Pirate’s Gene Geek

Chapter 120 Chapter 119: Exposure, Impel down request for support

at this time.

In Impel down, in the room that monitored Impel down everywhere hell conditions, a prison guard was putting down the newspaper in his hand at this time, looking up at the screen to see if anything happened.

After a glance.

The prison guard lowered his head again and continued to read the news in the newspaper.

But the next moment.

The prison guard suddenly looked up again, looking at a place on the screen with a shocked look in his eyes.

That was the location of the fourth floor, and at this time, in the Blazing Hell on the fourth floor, there were already a group of silhouettes appearing, and those silhouettes were very familiar to this prison guard. Isn't this the existence of the monsters on the sixth floor? ?

How could it appear on the fourth floor?

He looked at the surveillance picture on the sixth floor again.

"Is it my illusion? Why are the monsters in the sixth-level surveillance still the same as usual?" The guard was astonished.

But then, the picture changed. The old monsters who were sleeping and resting in the cell in the original sixth-layer surveillance picture suddenly disappeared, and even the picture on the sixth-layer was no longer visible. Only a piece of white is left, which indicates that the sixth layer of monitoring insects has died.

At the same time, in the monitoring screen on the fourth floor, the prison guard saw the Black Crow Pirate Captain Kurokawa Mio appearing in the screen. He seemed to have spotted the monitoring bug, and suddenly looked in the direction of the monitoring bug, and his body disappeared. When the ground appeared again, Mio's figure had already appeared in front of the monitoring bug, and Mio could be seen grinning toward the monitoring bug in the screen, and immediately this monitoring screen disappeared.

The monitoring bug, apparently died.

"Damn, the guys on the sixth and sixth floors didn't know when they all escaped." The prison guards looked shocked and looked at the white surveillance screen, and cold sweat began to appear inexplicably on their faces.

Even the color of fear emerged.

Those monster-level existences escaped the cell, and then the entire Impel down was in danger.

When the fear came, it took the prison guard a long time to recover, and then he quickly took out the phone worm and dialed out.

Blue blue.

Blue blue.

Soon, the phone worm was connected.

"I'm Magellan, what's the matter?"

"No, it's not good, Magellan, all the prisoners on the sixth floor have escaped. They are currently in the fourth floor." The guards quickly reported without any hesitation.

Magellan, who was squatting in the toilet on the other side, stood up in shock for an instant. He didn't even have time to wear his pants, but stared at the phone bug in his hand with shocked expressions, and the color of disbelief slowly emerged in his eyes.

But Magellan quickly recovered, gritted his teeth and roared. "Damn, are you sure what you said is true?"

"Yes, yes Lord Magellan, all the surveillance bugs on the sixth floor have died."

"Damn it, how can these guys escape the cell?" Magellan yelled. This is an incredible event. At first, Golden Lion escaped from Impel down, but he was only alone and left a pair of legs, even if It's just a loss of face to escape. But this time, for all the prisoners in the sixth floor of hell, if these guys were allowed to escape, it would not be a simple matter of losing face.

It was a huge shock to the entire sea.

"Contact Naval Headquarters immediately, report the situation of Impel down and apply for support, and then tell me the location of those guys now, so that everyone can gather on the third floor."

Magellan quickly ordered.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted his trousers and moved towards the third layer.

Although he knows that those guys are on the fourth floor, but because of this, he will choose to intercept on the third floor.

You know that Impel down's guarding power is scattered at all levels. If you want to stop these guys, Magellan knows very well that it's 100% impossible on her own. All the guards can only be gathered, and then supported, dragged until Marine's support arrives.

If he were to intercept on the fourth floor alone now, he would probably be beaten to death in a short time.

After all, if he is alone, those monster guys will not hesitate at all, and will definitely rush to kill him, the biggest threat in Impel down.

When Magellan knew that the sixth-tier prisoners were about to escape from Impel down...

at this time.

Here is the door of justice leading to Impel down.

A group of black pirates came slowly.

Lilith looked at the huge portal in front of her, stroked her hair, and looked in one direction. "The place that controls the opening and closing of the gate of justice should be there, right?"

Observation Haki spread, covering this sea area, Lilith's eyes moved slightly, and immediately, her body disappeared.

Lilith put her hand on her waist weapon and looked at the door in front of her, looking forward to seeing Mio later.

After a while.

The door of justice in front of her suddenly opened slowly. At the same time, Lilith's figure appeared on the deck, and she could see that Lilith's hands were stained with a little Bloodline at this time, exuding a faint smell of blood.

Robin held the glasses on her face, she raised her head while reading, and asked curiously. "Lilith, you killed those Marines, how did you open the gate of justice?"

"Rely on appearance."

Lilith chuckled, then looked towards the sea and shouted. "Drought, let's go, let's go."



With a roar in response, the Black Glory immediately headed into the gate of justice.

When Robin heard Lilith's answer, he couldn't help but curl his lips, then shrugged and continued reading. Thinking about it carefully, what Lilith said was nothing wrong. The moment she spread her wings, the light was dazzling, and she could make people with unsound minds fall in love with her. It really depends on her appearance.

Passing through the gate of justice is undoubtedly very easy for Lilith and others.

At this time, Naval Headquarters did not know what happened here.

In other words, in the Naval Headquarters at this time, Sengoku has been shocked by the Impel down.

"What are you talking about? All the prisoners on the sixth floor have escaped?" In the office, Sengoku was like Magellan squatting on the toilet. After hearing this, he stood up suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes, yes." In the phone worm, the voice of the prison guard from Impel down rang, hurriedly said. "Now that the prisoners have reached the fourth floor, Magellan-sama decided to intercept on the third floor, hoping that Marine's support can arrive as soon as possible, otherwise we may not be able to support it for long."

"Damn it, I see."

Hearing that, Sengoku's expression sank, and he hung up the phone worm.

But then, Sengoku quickly picked up another phone bug and dialed out.

As the call worm connected, Sengoku spoke solemnly and directly ordered. "Let all the Vice Admiral and higher positions in the department come to the meeting room, and I want them to arrive in the meeting room within five minutes!"

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