Green silently landed on the main island of Wano Country in Jiuli, and a large amount of information was constantly transmitted through the phone worm, which also let him know more things that he didn't know before.

For example, Mitsuki Ota has been dancing the Fruit Dance for more than four years, and now the people have no love for him, but only disgust.

Moreover, Kaido's subordinates and Mitsuki Oda's subordinates often broke out in battles, and the Red Sheath Nine Heroes faced Kaido's two major Kanban and a group of pirates led by Zhenda, and the battle between the two sides was very fierce.

Green wanders around the Nine Miles and finds that the people here have made no secret of their dislike for Ota, and even talk about the fool who dances the fruit dance in the street.

At this time, a team of pirates was attacking Ota City in a mess, but it was obviously not the opponent of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes under Ota.

Green stood in the darkness and watched coldly, the two sides fought fiercely, and from time to time someone fell and died tragically.

Like an indifferent bystander, he turned away.

The capital of Wano Country is called the Flower Capital, and it was originally the place where the Mitsuki Ota family lived for generations, but since the Black Carbon Great Snake conspired to usurp the position of general, it became the residence of the Black Carbon Great Snake Family.

Green arrived at dawn, and he disappeared into the dark complex like a shadow without any presence.

Intelligence from Dark Four shows that there are some important people being held underground.

After searching for a long time, he finally found an entrance in a secret building, and Green walked in without hesitation with a flash of his eyes.

It's a dungeon, a big dungeon.

Green drifted through the darkness like a ghost, there were many people in the cells on both sides, the smell of choking his nose made him feel like a sewer, and the prisoners on both sides constantly cursed and wailed, and the few soldiers in charge of the guard were already familiar with it, but they still couldn't stop complaining.

"It's really noisy, just kill them all."

"Hey~ they will all have to die sooner or later, it's not the first time you've come on duty, just get used to it!"

"It's still quiet on the lower two floors, I already knew that I applied to go to the guards below."

"Below? Who are the people detained below? You still want to go below, if you go there accidentally, you can die!

"Is it really that dangerous?" The soldier who spoke clearly did not believe it.

Another soldier sneered: "Hmph, don't believe it, do you know why you let this group of you supplement the guards?" It's because there are a little too many dead people and there are not enough guards.

Green dangled beside the two, and he naturally heard all the conversations between the two, and began to look for the entrance to the lower level as soon as his heart moved.

"It seems that the person I am looking for is in prison below."

The two guards inexplicably felt a cold wind blowing over, and shrunk their necks: "Damn, it's really a little cold here, I have to bring some thick clothes next time."

Green easily found the entrance to the lower level and passed silently under the noses of the lower guards.

The prison here is more gloomy, but the smell is a little better, and it seems that there are not many prisoners here.

Looking around, sure enough, there were many fewer prisoners here, and each of them was much more fierce than the upper layer.

In one of the cells, Green found a very large man with pale blue hair and a goatee in the shape of a flame, and a pair of glasses with tiny lenses on his face, giving a sense of stability.

Green suddenly appeared in front of his cell, as if squeezed out of the surrounding darkness.

"Hana no Binggoro?"

Green's voice was not loud, but it was enough for the strong men in the cell to hear it.

Hingoro sat decadently in his cell, his body was covered with thick chains, giving him very little room to move.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded close at hand, and he looked up, only to see a young man in a dark combat uniform who didn't know when he appeared outside his cell.

"I'm Hyogoro, who are you?"

His intuition told him that this almost cold young man who looked harmless but had a calm face was not a guard here, and the momentum that unconsciously permeated from his body showed that he was not an ordinary person.

Green's face was calm, and he said indifferently: "You don't need to know who I am, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Hyogoro looked at Grimm with a frown, it was difficult for a person who did not want to reveal his identity to gain his trust.

"I heard that you are good at the high-level use of armed color domineering, teach him to me, and I will ensure the safety of your wife and subordinates."

Green narrowed his eyes, the person in front of him was the person who had mastered the use of an armed color advanced called Ryu Sakura, and he happened to have recently encountered a little trouble.

"What happened to my wife and men?" As soon as he heard about his wife and his brother Binggoro, he immediately became anxious.

Hyogoro's voice was unconsciously louder, and the guard turned to look over, and found that Hyogoro only moved for a while and automatically ignored it after no follow-up action.

Green looked at the other party displeased: "If you attract the attention of the guards again and let them find me, then I can only slaughter them and the deal is nullified!"

Hingoro had to ask anxiously in a small voice, "You still haven't said how my wife and brothers are doing?"

"Your subordinates are very loyal to you, they are fighting to protect your wife and are currently fine, but the black charcoal snake seems to have killed them, and it may be possible to do it at any time."

This is not that Grimm came out of nowhere, but Dark Four did find some clues, all of which showed that the Black Carbon Great Snake wanted to kill Hingoro's family, and even had little patience for him.

Hingoro knew the character of the black charcoal snake, so he did not doubt Grimm's words at all, it seemed that his wife and brothers were really in danger.

"Good! I can promise you that I can teach you the cherry blossoms, but whether you can learn it or not is up to you.

Green nodded: "No problem!

Hinggoro looked at Grimm's young appearance, frowned and said, "Let me see your armed color level first, and to learn Ryuzakura, you must first have a qualified armed color domineering level."

He was afraid that Grimm himself would not be able to arm well, so that he would not be able to learn the cherry blossoms, and then he would waste half a day's effort.

Green nodded, his heart moved, and the outstretched arm with a 'buzz' instantly turned into an extremely dark appearance.


Hyogoro gasped, what is this level of armed color domineering? I've never seen such a strong armed color.

"You... How do you cultivate your armed colors? Why is it so powerful?

"I didn't deliberately cultivate, but it continued to increase as my physical fitness improved, but I never knew how to use the high-level armed color." Green told the truth plainly, if he wanted to learn to flow cherry blossoms faster, he naturally couldn't have any reservations.

Bing Goro glanced at Green with deep meaning, this level of armed color is absolutely impossible for ordinary physiques to reach, this young man in front of him is a complete monster.

Thinking of the other party's carefulness, he wordlessly branded a despicable and shameless pig and tiger in his heart.

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