\"What!\" Zefa and Karp and the others didn't think.

Luo Xin, who was originally a swordsman, was so strong in his body skills!

Lu Qi was known as the strongest in CP9 in the past 800 years, and he was beaten down by a colonel in Luo Xin? Zefa

looked at Lu Qi on the ground and couldn't help but sigh, "At that time, I saw Luo Xin's

knife leaving a wound on Blackbeard, and I thought he was a master who was dedicated to pursuing swordsmanship, but I didn't expect his physical skills to be so strong."

"Indeed, that single punch of iron can already defeat the vast majority of the training navy here.

Karp also stopped giggling and seriously analyzed Rosin's strength.

As a naval staff officer, Crane's eyes are even more vicious, "We have all seen Luo Xin in the observation room above before, and we have not yet learned to master the six styles, but now we have improved after only a few rounds of battle, and the growth talent is very high, and the power of the lieutenant general will be successful in the future!"

The lieutenant general is already at the head of many people.

On the training ground, when the rest of the navy thought that Luo Xin was victorious, Luo Xin looked at Lu Qi below, and suddenly said:

"It seems that this cemetery is very suitable for you, do you like to lie in it?"

A possibility suddenly came to mind.

Sure enough, after Luo Xin's words ended, Lu Qi, who was originally deep in the ground, suddenly disappeared

! The cooperation of Sha and Yuebu made Lu Qi's figure disappear in the air in an instant!

This is a more advanced application of the Six Styles.

"Oh, finally serious, then I'll do it too!" Rosin

chuckled and slowly closed his eyes.

Exhale and breathe, which is the state of entering the breath of all things.

At this moment, all the movements in the training ground were under Rosin's control, including Lu Qi, who was constantly moving next to him!

At this moment, Lu Qi had already used the ability of the Devil Fruit.

As the sprint champion of the animal kingdom,

his strong hind leg muscles make the six-style shave faster, and the yellow and black animal skin wraps his skin, giving him more defense.

Now the injured Lu Qi in the training ground, except for the powerful people, can't see his figure at all

! And of course Rosin can see it, not only can he see it, but he can also keep up!

I saw Rosin chuckle lightly.

"Left. The

domineering and iron fist struck Lu Qi in the abdomen.

Boom! Lu Qi flew straight upside down,

and smashed into the building outside the entrance.

Again, the building took a heavy hit.

But it was only a breath of time, and a yellow figure rushed out of the smashed building and suddenly rushed towards Luo Xin, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes

!"Six Styles of Mystery, Greatest Wheel, Six Kings Spear!"

A roar of rage, Lu Qi used the highest meaning that can only be comprehended by cultivating the Six Styles to the extreme

! The terrifying power converged in his claws and attacked Luo Xin's abdomen fiercely!

"I knew you were hiding!" Luo

Xin laughed when he saw this, but did not flinch, domineering attached to his whole body, and his skin was black to red.

"Iron block!"

Bang! The physical skills can only be experienced when they touch each other, and Lu Qi's strongest physical skills meet Luo Xin's iron block, resulting in a huge impact!

The strength of the whole body is gathered in one place and discharged instantly, the ultimate strength, the ultimate speed is vividly reflected!

It's no longer the kind of petty fight that just now.

The shock wave of distance instantly changed the color of the training ground.

The iron fist and domineering tearing produced red and black thunder and lightning in the air, and the power of the confrontation between the two also burst out at this moment.

The grass continued to overturn, and as soon as the new mud leaked out, it was turned into scorched earth by the surrounding red and black thunder!

Karp and Zefa's eyes flashed, and they instantly rescued several people who were watching the excitement, and instructed:

"Everyone retreats." Then

he continued to frown and look at the situation on the field.

On the field, when Rosin felt his fist touching his body, he instantly erupted in severe pain.

This made him suffer at the same time, but it was unbelievable.

"Obviously domineering, but the huge shockwave passed through my body and caused damage to the inside of my body!" This

feeling is like.......Another

use of the armed color that Luffy learned in the original plot in Wano Country, internal destruction

!"I see, I see!


Confronting Lu Qi's fist, Rosin figured it out at the moment, it was a surprise, and the corners of his mouth raised wildly.

