The old man was very happy.

With his hands in his pockets, Reddy watched the clones carry out box after box of treasure from Moria’s treasure house.

After his pirate group was wiped out by Kaido, Moria lost all his partners and was directly beaten into autism. He lived in the Devil’s Triangle to develop a zombie army and robbed pirate groups and merchant ships that entered the Devil’s Triangle.

Creating zombies only requires corpses and shadows.

For Moria, there is almost no cost. The wealth accumulated over more than ten years is a huge number.

Reddy made a rough estimate.

Moria’s treasure house is worth at least 2 billion Baileys.

“Lord Moria!”

Perona saw boxes of treasure being carried to the hall by clones and looked at Moria pitifully.

Moriah has regained his composure at this moment: “Since this guy didn’t kill us immediately, he will definitely spare our lives. As long as we wait for a chance, we can escape.”

Perona: I just want to say that we have no money.

At this time, Reddy arranged for the clone to send the treasure back to Punk Hazard. He walked in front of several captives and unexpectedly saw that Hogback was dead. He looked at Perona with a strange expression.

It is a pity to die in the hands of one’s own people.

“It’s not me!”

Perona hurriedly shook her head, I won’t take the blame.

“You have already taken my treasure.”

Moriah stared at Reddy, trying to infer from his eyes how he would deal with his captives.

Unfortunately, he saw nothing.

Reddy smiled: “I heard that you have collected the bodies of many strong men?”

The Horror Bark is a treasure.

In addition to the treasure that Moriah has accumulated for more than ten years, Reddy is more interested in the bodies of the world-famous demon Oz and the dragon-slaying swordsman Ryuma of Wano Country five hundred years ago.

Demon Oz is a giant, but he is taller than ordinary giants, reaching an astonishing 67 meters.

Because he likes to move his favorite islands, he is also called Oz the Fortune Country.

Ryuma, the dragon-slaying swordsman stolen by Moria from Wano Country, is also a great swordsman and is known as the God of Swords.

Reddy is very interested in these two deceased strong men.

What interests him more is that after these two strong men are made into zombies, they only need to inject other people’s shadows to use each other’s moves.

What interests him even more is that even if Ryuma is made into a zombie, he can still retain his personal consciousness.

This is a miracle from a scientific point of view.

Reddy’s first stop is not only the most convenient, but also the zombies made by Moria and Hogback gave him a lot of inspiration.

If your clone is made into a zombie and then injected with the target’s shadow, it is equivalent to getting a clone that is basically the same as the original body.

This clone can perfectly replicate the moves of the original body. If it is based on the original body, it can be indistinguishable from the real body at a certain moment, and mix into the enemy camp to create chaos.

Reddy silently remembered this idea in his heart and named this special combat force group in the future Jiuyao.

This clone needs to be made into a zombie as a prerequisite. The greatest use is to use it in specific occasions. There is no need to waste energy on it.

Nine special clones are enough.

“I have a condition…”

Moria was interrupted by Reddy as soon as he opened his mouth.

Reddy shrugged: “I’m sorry, you are not qualified to bargain with me.”

“Give Perona freedom.”

Moria stared at Reddy: “I won’t ask you to let her go, I just ask you to give her the right to move freely.”

Reddy thought about it, nodded and agreed: “I want Hogbak’s technology to make zombies.”

To put it bluntly, Perona is a child who has not grown up yet, and she is more likely to cause trouble than to do good.

Hogbak is a famous doctor with unique medical skills. If Perona had not killed him by mistake, Reddy would have even thought of recruiting him.

Hogbak is dead, and it is still worthwhile to use Perona’s right to move freely in exchange for Hogbak’s unique skills.

“Lord Moria!”

Perona cried out an emoticon: “I will definitely find a way to save you.”

Reddy smiled and said nothing.

The relationship between Moria and Perona is more like that of father and daughter.

After Kaido wiped out his friends, Moria became a homebody, but he also valued his companions more than before, not to mention Perona, who he raised himself.

Not long after, the clones finished moving the treasure and, under Moria’s guidance,

The bodies of the demon Oz and Longma were found.

Reddy’s eyes lit up when he saw Oz’s huge body that was like a small mountain.

Collect gene samples!

Send it to the gene analysis laboratory!

Reddy was excited to see the prey, and analyzed Oz’s gene samples as soon as possible.

The result amazed him.

Oz’s genes were perfectly preserved. Even if he was made into a zombie, his body still maintained a certain activity to ensure that it would not rot.

Reddy moved Oz’s gene samples into the gene bank.

Now he has no suitable ideas to use Oz’s genes.

If all the advantages of Oz are reasonably utilized, the clones created may even become the strongest combat force under his command.

Reddy then collected Longma’s gene samples and sent them to the gene analysis laboratory for analysis.

The results were also very ideal.

Compared with Oz, Longma’s gene activity is even stronger.

Reddy guessed that this might be the reason why Longma still had personal consciousness.

In addition, he also harvested a famous sword Qiushui.

Reddy was not very interested in the famous sword, so he threw it to a clone.

After taking stock of the gains from this battle, Reddy asked the clone to open the air door and evacuate the horror barque.

About three hours after Reddy left, Hogbak, who was already dead, sat up suddenly and took a long breath.

“It was a close call, I almost died.”

Hogbak got up from the ground with lingering fear.

Perona’s ghost bomb is powerful, and he is not without a trump card, and he is very smart.

Seeing Moria’s complete defeat, Hogbak took the opportunity to inject himself with a special drug used to create zombies, putting himself in a state of suspended animation.

“Fortunately, that guy didn’t take my Xinduoli away, Lord Moria, I will avenge you!”

A warship sailed on the sea, cutting through the wind and waves.

A naval lieutenant hurried to the deck and saluted Borsalino: “The latest news is that Dr. Reddy attacked the Terror Bark Pirates, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea Gekko Moria was defeated and suspected to be abducted by Dr. Reddy.”

“What a terrible guy.”

Borsalino was scratching his head while sitting on a beach chair.

Because Vice Admiral Tsuru was maneuvering, Marshal Sengoku wanted to give Kuzan a chance, but Kuzan said that he could not get back in time, so he had no choice but to arrange for him to hunt down Reddy.

Borsalino looked down at the permanent pointer on his wrist, rubbed his chin and said: “The Devil’s Triangle… Is the next stop the Seven Waters?”

After thinking for a moment, Borsalino stood up and ordered: “Change the route to the Gate of Justice and apply for passage immediately.”

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