The fire was raging in the town of Rogue.

Countless pirates were rampaging in the streets, catching up with the residents who were fleeing in panic, and killing them with a grin.

“Please let me and my child go.”

The woman holding the baby fell to the ground, with a pleading look on her face, hoping that the pirate would let her go, at least let her child go.

“Don’t be afraid, I will let your child go with you.” The pirate raised his saber with a grin.

At this time, a black shadow flew out from the alley next to it and threw the pirate to the ground.

The pirate was knocked unconscious by the fall, and just when he came to his senses, he saw a huge mouth full of sharp fangs filling his entire field of vision.


The pirate wailed in despair, and before his consciousness fell into darkness, he saw several shadows rushing out of the alley and rushing towards other pirates who were slaughtering civilians.

“Maybe Roger had his reasons for opening the Age of Discovery, but he deserves to die a hundred times for creating so many brutal pirates.”

Reddy walked out of the alley with Ake and Mia, one in each hand, looking very unhappy.

The prosperous Rogue Town has now turned into a bloody hell.

The streets are full of civilians killed by pirates.

The elderly, women, children, and even babies died in the rampage of pirates.

At this time, a blood-stained newspaper floated over and was blocked by Reddy’s feet.

Reddy let go of Ake, bent down to pick up the newspaper, glanced at it, and whispered to himself: “It turned out to be the Black Wrist Zefa’s broken hand incident.”

The Black Wrist Zefa’s broken hand incident had a great impact.

The loss of a high-end combat force in the Navy Headquarters severely hit the morale of the Navy, and also caused a significant decline in the Navy’s deterrence.

The riot in Rogue Town this time was probably the result of the pirates who had been hiding with their tails between their legs venting their inner darkness.

Five genetic war wolves swiftly killed pirates one after another on the street.

The black and shiny scales covering their bodies were very strong, and swords and knives could not even leave a mark on them.

The sharp fangs and small dagger-like claws could easily tear the fragile bodies of pirates.

“So powerful.”

Yak was particularly excited to see the five genetic war wolves killing pirates one after another like cutting melons and vegetables.

“Dr. Reddy is the best.”

Mia held Reddy’s hand and raised her chin proudly, as if she had killed those pirates with her own hands.

Reddy looked down at the woman who begged the pirates.

She was dead, but there was still a trace of relief on her face… and gratitude.

The baby in her arms may have sensed the death of his mother and cried.

Reddy went forward and picked up the baby in the woman’s arms. While patting the swaddling clothes, he said with a heavy heart: “Let’s go, I hope we can save more people.”

The three people plus a baby followed the five genetic war wolves.

“Help, save me!”

“These monsters are impossible to kill, come and save me!”

“Devil, it must be the devil who released them!”


At this time, the situation has turned around. The pirates who had slaughtered civilians wantonly were ruthlessly killed by the five genetic war wolves.

The five LV4 genetic war wolves were created by Reddy based on the genes of wolves, and the specific gene fragments of pangolins and bears were combined to create this ruthless war machine.

According to Reddy’s test, LV4 is roughly equivalent to the strength level of the Navy Headquarters War Lieutenant.

They have the physique and claws of bears, the scales of pangolins, and the team spirit of wolves.

Whenever they encounter a pirate who can stop a Genetic Wolf, the other Genetic Wolfs will immediately abandon their opponents and gather from all directions to hunt.

With just one encounter, they can tear the target apart, and then disperse to kill other targets.

When they drive the pirates to escape further, Reddy will step forward to collect the blood of the pirates with stronger individual strength as a gene sample and put it into the gene bank.

“I want to become a fruit ability user in the future.”

Ak saw Reddy draw a tube of blood from the corpse and it quickly disappeared in his hand like a magic trick, and swore with envy.

Only those who have truly experienced suffering can truly understand the importance of strength.

The sound of gunfire sounded from the front.

Reddy put his thumb and index finger into his mouth and whistled, and the five Genetic Wolfs immediately abandoned their respective targets and returned to his side.

“The navy has come

“Let’s go and put an end to this riot.”

Ak was very active and volunteered to lead the way. He would touch the Gene Wolf from time to time and then giggle.

Until then, he showed the innocence and… simplicity of his peers.

Rogue Town is known as the town of beginning and end.

Here are many former pirates who stayed because they were hit hard by reality, and countless current pirates who dream of conquering the Grand Line.

When the incident of Zefa’s hand being severed by the black wrist spread here, the pirate captains wanted to make a big news and justify the name of the Weakest Sea.

These people are the most suitable candidates.

But those who can reach Luo alive will be The pirate captains in Ge Town are not pure fools.

Their goal is just to make a big news and increase their bounties with bloody killings.

Before the navy came to reinforce, most of the pirate captains had returned to their ships with their confidants and newly recruited men, hoisted the black pirate flag and prepared to set sail.

When Reddy and his three companions arrived at the dock with five genetic war wolves, there were only two pirate ships left on the dock that had not yet set sail.

A large number of pirates carried the property they had robbed from the town and sent it back to the pirate ships like ants moving mountains.

When Reddy and his three companions appeared, there was a little commotion among the pirates.

“It’s the Red Wolf Pirates and the Sharp Knife Pirates. ”

Yak is the oldest and usually takes care of the other friends. He has heard many rumors from other adults in the town and recognized the two pirate groups at a glance.

“The bounty of Captain Arthur of the Red Wolf Pirates is 1.5 million Baileys, and the bounty of Captain Joseph of the Sharp Knife Pirates is 1 million Baileys…”

Yak swallowed his saliva and subconsciously grabbed a corner of Reddy’s windbreaker.

The bounty may not necessarily represent the strength of a pirate, but a pirate with a bounty must be very powerful.

“A total of 2.5 million Baileys should be enough for you for a while.” Reddy whistled, and five genetic war wolves immediately rushed to the dock.

Yak looked up at Reddy with surprise in his eyes, and heard that Reddy would leave.

But Mia didn’t understand at all, waving her little fist and cheering for the five genetic war wolves.

“Where did the monster come from? Kill them! ”

But even though these two pirate groups had more guns than the other pirates who were still venting their inner darkness by slaughtering civilians in the town, the bullets still couldn’t penetrate the hard scales covering the surface of the genetic war wolves.

Five genetic war wolves crashed into the pirates, causing a bloody storm.

One after another, the pirates fell under their sharp teeth and claws, and a large amount of property was scattered all over the ground.

“Who is it!”

Accompanied by an angry roar, a red-haired man wearing a captain’s hat jumped from the deck to the dock and repelled one of the genetic war wolves with a sword.

“Red Wolf, kill them before the navy arrives. ”

A man with two sharp knives also jumped off another pirate ship, and with a set of fierce combos, he repelled another genetic war wolf.

The other three genetic war wolves quickly abandoned the other pirates and surrounded them to hunt.

Captain Arthur, nicknamed Red Wolf, and Captain Joseph, nicknamed Sharp Knife, are indeed stronger than ordinary pirates, but this is only the East China Sea, which is known as the weakest sea.

Five LV4 genetic war wolves started hunting, and their overall combat power far exceeded that of five navy warrant officers.

The two pirate captains only lasted for ten more minutes before their throats were torn by genetic war wolves.

Two of the genetic war wolves each picked up a corpse and walked back to Reddy in small steps.

The other three genetic war wolves continued to clear the remaining pirates on the dock.

“Let’s go, they will catch up.”

Reddy turned around with the swaddling clothes in his arms. Yak hesitated and shouted behind him: “Are you planning to leave Rogue Town?”

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