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conference room.

It was silent at this moment.

When Porusalino, who was the last one to come in, took his seat, Sengoku, who personally presided over the meeting, crossed his arms and opened his mouth to set the tone of the meeting.

“Dr. Reddy took away Punk Hassad and is provoking the world government!”

Everyone present was silent.

Porusalino, as one of the only two generals in Marine Fando, was also involved, and he had no intention of speaking at this time.

Everyone actually knows Reddy.

However, when setting up a reward, the Warring States Marshal personally came forward, and no one would regard it as a small matter. There was no need to be sure that it was not appropriate to speak before.

Seeing that no one was willing to be the first to break the silence, He winked at Zhu Yuan calmly.

Zhu Yuan held Jin Pilao and asked thoughtfully: “Dr. Reddy…the genius scientist who developed the active agent and the artificial devil fruit reagent?”

He calmly withdrew his gaze and took over the words to further explain: “Dr. Reddy is a genius scientist, and the two major achievements he led the development are of very high value.”

Zhu Yuan completed the task, nodded and stopped talking.

Someone broke the dullness, and others no longer remained silent and expressed their opinions one after another.

“Fighting Dog” Dauberman pressed his hands on the table and stood up: “Defection is defection. Malinfando should immediately place a reward on him and start a wanted hunt!”

With a gentle smile on his face, Huo Shaoshan comforted him: “Okay, okay, isn’t this meeting just to set the amount of the reward for Dr. Reddy?”

Dauberman then sat down again.

“I suggest that someone should be contacted first to contact Dr. Reddy. Maybe this is a misunderstanding.”

Crane knew the truth about Reddy’s defection and was unwilling to follow the World Government’s orders so hastily to set a reward for Reddy.

She regrets it now.

They should not have secretly pushed the World Government to deal with Reddy’s matter, causing such a talented scientist to choose to defect.

to this end!

This time she would rather go against the will of the world government and try to save Reddy.

“This is not a misunderstanding!”

Ghost Spider’s tone was cold and he opposed Crane’s suggestion, and his attitude was very firm.

Crane had nothing to say.

What a coincidence today, most of the vice admirals staying in Marinefando are hawks.

“No need to say it!”

Warring States knew He’s idea, but he didn’t support it. He decided directly: “Polusalino, you come.”

Porusalino had a headache, so he stood up and walked to the front, pulled out a whiteboard, pasted Reddy’s photo on it, and then began to list Reddy’s strength details.

“Dr. Reddy has been recognized by Vegapunk in the field of blood factors. Vegapunk praised him as the first person in this field!”

The first point on Porusalino’s list moved others.

Vegapunk is known as the world’s number one scientist, and it is not easy to get his personal recognition.

“He is a person with abilities. The fruit is unknown. It is suspected that he has a space-based fruit ability.”

The other lieutenant generals were shocked again.

The unknown Devil Fruit means that it has not been discovered before, and it is still unknown what kind of abilities it possesses.

If Porusalino’s inference is true, it means that Reddy has a strong self-protection ability and even super attack power.

“The most terrifying thing about Dr. Reddy is that he has mastered blood factor technology that is more advanced than Vegapunk.”

Hearing this, the others couldn’t sit still.

The conference room became a little noisy.

Back then, Vegapunk used blood factor technology to create a creature that did not belong to this world.

This information was not leaked.

But everyone here is the backbone of Malinfando, so they naturally know it.

“What has been identified so far is that Dr. Reddy has five powerful clones.”

Porusalino said, first writing the name of Shiki the Golden Lion on the whiteboard.

See this name on the whiteboard.

Zhu Yuan exclaimed in surprise: “The legendary golden lion? When did Dr. Reddy steal the golden lion’s blood factor and create a clone with such terrifying abilities?”

Warring States crossed his arms and added at the right time: “Garp sent information from Rogge Town. The information about Golden Lion in the East China Sea was provided by Dr. Reddy, so we have reason to suspect that he once took refuge in Golden Lion and later chose to defect. ”

Zhu Yuan was speechless.

I bet that guy still has a criminal record.


Porusalino wrote a second name on the whiteboard.

This name is right

Lieutenant Generals such as Jiyuan were not unfamiliar with him. They more or less knew that he was a member of CP9 and was very good at infiltration.

Borsalino’s next words made the lieutenant generals put away their contempt.

“This clone has the ability of the Door Door Fruit. It is suspected that it has been transformed by Dr. Reddy and is very powerful.”

No one would deny Borsalino’s strength.

Even Borsalino evaluated it as very powerful, so it must be true.


The third name written by Borsalino made Crane change color slightly.

“This little girl is a killer under the Don Quixote family, right?”

Crane has been chasing Doflamingo and is very familiar with the Don Quixote family, but he never thought that Reddy would steal the weapon fruit ability of BABY-5.

“Maybe I should pay attention to this little girl.”

Crane silently made a note in his heart and prepared to carefully investigate what secrets the weapon fruit has later.

“Including the clone with the ability of the Float-Float Fruit, the other two clones are based on Dr. Reddy. It is not clear what abilities they have stolen, but one thing is certain, they are all very strong.”

Borsalino reluctantly mentioned the other two clones.

It is true that they have no obvious external features and have never really demonstrated special abilities, so it is impossible to make a judgment.

“What we need to pay attention to is that he has now taken away Punk Hazard and can create a large number of outstanding combat forces at any time.”

Borsalino finally expressed his opinion and pointed out the huge threat hidden behind Reddy’s defection.

The atmosphere in the conference room became dull.

Even hawkish lieutenant generals such as Doberman felt a lot of pressure.

Just such a person can be compared with the entire Marinford… No, even enough to rival the World Government.

At this time, everyone understood why Vice Admiral Tsuru made such a suggestion.

“I think Vice Admiral Tsuru’s suggestion is very appropriate.”

Jiyuan didn’t want to get too involved in this matter, but now he had to stand up and support it.

It is irresponsible to let such a dangerous person out of control.

Huoshaoshan and a few other moderate lieutenant generals agree with this.

It would be best if the problem could be solved through negotiation.

Once the bounty is issued, it basically means that the channel for recruiting Reddy is cut off.

After all, Dr. Reddy has such a strong personality that he may not accept the olive branch thrown by the World Government again.

Hawkish lieutenant generals such as Doberman strongly oppose it.

Since Reddy is a threat to this world, find an opportunity to kill him!

The moderate lieutenant generals are not as many as the hawkish lieutenant generals, but Reddy’s current strength makes the hawkish lieutenant generals feel depressed. The backbone Akainu happened to be out on a mission, and he was barely tied with Lieutenant Generals such as Jiyuan.

Zhan Guo listened quietly to the arguments of the lieutenant generals and shook his head silently.

These people are still young after all, and they didn’t see the insidiousness of the World Government.

“Justice cannot tolerate compromise!”

The door was pushed open heavily, and Sakaski strode in with a cigar in his mouth.


Seeing the arrival of their leader, Vice Admirals Doberman and others stood up.

Seeing Sakaski return to Marinford by chance, Sengoku frowned.

Sakaski walked to the whiteboard and slapped the photo of Reddy on it heavily: “He has enough power to threaten the world. Before he does something more dangerous, I suggest that his bounty be set at… 3 billion Baileys!”

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