The sea was full of ups and downs, and the sea breeze was gentle.

A small wooden boat was floating on the sea.

The waves were rolling and the sea breeze was gentle.

The small wooden boat was tossed up and down by the waves, and it sailed away under the drag of a sea beast.

“First, I have to find an island where rare beasts live.”

Reddy was lying in the wooden boat, his hands resting on his head and talking to himself. After all, he was a man who had read the original novel.

In the original novel, after the Golden Lion successfully escaped from the Impel Down City, he came to the East China Sea to live in seclusion, built a ferocious giant beast army, and collected rare beasts everywhere.

Reddy also made two preparations.

One is to create a rare beast to attract the golden lion to come to the door, and the other is to find a large bird, collect its gene samples, and create a genetically modified creature that can take itself flying.

After all, the floating island of the golden lion is in the sky, and as long as you spend some time, you can always find such an obvious target.

At noon, a small black dot appeared on the sea surface.

Reddy stood at the bow and looked out, controlling the genetic sea beast to drag the boat to the island with all his strength.

This genetic sea beast was created by him based on the sea beast gene and adding a specific gene fragment of the swordfish. It can swim for a long time and can also burst out at a speed comparable to that of the swordfish in a short time.

More than half an hour later, Reddy put away the genetic sea beast, dragged the boat across the shallows and stepped onto the beach.

This is an uninhabited island.

There is a mountain in the center of the island, surrounded by dense jungles, and a few birds fly up from time to time.

Five genetic war wolves appeared on the beach.

Reddy pointed to the jungle not far away, and they immediately rushed out.

It is not difficult to determine whether there are any rare animals on the island that are worthy of the Golden Lion’s attention. A rare animal that can beat five genetic war wolves must be extremely attractive to the Golden Lion.

On the contrary, it is his food.

Reddy walked to a coconut tree and sat down, and began to sort out yesterday’s harvest.

The panel was summoned.

Reddy clicked on the gene bank.

There were many options on the list, from chickens, ducks, geese to large sea beasts, etc., all of which were gene samples he had collected before.

Among them, more than a dozen gene samples were selected by him.

These gene samples were the spoils collected yesterday, including the two pirate captains.

Reddy selected one of the gene samples, switched back to the main interface, and clicked into the gene analysis laboratory.

A double helix DNA chain appeared on the interface.

The DNA chain rotated slowly, and each gene fragment on it was gradually dyed with various colors to distinguish them.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple… The colors ranged from light to dark, each different.

The darker the color, the more conspicuous the gene fragment, and the description of the gene fragment also appeared next to it.

This represents the most potential genetic information, or talent, in the gene sample.

[Gene rating: LV3]

Reddy removed this gene sample and selected another gene sample from the gene library for analysis.

But the result was not very good.

Except for the gene samples of the two pirate captains that barely reached the LV4 assessment standard, the other gene samples were all LV3.

According to his test, the gene rating only represents the upper limit of strength.

The newly created clones need to be trained to reach the strength they should have.

“Let’s get started.”

Reddy took a deep breath and moved the gene sample of Red Wolf Arthur into the gene editing laboratory.

Double helix DNA chains dyed with various colors appeared.

There was also a small window on the side of the window, which was empty.

Gene fragment…select.

[It takes 100 energy points to extract this gene fragment]

A prompt appeared.

Reddy glanced at the upper right corner of the interface.

[Energy: 2584 points]

Gene fragment extraction.

100 energy points disappeared.

The DNA chain disappeared, and a gene fragment stained light red appeared in the small window next to it.

Reddy switched back to the main interface, entered the gene library, and directly pulled to the bottom of the list.

A marked gene sample lay quietly at the bottom of the list.

[Host’s gene sample (LV1)]

Reddy extracted his own gene sample and moved it into the gene editing laboratory.

Double helix DNA chain appeared.

Gene fragment added.

[800 energy points are required to fuse this gene fragment]

800 energy points disappeared.

The DNA chain in the window broke somewhere, and the previously extracted gene fragment was embedded.

White light flashed, and the window turned snow-white.

There is a strong rejection reaction to heterogeneous gene fusion.

