Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 220: Hit hard

The 50% firepower of the chaotic robbery is really amazing. Even the most powerful sacred mountain is hard to resist. He vomits blood and almost splits his body.


Su Yi's figure flashed past, directly killing the strongman of this great holy peak.

Here, Lu Ming had a threat, only Dashengfeng or above, Dasheng Dacheng, Su Yi was fearless.

Therefore, Su Yi must first remove the most powerful St. Louis

"Die to me!"

In the middle of the road, a huge holy town, a strong man of a great saint, in front of him, the battle axe violently hit Su Yi.

Hey! Hey!

The sound of swords and the pattern of yin and yang fish appeared on the Tai Chi array. Then the yin and yang fish were imitated as a pair of yin and yang fish swords and violently stretched out to two people.

The Three-Eyed Protoss in Dasheng City was directly killed. The great saint was almost killed, his body was wounded open by a long sword, and he retreated madly.

But will Su Yi let him come back? A sword broke out, it turned out to be this person.

The next moment, Su Yi's figure appeared in front of the big shelter.

This three-eyed protoss was shocked by the chaotic robbery that Lu Ming thoroughly attacked. The injury was serious and there was almost no resistance. Su Yi waved his hand, and his five great sacred soldiers rushed past. kill.

If this is normal, Su Yi can't easily kill the existence of Dashengfeng, but these three-eyed **** races just fought the **** Konjac, and almost everyone was injured. When the fighting power is no longer in full bloom, they are Su Yi. Kill a person through Thunder.

Then, Su Yi didn't stop, and went to another three-eyed protoss.

The other side is the strongest of the great holy peaks. There are only three people. Now one is dead, and there are two others.

Of course, there is another general, but his injuries are more serious.

"Chaotic Robbery!"

Su Yi did not look at it. It was pointed out. This finger still makes full use of its power. A huge chaotic robbery directly killed the crowd.

Where the chaos of the robbers passed, there were some sacred three-eyed protoss whose bodies exploded and were killed.

At this moment, Su Yi seemed to kill the incarnation of God, and he was willing to slaughter the three eyes of the Protoss.

"damn it!"

If the three-eyed Protoss wearing armor hadn't received too much damage, they would have shot Su Yi to death.

"Encircle, encircle, encircle him!"

Three-eyed Protoss in armor.

thump! thump! .

The Three-Eyed Protoss of the Great Saint, with their feet in the open, led by the two great holy peaks, formed an encircled situation, and their attacks continued to lean towards Su Yi.


Su Yi waved his palm, and his body was surrounded by a monument to prisoners, which seemed to be the three-eyed protoss.

"No, this is a prison monument, it's back!"

After the Three-Eyed Protoss saw the shadow of the prisoner's monument, they were shocked, as if they saw something terrible, and they retreated madly. There are nine **** monuments, scattered and shining, and suppressed.

Nine screams, nine great saints, and the most powerful saints, even the courage to resist, were directly killed.

"How can you have a monument to prisoners?"

There is also a terrible color in the eyes of the armored three-eyed protoss.

"it is good?"

Su Yi's eyes flashed, these three-eyed protoss were so afraid of the prisoner's monument?

The heart does not move, the heart moves, and the spine and prison block disappear.

Once the remains of prison monuments appear, they will quickly grow bigger and become the size of a mountain range. In particular, the words "prison" and "belt" are more radiant.


The remnants of the prison monument fell into the trio of protoss.

"Stop, stop being together!"

There is a powerful sacred peak, plus seven or eight sacred three-eyed Protoss, blasting a terrible attack, trying to block the prison monument.

But above the prison monument, there seems to be a special power. For the Three-Eyed Protoss, the power of the Three-Eyed Protoss on the prisoner monument has collapsed.

The prison monument was suppressed, and the three-eyed protoss screamed one by one, and they fell on the spot.

Except for the existence of the great holy peak, there is no death, but it is also half dead and vomiting.


Su Yi rushed over and killed it with a sword.

"Let's go with the flow!"

Su Yi waved his hand, and the prisoner's monument fell on the armored three-eyed **** race.

"Oh, **** it!"

The Three-Eyed Protoss was shocked and crazy, but they were useless. In a flash, they were caught up to the prison monument. The light of the prison monument is more vibrant and depressing.

"How about the prison monument? Give me a roll!"

The three-eyed Protoss in armor screamed, and the eyebrows shot a terrible light, exploded on the prison monument, and shocked the prison monument.

However, on the prisoner's monument, a wonderful force burst and shattered, causing the light of destruction to collapse instantly.


The three-eyed protoss in armor kept squatting down with the battle axe in their hands, constantly squatting on the monument to the prisoners, causing the monument in the prison to continue to vibrate.

This three-eyed protoss was restored to realize the greatness of the Holy Trinity. Although it suffered heavy losses, it was shot dead, and its combat effectiveness was still amazing. The prisoner's monument is still killing him.

But what exactly is Su Yi?

Su Yi walked into the air and appeared not far away.

"Come and help me!"

The three-eyed protoss was shocked.

But when the other three-eyed protoss saw the prison monument, they were almost scared to death. They dared to come out, ran away frantically and turned away.

"No one can save you!"

Su Yi spoke indifferently, pointed a finger, a chaotic robbery, pointed to the other side, the terrifying power made the other party make a desperate amnesty.

The three-eyed protoss in the great sanctuary are cold.

In the sky, characters flashed, and more three-eyed gods appeared, surrounded by tribes.

More and more people came out and rushed into the tribe one by one, and the other person was a holy existence. In addition, many of them are high-ranking emperors and semi-sages.

puff! puff!

The three-eyed Protoss with an axe, battle axe and a tribe was killed and bloody.

call out! call out!

With the three-eyed protoss, the third eye of the eyebrows shot a terrible beam of destruction, unable to resist, a tribe was shot.

The simple and peaceful tribe instantly turned into Shura hell.

"My practice is my strength!"..

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