"Three months, only three months

!" "From the Chambord Islands to the Upside-Down Mountain, the sweeping of the entire territory will be completely over! At that time, it will be time to settle accounts with the Four Emperors!"


Chinese tone was full of excitement.

The great route was swept clean, and the four seas only needed the Pacifist to solve it easily! All the lieutenant generals'

eyes burned.

This time, it's really going to be a big game!

" Yellow Ape, Peach Rabbit, and Luo Xin" Warring States shouted the names of the three people and continued to speak, "You lead the team to the Chambord Islands and sweep away all the pirates, Yellow Ape, you go and invite the Celestial Dragons there." "

Your battle will also be the first shot of the battle!" "

Ah~ It's really terrible, the old man knows." The yellow ape put down his nail clippers and said fearful words, but his face did not fluctuate at all.

Rosin also nodded slightly.

Changes in the Navy could change the pattern of the world, and he needed to do something about it.

"The rest of the navy, after returning to their own branch, began to assemble, and three days later, that is, after the sweep of the Chambord Islands was over, the official CL-0 plan began!"

All the lieutenant generals stood up in unison.

A standard military salute was given, and everyone here was dressed in justice, their eyes were more determined, and their voices were like rainbows.



Navy busy.

Rosin returned to his temporary residence, joined up with Lina and the others, and explained his mission.

"Xiao Shi, I may have wronged you in the past few days, and then the Warring States will take care of you, you can just follow his plan, and the bird food is ready.

"Whew!(Leave it to me!)"

Xiao Shi still looked carefree.

It's just to order the seagulls under his command, and it won't be too tiring.

After explaining Xiao Shi, he said to Lina and Rex: "Rex, this time you go back to Shi Country, Xiao Shi's ability will most likely be exposed, and the pirates may attack Shi Guo if they are angry, you need to hold it, you can rest assured, Shi Guo does not need to participate in the war, the navy is still there, the Warring States Concession, if you really can't fight, go to Frost Moon Village for help." "


Rex saluted and accepted the order.

"And Lina... Forget it, you follow me. "

Rosin didn't know how to arrange Lina.

Let's say that she is strong, it is just the normal level of a colonel, let's say that she is not strong, the level of domineering is still very high, so he pulled her by his side.

And just when several people were discussing the precautions of the plan, the door of the residence was suddenly opened.

A few figures entered.

It's Dusty, Smoker, Tina and Nokigaard!

"Ah, it's you!" Rosin couldn't help but be happy when he saw his old friend.

Smoker now took back his cigar and smiled, while Tina followed him, nodding to Rosin as a greeting.

Dusty and Nuoqigao walked over, Dusty's face was full of excitement, but there was a hint of murder in Nuoqigao's eyes.

It's just that Dasty was the first to run in front of Luo Xin, and was the first to speak, saying:

"Brigadier General Luo Xin! Major General Xiaoshi! I saw your news, and I killed the golden lion with Teacher Zefa, it's so powerful!"

Luo Xin laughed and patted Dusty's shoulder, looked at Nuo Qigao again, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Look at your appearance, your strength has increased a lot, hahaha!" Nuo

Qigao's eyes flashed a hint of highlights, and his face couldn't help but blush, and he touched her head in front of the public, which made her a little at a loss, and she coughed dryly:

"Ahem, Brigadier General Luo Xin praised a lot." "

I have to say that it is very useful, many of the languages of the Nuoqigao organization were cleared in an instant, and now they are a little shy.

Lina poked her head out from behind Rosing, looked at the two of them and smiled, "You are Dusty and Nuoqigao, I often hear Brigadier General Rosin talk about you, his most important friend or something."

"Hey, Brigadier General Rosing said that, I'm embarrassed. "Dusty is as natural as ever, what to say.

Everyone else took it seriously, nodded slowly, and a smile appeared on their lips.

Nuoqigao's expression on Linna's face was also much kinder, but there was still some hostility.

Only Rosin was a little confused, did he tell Lina?

