A month later.

Great sea route, the waters of the Carete.

“It’s still the same as before, the pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage don’t give a threat at all.” Salon held the sharp round axe, and the blade was dripping with dazzling blood, which contrasted sharply with his humble appearance.

Since crossing the Upside Down Mountain, Lingyun and they chose one of the routes.

Although I met many pirate groups along the way, all of them were easily crushed without pressure!

“Salon, you know better than any of us the details of the first half of the Great Voyage.” Looking at the floating hull wreckage on the sea, Ling Yun’s expression was waveless.

Even if the Asura Pirate Group has become famous in the sea, there are still many newcomer pirates with iron heads, who have challenged Lingyun one after another.

Of course.

Without exception, they will only end up crushed.

“Mr. Lingyun, these pirates are too weak to have the effect of experience at all, and it seems that the pirates of the Great Voyage are not very good.” Luo held a sharp knife in his hand, rarely showing masculinity, and gradually began to become confident.

“Luo, it’s just a group of opponents who don’t get into the flow, it’s good to have self-confidence, but don’t blindly inflate because of this.” Ling Yun came to Luo’s face, just like since he played a chestnut, he immediately made the latter cover his forehead and cry out in pain.

In addition to his identity as the captain, Ling Yun is also Luo’s kendo teacher, teaching the other party the eight thousand streams of kendo hand in hand.

And kendo practice, in addition to sword skills, what is more important is self-cultivation.

Only by maintaining a calm heart can we go further on the road of kendo.

Luo clearly lacks in this regard!

“Mr. Lingyun, I have already contacted Doflamingo, and he promised to pass through all the islands along the way, as long as there is an underground black market trading place, we can replenish the supplies as much as we want.” Baby5, who was wearing a maid costume, came to Lingyun and said enthusiastically.

After this time of getting along, she has completely let go of the past, and even changed her name to outsiders.

Instead of addressing the “young master”, you will directly address the other party by name.

What is obvious.

baby5 sincerely made up his mind to follow Lingyun with a dead heart!

“Well, that guy in Doflamingo is quite knowledgeable.” Ling Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, “But I have to admit that after becoming a member of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, his power in the underground black market has expanded rapidly. ”

“Captain Lingyun, I think that in the near future, it is really possible for Doflamingo to dominate the underground forces of the entire Great Passage.” Ssalon expressed his opinion.

“Dominating the underground black market? With that guy’s ambition, he can indeed do such a thing, but it is only good for us, no harm. Ling Yun chuckled indifferently.

Under the premise of absolute strength, even if Doflamingo has plump wings, he does not have the guts to turn against Ling Yun.

What’s more, what Ling Yun had told him about the artificial devil fruit had already made Doflamingo feel anxious.

Obviously, hugging Ling Yun’s thighs is the wisest choice!


Half a month later.

Great Route, Kingdom of Alabastan.

It is a superpower located on the great shipping lane, Santin Island, the whole country is built on desert, most of the area is vast yellow sand, and sandstorms can often be seen here.

Among them is a bustling city called “Rainland”, which not only has the title of “City of Dreams”, but also is one of the most popular areas in the entire country.

The town is surrounded by unique Middle Eastern buildings, shops on both sides of the street, and bustling noise.

Not so long ago.

The Fengxing arrived at port.

After more than half a month of sailing, Ling Yun and his party came here.

“I really didn’t expect that there was such a prosperous town in the desert, what an unexpected surprise!” Robin looked around curiously, looking at the desert.

As a young archaeologist, during this voyage, Robin silently recorded everything he passed along in a book.

She hopes to write a new history based on “personal experience”!

“Mr. Lingyun, there should be a lot of camels here, right?” baby5 looked at the palm of his forehead with a look of anticipation on his face, “I haven’t experienced the feeling of riding a camel yet.” ”

“baby5, don’t worry about this. It is rare to come to Alabastan, and it is definitely necessary to go to the desert. Ling Yun said with a chuckle.

“Trey hee…”

“Even if I want to ride, there shouldn’t be a suitable camel, so I’ll just stay in town and wander around later.” Saron let out a hearty laugh.

“By the way, we are mainly supplementing substances this time, trying to avoid extraneous branches, and I hope to be able to rush to the capital as soon as possible.” Ling Yun deliberately instructed.

Although these companions around him are very friendly in terms of personality and temper. However, after sailing a while ago, Ling Yun found that there were too many iron-headed babies in this world.

No matter what sea you pass through, no matter which island you pass by.

There will always be some stunned people with the idea of “becoming famous overnight” who challenge the Asura Pirates.

Although the number of people is small, it is quite boring.

The same thing happened more often, and Ling Yun gradually lost patience and used thunder to suppress everything.

The strength of the Asura Pirates is not to be provoked!

“By the way, Mr. Lingyun, ask curiously.” Luo suddenly asked, “Alabastan, such a big desert country, there should be some powerful characters hidden, right?” ”

“Powerful people?”

Ling Yun pondered for a moment, and soon thought of someone, “Although I am not completely sure, it is very likely that that guy is also here, and I hope that you can fight him.” ”

“Huh? Who exactly? Luo asked curiously.

“Sand Fruit Ability, one of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, Klockdar.” When the sand crocodile was mentioned, Ling Yun’s expression did not change much.

Although Lao Sha’s strength is not weak, it is only the level of the Seven Martial Sea, and there is no difference between him and ordinary people in Ling Yun’s eyes.

Naturally, it will not be taken too seriously.

“His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas? It seems to be a character at the level of Doflamingo. Luo nodded thoughtfully, and his eyes lit up with a raging fighting intent.

“Luo, with your current strength, it should not be his opponent, but Robin’s words can be tried.” Ling Yun chuckled and looked at Robin.

If Robin and the sand crocodile fight.

Regardless of the outcome of the victory and defeat, the change of the butterfly effect may bring unexpected surprises!

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