The other side.

Navy headquarters, Marin Burner.

Just when the whole great shipping route was boiling over, the headquarters of the Navy, as the disseminator of information, also held a special high-level meeting.

The lights in the conference room of Nuoda were loud, and when they learned of the movement from the Hundred Beast Pirates, the top officials of the Navy immediately held a special meeting.

Steel bones, Sengoku, Karp, Lieutenant General Tsuru …

Yellow Ape, Blue Pheasant, Red Dog, as well as several elite vice admirals from the naval headquarters, and some vice admirals from various branches.

This lineup is unprecedented in luxury.

Almost the most powerful force of the navy is gathered.

It can be seen how the death of the Hundred Beast Kaido has had a great impact on the entire Great Route and even the entire Navy!

“Guys, this time the news of Kaido’s death proves that our previous decision was correct, and this time the navy perfectly sat on the profit and occupied more advantages in the control of the sea!”

Steel Bone sat on the top spot, looking around the audience with a solemn expression.

Compared to the last emergency meeting, his face was obviously much more relaxed, after all, he had withstood great pressure before, and Kaido’s death removed a henchman.

“What an unexpected result, I didn’t expect Kaido, who had an “immortal body”, to be slaughtered by Lingyun in the North Sea! Lieutenant General Tsuru’s words were full of surprise.

“Xiaohe, it’s not just you, the moment I heard the news, I also suspected that I had heard it wrong, after all, it was Kaido who singled out the strongest!”

The deep voice of the steel bone echoed in the conference room.

When his words fell, everyone present looked at each other, and everyone showed a shocked expression.

In the past few years, the navy, like other pirates, has also tried to kill Kaido, but unfortunately, even if they exhaust their means, they still can’t completely kill Kaido.

I never expected it.

Kaido, as the overlord of the new world, will actually overturn in the weak North Sea.

And the person who completed the first killing of him turned out to be Lingyun like the sky.

“Ghost Sword Lingyun, and his Asura Pirate Group, did not expect that the strength swelled to this point in a short period of time, almost no less than the Whitebeard Pirate Group.” Steel bone empty gave an extremely high evaluation.

His words fell.

The audience suddenly became silent.

Asura Pirate Group, these words are like a nightmare, hovering in everyone’s hearts.

“What do you think about this?”

The steel skeleton looked around the audience with a solemn face.

“Well, according to the information I heard, it seems that the Asura Pirates are planning to leave the North Sea, and will enter the Great Route next, but I am not sure which route he will choose.”

Lieutenant General Karp rarely did not eat senbei, and he towered on the table with his hands on a serious face, obviously very concerned about the movements of the Asura Pirates.

“I have also inquired about this news. I think you should pay more attention to Doflamingo than the Asura Pirates, this time he is also the one who sits on the profit. The deep voice of the red dog resounded throughout the room.

“That’s right, that guy Doflamingo, but the seed of evil who does nothing evil, if he is left alone, I am afraid that the order of the sea will also be threatened in the future.” The green pheasant rarely supported the red dog once.

Although he was a younger brother in front of Ling Yun, the green pheasant still had absolute confidence in unilaterally crushing when facing Doflamingo.

“Kuzan, Sakaski, listen to you two, we’re going to shift our energies to Doflamingo?” The Air Marshal looked to the other side.

“Marshal Air, after the Asura Pirates left, the Don Quixote family lost its shield, as long as I can stop the evil fire, I am willing to go to the North Sea at any time.” The red dog stretched his legs and kept a straight face.

“Well, let me think about it…”

The steel bones tapped the table with empty fingertips, constantly weighing the pros and cons in his mind. “Considering that the Don Quixote family has concluded an alliance with the Asura Pirates, if they rashly launch an offensive against them, it is likely to cause Ling Yun’s dissatisfaction.”

“As for how likely this is…”

“Honestly, I can’t bet!”

The fingertips of the steel bone empty kept tapping back and forth, and when the Asura Pirate Group was mentioned, his dark face was full of jealousy.

“Marshal Kong, isn’t the position of the Seven Wuhai just vacant? It is better to take this opportunity to recruit Andor Flamengo. Lieutenant General Tsuru finally made a statement.

“Little Crane, are you so optimistic about Doflamingo?” Cyborg frowned.

“Air Marshal, whether it is strength or courage, or even prestige and deterrence, Doflamingo is qualified for the job, and he is indeed the most suitable candidate for the Seven Wuhai.” Lieutenant General Tsuru nodded.

“Oooh… Actually, I think Lieutenant General Tsuru’s proposal is not bad. The yellow ape, who had been silent, said in a strange tone, “He who dominates the underground black market is definitely the right person!” ”


“Then do as you proposed, Xiaohe, you take someone to the North Sea and invite Doflamingo to join His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas.” After careful consideration, Marshal Kong made a serious decision.


Sakaski snorted unpleasantly.

Advocating “absolute justice”, he could not tolerate a trace of evil in his eyes, and naturally looked at Doflamingo unfavorably.

“Sakaski, if you don’t want to, go to the North Sea with Xiaohe and personally interview Doflamingo.” The steel bone void did not change attention.

“I’ll have a good chat with him!”

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the red dog.

Not only Doflamingo, but even to His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, he had a hostile attitude.

Pirates, Navy.

For many years stood on the opposite side.

Never allow any trace of “evil” to exist!


Five days later.

The Kaido incident is just a small episode.

After leaving Chrysler Island, the Windwalk continued its journey, heading for the Great Route as originally planned.

After three days of continuous trekking, they continued to cross other seas, and soon reached the edge of the North Sea, the sea near the red earth continent.

“At this speed, it seems that we will soon reach the mouth of the sea.” Ling Yun leaned back on the sun lounger, holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

“Finally heading for the Great Route?”

baby5 put his little hand in front of his forehead and looked excitedly into the distance.

Right at this time.

A news bird flew in the distance.

“Eh… It seems that a newspaper has fallen. As the news bird swept over everyone’s heads, a naval newspaper fell from the sky and landed firmly in Ling Yun’s hands.

Turn the first page of the newspaper.

A huge headline immediately caught everyone’s attention.

“Doflamingo officially joined His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas!”

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