But it didn't matter.

Rare friends reunited, he also wants to

have a good drink with Smoker!

"Rare happiness, let's go have a drink together, Smoker has a treat!" Rosin raised his right hand and organized everyone.


Xiao Shi was also very excited, and the huge eagle head arched over Nuo Qigao, who was in a complicated mood, and finally made Nuo Qigao laugh.

Dusty also took the opportunity to touch Xiaoshi's feathers, and his eyes flashed.

Since the dinner party was decided, Smoker didn't sweep everyone's temperament, and decided to treat him, and he was also happy that he had paid his salary and paid it back.

Besides, how much can seven people eat?

That's it.

Tina followed Smoker, Lena followed Rosing, and the two talked about the interesting stories of the past few months, while Dusty and Notchy rode the small stone and went first to reserve a table.

Several people walked on their way to the restaurant.


The next day.

When the unconscious Smoker got up and saw the bill, he slowly put the cigar back in his arms.

Picked up the lady's cigarette again and smoked it.

And Tina rubbed her head and woke up from the bar counter, her head still had a headache from the hangover, but she was a little puzzled when she saw Smoker smoking a lady's cigarette.

"Hmm, Smoker, haven't you finished paying off Tina money, why are you still smoking this?"

said this sentence like a sharp sword into Smoker's chest, and the cigarette between his fingers could not help but tremble.

"It's nothing, I'm used to smoking this one, smoking a cigar and coughing.

Tina was still confused, but when she saw Smoker staring at the bill, she burst out laughing.

And the initiator of why the bill is so expensive, Xiao Shi, has now reported to the Warring States.

Rosing also made his way to the Chambord Islands.

Leaving Smoker alone in the restaurant and roaring, "Rosin, you bastard!"


the ship to the Chambord Islands.

Rosin burped and basked in the sun on the boat.

Lina was next to him working on the papers.

Suddenly, Rosin sneezed.

"Aqiu, who is scolding me?" Lina

was startled by the sound of Rosing's sneezing, and when she heard his complaint, she couldn't help but laugh lightly: "Who else could it be, Major General Smoker, Xiaoshi has eaten so much, you can make him miserable."

"It's okay, he has a rich woman to support, it's just a little money." Rosin rubbed his nose and said it didn't matter.

At this time, Lina received new news, her pupils were shocked, and she shouted to


"Brigadier General Rosin, the Straw Hat Pirates have knocked the Draconians unconscious!

"It's okay, I can't die anyway, the Chambord Islands are coming, ready to work. When

the words fell, Luo Xin put his hand on the [Emperor Star], his eyes were deep.


The yellow ape came out of the cabin and looked at Luo Xin who was looking at the islands in front of him, his eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, and then he returned to normal and said to Luo Xin:

"The world government ordered the old man to hurry up and send the Tianlong people back, and the old man will leave first, and the rest will be left to you."

"You really believe me, that's a supernova of up to 300 million, I can't beat it. Rosin shrugged his shoulders.

The yellow ape hadn't spoken yet.

A shadow came out of the cabin, the sound of high heels trampling on the ground was very rhythmic, every step was extremely standard etiquette, under the pink clothes, the spider tattoo on the leg was particularly eye-catching, and there was a famous knife pinned to his waist, which means the patron saint of the


The only two general candidates, Peach Rabbit Gion!

" It's okay, the little one, just leave it to the concubine." The

voice was very good, and when Rosin saw that she was ready to attack, he regained his lazy look.

"OK, please, give you half a day, it's rare to come to the Chambord Islands, Lina, walk with me. "

Oh... Oh, yes, Brigadier General Rosing!" Lena didn't know why Rosin dared to give orders to the general's alternate, but when she heard that there was something else to do, she agreed.

And Peach Rabbit did not have any resistance to Rosin's orders.

Instead, he nodded slightly and accepted the order!

In this operation, everyone must listen to Rosin.

These are the exact words of the Marshal of the Warring States.

Of course, only the people in the meeting know.

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