“Great, Mr. Lingyun, you are really alive!”

Gu was blurred by tears, Robin trotted all the way with joy, and the whole person threw himself directly into Ling Yun’s arms.

Robin’s tears of joy dripped onto Ling Yun’s clothes.

The two hugged each other tightly, and the scene was very warm!

“Silly Niko, didn’t I say that? Will come back anyway and leave O’Hara with you. Ling Yun took Robin into his arms and gently softened her little head with relief.

“I know! Mr. Ling Yun will definitely not break his word! Robin buried his head low and snuggled into Ling Yun’s arms, sniffing the smell of his body to his heart’s content.

“Brother Lingyun, to be honest, I was a little surprised, I didn’t expect you to really be able to retreat with your whole body.” Salong himself knew that his words were a little disappointing, but he couldn’t help but sigh.

“Kuzan, Sakaski…”

“These two are famous monsters in the headquarters of the Navy!”

When Saron mentioned these two names, his words revealed a strong jealousy.

Those who have the ability to freeze fruits, those who have the ability to melt berries.

It doesn’t need too many words to describe, just the positions of the future three generals and the ace combat power of the navy headquarters are enough to prove how strong these two monsters are.

How easy it is to defeat these two monsters!

“Mr. Saron, I can understand your feelings, but you are not at all mistaken. Not only did I knock them out, but I also cut off one of the arms of the red dog! ”

Ling Yun’s next words were like a nuclear bomb of hundreds of millions of tons, completely bombarding into the depths of Saroon’s heart.

Cut off the arm of the red dog?!

On Saron’s huge face, all expressions instantly froze, and his eyes almost flew out.

“Nope… No, isn’t it?!!!! ”

The incredulous exclamation instantly spread throughout the beach.

Salon’s mouth opened to an extremely exaggerated extent, and his jaw looked like it could be dislocated at any time, which showed the depth of shock in his heart.

“Why, don’t believe me?” The corners of Ling Yun’s mouth turned up.

“Nope… No, it’s just that the news was too shocking, so I couldn’t accept it for a while. Salon was so surprised that he even stuttered.

“It’s not just the red dogs, the entire Demon Slayer Order fleet has sunk to the bottom of the sea.” Even if he made earth-shattering deeds, Ling Yun’s emotions did not have much ups and downs.

The tone and tone of his speech seemed to be telling a trivial matter!

“This… This… This…”

Salong seemed to have eaten ten pounds of yellow lotus, and instantly became a mute.

His eyes widened and his breathing became rapid.

Not to mention calming the mood, even maintaining sanity is very reluctant, and the blank head is almost a muddle.

Salong was stunned!


“Brother Lingyun, what should I say?”

Saron was speechless.

From Ling Yun leaving the beach to the demon slaughter destroying the fleet, the whole process was actually not long.

In such a short period of time, if this matter is spread, the entire great shipping route will definitely set off an uproar!

“Eh… Then don’t say it, be grateful to pack up your hands and tails, and leave O’Hara on the Windwalk now. Ling Yun showed an awkward but polite smile.

“Leave O’Hara?”

Saron’s eyes flickered violently.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Salon, don’t you want to leave?” Robin asked, tilting his head.

“Alas, little Robin, little brother Lingyun, being able to meet and become friends with you, Salong is already satisfied, but if you sail together, forget it.” Salong reluctantly said his bitterness.

“Why? Do you have any concerns? Ling Yun asked suspiciously.

“Brother Lingyun, Salong doesn’t have any worries, he just doesn’t want to drag you down.” Salong touched the back of his head and smiled cheekily.

“After the destruction of O’Hara, all archaeologists died, and little Robin was the only person in the world who could interpret historical texts, and she had a special meaning in her own right.”

“And Brother Lingyun, you destroyed the Demon Slayer Order fleet at a young age, and your future achievements must be limitless.”

“In comparison, I don’t have anything outstanding except for my status as a giant, and sailing with you will become a burden.”

Salong analyzed it carefully, and did not care too much about face.

“Mr. Saron, if you think too much, partners must support each other, what is the burdensome statement.” Ling Yun vetoed it in one breath.

“Even if you don’t go with us, you will be wanted by the Navy, it’s better to go with you all the way, after all, the time together is quite comfortable, isn’t it?”

Ling Yun smiled and stretched out his arm and sincerely extended an invitation to Salong.

There was a healing smile on his handsome and flawless face, which instantly dispelled the emotions in Saron’s heart.

“Brother Lingyun…”

Salong hesitated for a moment, perhaps infected by the smile, gritted his teeth and changed his attention, “Saving your life, Salong has nothing to reward, and will definitely follow all the way from now on!” ”

“Let’s go!”

“In the future, the three of us will go together!”

The smile at the corner of Ling Yun’s mouth deepened, and he was the first to board the deck of the Fengxing.

Ssaloni and Robin followed.

The three set sail!


The other side.

The port of O’Hara town.

That sea stained red with blood.

The icy sea breeze kept blowing, setting off waves and rolling up the wreckage of the warship floating above.


The dead silence of the sea was broken by a wail.

I saw an arm covered with tattoos suddenly burst out of the pile of debris and grabbed one of the iron handles.

“Almost… I almost died here! ”

With a weak cough, the red dog struggled to climb onto one of the warship wrecks.

At this moment, his face was bloodless, as white as a dead face, and he even looked a little oozing.

As a Devil Fruit power, he is forever cursed by the sea, and once he accidentally falls into the sea, he can only ask for blessings.

If it weren’t for the rescue of other naval soldiers, the red dog would have sunk to the bottom of the sea and suffocated!

“Lieutenant General Sakaski, you can still hold on, right?” From the side, there was the sound of the burning mountain lieutenant general.

“I’m okay, what about Kuzan, was he rescued?” The red dog’s voice is weak.

In the case of an arm that was cut off, he was able to luckily retrieve a small life, and he had exhausted all the strength in his body.

“He was rescued, but temporarily fell into a coma, what happened today is really a disaster!” Burning Mountain frowned with emotion.

Not so long ago.

He has already spoken to Sengoku.

It’s not hard to imagine.

When the news of O’Hara comes back, there will be an earthquake on the side of the naval headquarters!

PS: Dear readers, please ask for some flower evaluation votes, thank you very much!!!

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