Pirate’s Hell

Vol 7 Chapter 111: Technology rolling

Odyssey is located in the depths of the ocean floor, where marine species live. It is soaked by sea water all year round, but it has a completely different landscape from land.

In the deepest part of the sea, you can never imagine that someone would have such a paradise.

The azure sea water reflects constantly fluttering light under the sun.

The red coral, and those crystals, the metropolis constructed.

It's extremely prosperous, you can't imagine that it has the same buildings as the land.

Moreover, many places are made of crystals, which completely seems to be in a fairyland on earth.

In the common sense of ordinary people, the seabed is endless sea water, as well as those weird fishes. In this kind of place, there is no sign of survival at all.

But marine species can do this and isolate this place from the sea.

It can be seen how powerful they are, and they have a history of hundreds of years.

Still living in this kind of place.

——Oxiande, is the place where all marine clan families thrive.

"Brother Su Yi, there is no action."

At this moment, Yi Gang's expression on the side looked surprised.

Although the opponent's strength is not weak and he has an advantage in the water, his own brother Su Yi can always give people a very unexpected situation every time in the game.

So in his heart, he has always believed that he can win this game.

However, from the very beginning, Su Yi had no intention of moving, even if he had hidden his body among the steel monster.

There was still no change, and then the analysis began.

This is a nuclear submarine, and its power system is very powerful. Humans in this world simply don't know how powerful it can erupt.

"After finishing all the other party's information, I want to know the speed of this guy."

"Yes, Captain."

When this nuclear-powered submarine was called, Jibril visited several soldiers who were able to manipulate the nuclear submarine, and they all came from the special forces of Su Yi.

He has very practical operating experience and can proficiently operate every part of the nuclear submarine.

"Analyze the opponent's speed immediately and have reached a conclusion so far."

"Report to the captain that the speed of this creature has reached supersonic speed."

Supersonic speed means that the speed of movement is already faster than the speed of sound.

It can be seen how powerful the mermaid called Yamila is, even the fastest nuclear submarine cannot exceed this speed.

"Report to the captain, if this continues, we will lose the game."


Nodding slightly, the corners of his mouth raised, looking at the fast swimming Ami La on the screen.

I had an idea in my mind for a long time. From the very beginning, I didn't intend to use ordinary means to compete with this guy.

In the underwater world, marine species are the masters of this world, and their moving speed is simply not surpassed by any human.

Just think about it, you can understand.

"Don't care about the speed of this guy, turn on the ultrasonic wave for me now."

This powered nuclear submarine is equipped with many sonar systems, including ultrasonic waves, which can have a great impact on the entire sea area. This kind of sound travels extremely fast.

Although there is a certain amount of pollution to the sea, it can be used to win the game.

Sometimes it is normal to make a little sacrifice.

And it's nothing.

"Yes, Captain."

After receiving the order, several soldiers skillfully manipulated and quickly locked the target. The sonar system was able to conduct single-directional attacks.

This is not only very accurate, but also can reduce the harm to the sea.

It is a way to kill two birds with one stone.

The people outside, including Her Royal Highness, and Jibril, who had no permission to participate in this game, seemed more worried.

I don't know what happened to the nuclear submarine, now there is not much time left.

Every girl looked a little worried, if they lost the game, then the entire territory of mankind would disappear completely.

It is possible for marine species to ascend their territory and act recklessly.

Yigang also squeezed a sweat tightly. Although he has blood damage, he has no way to play any role in the underwater world.

Sea water has a strong blocking effect, even if it has blood damage.

It is impossible to compete with this guy.

The strength of the two is very different, and the eyes are constantly shaking.

"Damn... If it were land, nothing like this would happen."

Amira is moving frantically at the moment, and she has changed her body's appearance. This is just to increase her speed, because the streamlined body is in the sea.

Able to move extremely fast.

It won't even be affected at all, just like a penguin like a straight line.

In just a few minutes, he had already left nearly a few nautical miles.

And as time goes by, the distance between the two sides is gradually increasing.

"Soldiers quickly report the current situation, how long will it take to prepare."

Even Su Yi, who was very confident, began to urge him at this moment.

After all, there is a time limit for this battle, and if it exceeds the regulations, it will cause the opponent to win.

Several soldiers hurriedly operated and accelerated their actions. One of the soldiers turned around and quickly answered the captain of his fleet.

"Report to the captain, you can launch at any time now."

"It's not too late."

Without any hesitation, the soldier waited for the pink button according to the operation, and then the entire ocean floor seemed to have received some kind of impact.

With the nuclear submarine as the center, it expands to the surroundings, and releases an invisible force such as ultrasonic waves that lifts the surrounding sea area into the deep sea, especially the eardrums, and can even cause transient shock.

But it will not cause fatal injuries, because at the time of release, Su Yi, as the captain, took into account the harm caused by this function, so he ordered his soldiers to reduce the frequency and harmfulness of this ultrasound.

All have been greatly reduced.

Still continuing.

In an instant, the entire sea seemed to have been impacted, as if a violent earthquake broke out inside.

Including the surrounding buildings and the mermaids, they felt an invisible force oppressing their bodies. Many fishes just whitened and fell to the ground. ..

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