The boy was a liar.

“That guy is a liar!”

Indigo walked in front, making a sound with each step, and turned back to give Reddy some eye drops while walking: “I am a professional. If you want to get a qualified sample, it will take at least three years to see the effect. He obviously wants to cheat here for three years.”

“Hahahaha… It’s just three years, Indigo.”

Golden Lion Shiki bit his cigar and laughed. Not to mention three years, he has waited for eleven years since escaping from the Impel Down. He can definitely wait.

Indigo smiled awkwardly and tried to discredit him: “What he said has no basis at all. Even Vegapunk couldn’t do it, so how could he do it?”

Scaredo covered his mouth and laughed out loud, his shoulders shaking like a convulsion, as if he had heard a hilarious statement.

“It’s only been more than a month, I just want the results.”

Golden Lion Shiki took off his cigar and flicked the ash, laughing with a ferocious expression: “If he can’t produce the promised results, I will let him know the consequences of deceiving me.”

“I have a lot of interesting ideas, but I still lack a suitable experimental subject. That kid is ideal and can tell me the experimental data accurately.”

What Indigo wanted was Golden Lion Shiki’s promise, and he quickly expressed his hope to use Reddy as an experimental subject.

“If he doesn’t have any results, then he’s yours. Now take me to see your latest results.” Golden Lion Shiki readily agreed to Indigo’s request.

After getting the answer he wanted, Indigo was satisfied and took Golden Lion Shiki and Skaredo out of the castle, passed through the barrier formed by the DaftGreen woods, and came to the wilderness.

“Where are your achievements?”

Golden Lion Shiki bit his cigar and looked around. He didn’t see any new things and gradually became a little impatient.

At this time, a soil dragon rose in the distance.

Indigo covered his mouth with his sleeve and smiled triumphantly: “It’s coming.”

Golden Lion Shiki turned from anger to joy and hurriedly looked over there.

Soon a huge monster ran from a distance. Although it was still a few kilometers away, the ground had already felt a slight vibration.

“This is my latest masterpiece!”

Indigo spread his hands and proudly boasted to Golden Lion Shiki: “It has extremely terrible power. One kick can collapse the cliff. In order to control it, at least 20 to 30 people must be killed by it in each experiment.”

“Hahahahaha… I like it.”

Golden Lion Shiki bit his cigar, stared at the giant beast that was getting closer and closer with shining eyes, felt the increasingly obvious vibration under his feet, and laughed like an old morning flower.

Not long after, accompanied by a rumbling sound, the giant beast ran to the front, followed by a large group of members of the Flying Pirates.

“Master Shiki is over there, hurry up and drive it to another place.”

The pirates drew their bows and arrows, and a rain of arrows drew an arc in the air, covering the front of the violent beast, trying to use this to make it change direction.

But everyone underestimated the horror of the violent beast.

After seeing Golden Lion Shiki and the other two, the violent beast’s eyes turned blood red, completely ignoring the rain of arrows in front, and roared and rushed up.

Arrows rained down, and the back of the violent beast was densely pierced with arrows.

It had no fear at all, but became more violent under the stimulation of pain, and its speed increased by at least twice.

“Hahahahaha… let me test its strength.”

Golden Lion Shiki bit the cigar, slowly rose into the air, and then slashed with his right foot, hitting the violent beast’s forehead.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The slash left a deep wound on the beast’s forehead that could be seen to the bone. The strong residual force flew the huge body over five meters high, and landed on the ground more than 20 meters away, plowing a gully of more than ten meters before stopping.

Everyone was shocked.

Such a terrifying violent beast actually fell with just one blow?

“Take it away, I want to check it.”

Indigo signaled his men to take the beast away, gritting his teeth to study it in depth and strive to come up with a better work.

Golden Lion Shiki flicked the ash off his cigarette and grinned: “My attack just now was enough to defeat the Rear Admiral. If you can bring out the violent beast that took the attack just now, you can realize my dream.”

He smacked his lips and showed anticipation on his face: “I am now more and more looking forward to whether he can create a biological weapon that meets my ideas.”

Scaredo clapped his hands and laughed, mocking Indigo for losing to Reddy, at least in the eyes of Golden Lion.

Indigo lost.

Indigo turned around and left in anger.

When he returned to his laboratory, the door opposite opened.

Indigo looked past Reddy and looked inside the laboratory, his face suddenly changed.

The inside of the laboratory was no longer the same as it was more than a month ago. The huge glass culture tank was filled with nutrient solution, and a giant bear nearly four meters tall was quietly suspended in it with various catheters inserted into it.

“You have succeeded?”

Indigo’s eyes almost popped out, and he couldn’t believe his eyes at all.

It took just over a month to create such a giant beast out of thin air?

What have I done in the past month?

When did that kid walk out of the laboratory?

Or is there someone helping him secretly?

Various thoughts flashed through Indigo’s mind, this is not scientific at all!

Reddy looked at him with a strange expression.

How long will it take to create a biological weapon?

If it weren’t for the thought of getting more energy for free, I could have produced a finished product on the first day of getting the lab. Do you believe it?

Indigo came back to his senses and rubbed his eyes hard to look again.

This time he saw more details and was numb.

The giant bear in the culture tank was covered with black scales, sharp and slender fangs protruded from its lips, and its claws were like small daggers.

No matter how you look at it, it is a ruthless war machine.

Since Indigo saw it, Reddy didn’t pretend anymore and asked with a smile: “How long will it take you to produce the best masterpiece? I can wait.”

Indigo’s face darkened immediately and he turned and walked into his own laboratory.

Reddy shrugged, returned to the laboratory and pressed the button to summon Bill.

After a while, Bill came running in breathlessly.

He felt like he had a nightmare for more than a month.

Except for the first day when Reddy asked him to collect the blood of sea kings, for more than a month, he basically took people from the kitchen to deliver portions of sea king steaks to the laboratory, but Reddy didn’t even let him in.

Life is monotonous and boring, it’s better to go back to the sea to hijack a ship or kidnap someone.

“Master Reddy, what do you want me to do?”

Now Bill’s attitude towards Reddy has completely changed. He worships him as a god. After all, anyone who sees the giant bear born from nothing in a month will think so.

“Go tell the golden lion that my work is done.”

Reddy smiled and let Bill see the huge culture tank in the laboratory.

The giant bear in the culture tank suddenly opened its eyes.

Bill was startled and pointed at the culture tank and shouted, “Master… Master, it… It seems to have woken up.”

Reddy looked back and shrugged, “Don’t make a fuss, it just means it’s mature.”

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