Artificial gene modification requires overcoming the rejection reaction of the gene blueprint to foreign gene fragments.

Reddy’s gold

Fingers can offset this rejection reaction by consuming energy.

The white light does not last long, just ten seconds, and the prompt appears.

[Gene rating: LV4]

At this moment, a gene fragment stained light red appears on the DNA chain.

Reddy moves the edited gene sample into the cloning factory.

[It takes 100 energy points to make this clone, and it is expected to be completed in 4 hours. ]

The prompt pops up.

Reddy switches back to the main interface and enters the chip laboratory again.

[Chip development]

[Chip manufacturing]

[Chip implantation]

[Module development]

Reddy selects the chip manufacturing option to enter the next sub-interface.

There is only one option in it.

[Control chip (completed): Each chip requires 100 energy points to make]

Reddy continues to select, and the prompt pops up.

[It takes 2 hours to produce the control chip. ]

The entire process of clone manufacturing is over, and Reddy switches back to the main interface and repeats it.

The difference is that this time a specific gene fragment is extracted from the gene sample of the sharp knife Joseph and fused with his own gene.

“Doing scientific research is really expensive.”

Reddy complained in his heart, his eyes fixed on the upper right corner of the interface.

Based on his own genes, the LV4 gene fragment was integrated, and the whole process consumed a total of 1,100 energy points.

He created two LV4 clones in total, consuming 2,200 energy points.

[Energy: 384 points]

After creating five genetic war wolves and one genetic sea beast, the energy that had been accumulated with great difficulty was almost exhausted.

Reddy leaned on the trunk of the coconut tree, staring at the blue sea in a trance.

Time passed silently.

[Clones have been made] X2

[Chip has been made] X2

When Reddy came back to his senses, four prompts had appeared at some point.

Reddy cheered up and took the last step of clone creation.

Chip implantation!

200 energy points consumed.

The reserve energy dropped again, leaving only 184 points.

Reddy entered the finished product warehouse, and there were two more options in the list.

【LV4 Clone】X2


Two clones appeared on the beach.

Reddy looked at the two clones and made a preliminary assessment in his mind: “The clone that merged the gene fragment of Red Wolf Arthur is more focused on strength, and the clone that merged the gene fragment of Sharp Knife Joseph is more focused on agility.”

The appearance and height of the two clones are almost the same as Reddy’s.

However, the muscle contour of one clone is more obvious, while the other clone cannot be said to be similar to the original body, but can only be said to be exactly the same.

But if you look closely, you will find that the muscle fibers of this clone are tighter, especially in the legs.

After a simple test, Reddy also confirmed his assessment.

The gene rating only represents the upper limit of strength. After the clone is born, it needs to eat and exercise to reach the upper limit of strength.

Reddy ordered the two clones to exercise on their own. Seeing the remaining energy reserves, he continued to create a clone of himself.

This clone did not merge other gene fragments, nor did it implant a control chip.

So only 100 energy points were consumed.

[Energy: 84 points]

At this time, five genetic war wolves emerged from the woods.

Each war wolf held a pheasant or hare in its mouth, and returned to Reddy to put down their prey.

Reddy checked carefully.

There were no injuries on the war wolf, which meant that there were no rare animals with genetic potential exceeding LV4 on the island.

It was not easy to find a suitable island in the vast ocean.

Reddy picked up the prey on the ground and walked into the sea, peeling and washing it with the saber given to him by Yakovic.

Not long after, the bonfire was lit.

Reddy used branches to string the washed pheasants and hares on the bonfire, and after roasting them, he took the two clones to devour them.

+2 energy points.

+4 energy points.

+3 energy points.

Every time a piece of meat was eaten, a prompt appeared in the vision.

After turning on the golden finger, he obtained an effect similar to life return, which can instantly convert food into energy.

After eating three hares and two pheasants, Reddy gained a total of 472 energy points.

His energy reserve returned to 556 points.

Five genetic war wolves lay under the coconut tree. Reddy rested his head on the cold belly of one of the war wolves and stared at the night sky in a trance.

“Too weak a body is always a hidden danger. What type of devil fruit should I choose?”

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