The story is about a young man who has been in prison for 13 years.

“It has great potential, extraordinary learning ability, and super concealment.”

Dr. Reddy’s small class started again, and Golden Lion Shiki and others, especially Grizzly Bill, listened carefully like a primary school student.

“Whether it is a beast or a human, each individual is different and there are huge differences, just like you.” Reddy said, taking Golden Lion Shiki as an example.

Golden Lion Shiki disappeared for thirteen years after escaping from the Impel Down prison, but no one dared to deny that he was the legendary pirate.

Physique, swordsmanship, two-color domineering, including the development of devil fruit abilities, have all reached the peak.

On the other hand, most people in the world can hardly reach Golden Lion Shiki.

The reason lies in genes.

People are born unequal.

It’s like some people are born at the peak of their lives, while others are born hundreds of meters behind the starting point.

Everyone has an upper limit.

This upper limit will vary depending on different talents.

Reddy used the golden lion as an example and talked a lot, making it extremely complicated. In short, he confused the golden lion and everyone, including Indigo, and finally revealed his true intention.

“Humans are the most perfect biological weapons.”

“As the most ideal biological weapons, humans have too many advantages over beasts.”

“Humans have extraordinary learning abilities. Even if they are not talented, they can acquire abilities beyond ordinary people’s imagination through learning, just like me.”

Reddy used himself as an example at the end of the conclusion to prove his theory.

No one doubted his words.

The giant bear, like a loyal guard, lay quietly at Reddy’s feet. It was more obedient and docile than a pet, but the previous battle with the golden lion Shiki was impressive.

What’s more, the golden lion Shiki personally recognized the combat power of this giant bear.

Being able to create such a terrifying beast in just one month, who dares to question whether Reddy can create a stronger biological weapon?

“Hahahahaha… I just want the result.”

Golden Lion bit his cigar and laughed. He had been convinced by Reddy and said that he had the patience to wait for Reddy to come up with a more perfect work.

“Please wait a moment.”

Reddy looked at Bill with a smile on his face. He thought for a long time but couldn’t remember his name, so he pointed at Bill and ordered: “Go to my laboratory. There is a cabinet in the right corner. You go and bring the things inside.”

“Yes, Lord Reddy.”

Bill immediately jumped up and ran to Reddy’s laboratory.

When he came to the laboratory, he found the cabinet according to Reddy’s instructions. When he opened it, his eyes were straight.

There was nothing else in the cabinet, only two Reddy.

At this time, one of the Reddys suddenly moved and kicked Bill in the chest.

With a muffled bang, Bill crossed his arms in front of his chest and slid more than a meter away.

Another Reddy rushed out of the cabinet at an unimaginable speed, went around behind Bill and launched a series of attacks, knocking him forward involuntarily.

The previous Reddy had an indifferent expression, and punched Bill three or four meters away.

“Kamiyo, I am your most loyal believer.”

Bill was beaten with a nosebleed, but he was not angry. Instead, he knelt down in front of the clone Reddy with a fanatical look, his forehead pressed tightly against the floor of the laboratory.

He knew the true strength of Reddy.

The two Reddys in front of him, one was strong, and the other had a high agility.

He was confident that he could stand to the end against any one of them, but if the two Reddys joined forces, he would lose.

The two clone Reddys did not care about Bill kneeling on the ground, and walked out of the laboratory with an indifferent expression, executing the instructions given by Reddy in advance like a robot.

Seeing this, Bill quickly got up from the ground, followed the two clones in admiration, and returned to the courtyard.

When he saw two clones appear, Bill, who was following behind, was covered in blood, and Shiki the Golden Lion laughed while biting his cigar, knowing what Reddy wanted to say.

“They are two experimental subjects I made casually.”

Reddy walked in front of the two clones, opened his hands, and introduced with a smile on his face: “This experimental subject’s specialty is strength, and the other’s specialty is agility.”

“You use yourself to do experiments, aren’t you afraid of accidents!”

In the face of the ironclad facts, Indigo could only squeeze out a sour sentence.

He has been trying to persuade Shiki the Golden Lion to hand over Reddy to him. On the one hand, Reddy endangered his position in the Flying Pirates, and on the other hand, it was because only scientists could

More precise experimental data.

“The essence of science is trial and error!”

Reddy had a smile on his face. Don’t worry about whether something will go wrong. Even if something goes wrong, it’s just a clone anyway. As long as the control chip doesn’t make mistakes, it’s fine.

“Just wait for me. I’ll come up with a better work.” Indigo said a polite remark and stopped talking. He stared at the two clones with a gloomy expression.

“I hope you can provide me with a little insignificant blood.”

Reddy was so depressed that Indigo lost his temper. He looked at the golden lion and stared into his eyes with his eyes, not hiding his inner desire at all.

“You can’t agree to him!”

Indigo almost jumped up and down subconsciously.

As a scientist, he basically understood Reddy’s research topic.

Although he didn’t want to admit that he was not as good as Reddy, he knew that the life design was indeed very terrifying and could create a new life form from scratch.

If this opponent was allowed to use the blood of the golden lion Shiki to create a new biological weapon, how could he have a chance to beat Reddy?

This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!

Shiki the Golden Lion was a little tempted by Reddy’s suggestion.

The two clones of Reddy proved that Reddy’s theory was indeed correct, and Bill, who was beaten with blood on his face, was the ironclad evidence.

What if he used his own blood to create biological weapons?

Not to mention that it could be comparable to himself, even if it was just inferior, it would be an extremely huge gain.

However, the opposition of Indigo, the former chief scientist of the Flying Pirates, made him hesitate, so he looked at Indigo and waited for the latter’s explanation.

Indigo was quick-witted and quickly explained: “Science is rigorous and requires step-by-step exploration. Before you come up with enough experimental data…”

Reddy interrupted Indigo before he finished speaking, and said with a smile: “I will use facts to prove that I am right. Who is willing to give me a little blood?”

“I am willing!”

Bill raised his right hand high, afraid that Reddy could not see him, and deliberately walked in front of him.


With a smile on his face, Reddy took out a syringe from his windbreaker pocket and collected a little bit of blood that had not yet dried from the blood on Bill’s face.

“Is that all?”

Golden Lion Shiki looked at Bill, his eyes fixed on Bill’s heart, eager to try.

In his opinion, taking blood from the heart might be more effective.

Reddy waved his hand and smiled, “The life design is the greatest discovery in history, and this is enough.”

Golden Lion Shiki turned his head and looked at the two clones carved out of the same mold, his eyes shining.

It seems that it would be more interesting to form a pirate group composed of oneself.

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