The ultimate meaning of these six forms is similar to another way of unleashing domineering

! that is, the internal destruction of domineering, which can pass through the surface of the object and hit the inside of the object!

"You're really a surprise for me, Luki!"

With a chuckle, Rosin stepped forward suddenly, and Luqi was forced back by a stronger force.

Lu Qi's face was full of murderous intent, and he looked at Rosin as if he were his prey.

Rosin stroked his belly from the blow, recalling the blow he had just received.

The blow did pierce his defenses and make him feel pain, but he couldn't help but sigh inside.

I have to say that it is really right for a strong man to die of iron.

However, being strong in the beating is also his motto for growth.

In this battle, he continued to learn the fighting skills of Lu Qi, a master of the six styles, and also knew that the other party still had the six types of mysteries that he had not used, so he kept forcing the other party to use them.

He knew that his only talent was terrifying learning.

Only after experiencing it can we understand its power, its skills, and its attack methods, and Rosin can learn more deeply.


"Now that you've used everything you need to use, it's time for me to do it." Rosin took a deep breath, feeling the movement of domineering energy in his body, and chuckled at the corners of his mouth.

"To be honest, I'm a little unaccustomed to crushing for the first time, and if you can survive, let me see if your iron is strong. The

tone was relaxed and arrogant.

But Lu Qi didn't have any rebuttal, but his pupils widened!

He saw

the momentum gathered in Rosing's hand, this was...

"Six Kings Gun!How is it possible!"

Lu Qi's eyes finally stopped calming.

How did he learn the mysteries of the six styles now when he was a rookie of the six styles just now


"You can sleep here

!" "The six types of mysteries, the six kings of the gun!"


". Rosin put his hands together and came to Lu Qi's side in an instant, and when Lu

Qi couldn't react at all, his two palms exploded! The target of his palms was Lu

Qi's body!

"What!" Lu Qi marveled at Luo Xin's speed, but his body couldn't react at all.

He could only watch as those palms hit him

! Zefa outside the arena felt bad, and hurriedly shouted: "Rosin, stop!"

If this move continues, Lu Qi will be crippled if he does not die!

He doesn't care about Lu Qi's life and death, but Lu Qi is dead, and Luo Xin, whom he values, may also be punished because of the dissatisfaction of the world government.

He didn't want to see satisfied subordinates lose their promotion opportunities because of this.

But Rohin continued to shoot towards Luci as if he hadn't heard!

The palms together changed their original position and struck Lu Qi on the shoulder! Bang


Lu Qi's body was like a puppet that could not be controlled.

Flying upside down to the sidelines in an extremely twisted and fast way!Zefa's

eyes were startled, and he instantly flashed behind Lu Qi and forcibly hugged Lu Qi, but the great impact made Zefa also keep sliding out of the field.


Zefa's feet were deep in the mud, but he was still beaten back!

The powerful force no longer surprised him, but even more surprised him...

"Damn boy, this strength, are you really going to kill him!" complained

in his heart, his feet were forced, and he finally stopped after he was about to touch the wall of the field a hundred meters away.

But although Lu Qi was saved by Zefa, the Six Kings Gun had the effect of internal destruction, and Lu Qi was still extremely injured.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Luch collapsed in Zefa's arms, unconscious!

All the other navies who looked down on Rosing, the colonel, were stunned.

The whole venue was silent!

They couldn't have imagined it.

I thought it would be the tail of the crane for training.

The countdown to this graduation session.

Now he is the first to master the six styles and comprehend the meaning of the six styles!"Obediently, is that the meaning of the six styles! Today I saw two people using the meaning of the six styles!" "

I didn't expect the crane tail that likes to be exercised in a strange way to be the strongest one we have here


"Did you see that blow!"

Even Mr. Zefa stopped him so hard, obediently, this is too powerful!"

Rosin became a hot topic and was wildly discussed by the rest of the Navy.

Rosing's comments turned strange at the beginning, and became the object of their heated discussion.

Genius and strength have become his new synonym!

And Rosin didn't pay attention to these naval words, but looked at the unconscious Lu Qi, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but hook, and he murmured in his heart.

"The plan was successful..."

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