus, who was still staying at the Twin Cape, looked at the backs of the pirates leaving and couldn't help but sigh.

"Could they be the pirates we've been waiting for? What an incredible group of people, right, Roger."

After officially stepping into the Grand Line, even with Ji Shengling's reminder to let Nami pay attention to the direction at all times, she encountered all kinds of extreme weather along the way.

Let's not talk about the commonplace things like thunder, rain, wind and waves. In this sea area, it is common to have fireballs, and even hail as hot as lava has fallen.

Coupled with the illogical changes in the current, even if Nami wanted to avoid some dangerous currents, the Straw Hat Pirates were still exhausted all the way.

In the end, they could only lie on the deck to rest.

During this process, everyone also found that the man and woman they had tied up before had disappeared. Obviously, they had found the right opportunity to run away before.

But it was useless for the Straw Hat Pirates to keep these two people, so they just let them go.

The Straw Hat Pirates probably didn't expect that the escaped man and woman would just stick their heads out of the sea at the Whiskey Peak they were about to reach.

After they dragged their tired bodies to the shore, they fell down and couldn't move. They were both panting, with an expression of complete exhaustion.

The two people's appearance was soon discovered by the people on the island. After being notified by these people, a middle-aged man with exaggerated golden curly hair rushed here with a nervous face.

"Beep, beep, beep, Vi... Miss. Wednesday, Mr. 9, are you two okay?! Didn't you say you were going to hunt whales? What's going on?"

Because he was too worried about the condition of his princess, he almost exposed Vivi's real name.

"Failed... failed."

The two explained weakly.

They used a small boat and a permanent pointer to return to the Whiskey Peak. However, no matter how much they paid attention to the dangerous weather, the boat was finally overturned by the raging waves.

Fortunately, there was only a short section left, and they could swim safely to the Whiskey Peak. Otherwise, the fate that awaited them was simply imaginable.

Soon, the two were supported back to the house. After drinking hot soup and food to replenish their energy, they also told the golden curly-haired man what happened when they caught the whale before.

"Those are new pirates who have just entered the Grand Line."

After listening to the two's story, the golden curly-haired man raised his hand and touched his chin thoughtfully.

Then, he spoke.

"Although the probability of them taking this route is not high, we still have to guard against these pirates. Besides, they may be a business that comes to our door."

As he said, he walked to the drawer on the side and took out a large stack of wanted notices from it.

"These are the wanted notices recently issued about the four seas., even the wanted order just issued today, check if these pirates are in it. If they really want to come, we can just catch them all in one fell swoop!"

He handed over the wanted order and let the two of them look through it. Soon, they found the relevant information about the pirates.

"That's the gang!"

After pulling out six wanted orders in a row, Miss. Wednesday was very sure that she was not mistaken.

Mr. 9 also nodded in agreement.

The three of them looked at the wanted order together, but this one glance made their faces change drastically.

Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Straw Hat Boy] Monkey D. Luffy.

No doubt, this is Luffy.


The bounty is 87 million Baileys!!!

Yes! Even the people in the Straw Hat Pirates didn't realize that this In less than a week, Luffy's bounty has once again been qualitatively increased!

This is actually due to Luffy's awakening of the Conqueror's Haki when he fought Smoker in Rogue Town.

Previously, the Conqueror's Haki of Ji Shengling and Zoro was concealed by Hawkeye, so it naturally had no effect on them, but this time Luffy actually pressed Smoker to the ground and rubbed him!

A pirate from the East China Sea, but can use the [Haki] that is common in the New World, and awakened at a young age How could the navy not take it seriously if they had the [Heroic Haki]?

Even though they were dissatisfied with Smoker's absence from duty, the navy wisely raised the bounty of the entire Straw Hat Pirates ship by a level.

Although their abilities are definitely higher than these bounties, in the end, they still benefited from Luffy this time.

The remaining pictures are listed as follows.

Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Axe Spear] Hime Shengling, bounty 21 million Kun, or 52 500,000 Baileys!

Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Pirate Hunter] Roronoa Zoro, bounty of 34 million Baileys!

Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Black Foot] Sanji who draws by hand, bounty of 33 million Baileys!


Sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Long Nose] Usopp, bounty of 9.8 million Baileys!

Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Little Thief Cat] Nami, bounty of 6.4 million Baileys!

At this point, all members of the Straw Hat Pirates are bounties!

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