Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 222: future

A huge finger was formed, like the fingers of the gods, pointing to the three-eyed gods of the Great Holy Land. The light on the other side was destroyed and was directly broken by the chaos. The fingers continued, fast as electricity, and instantly appeared on the other side of the eyes.

The terrible power made these three-eyed gods face madness, screaming, and constantly smashing them with battle axes, while at the same time defending their body heavily.

But it is useless. When the chaos pointed, the battle axe in his hand exploded directly, and all his defenses, such as tofu, were broken.


He only had time to scream, and then that burly body, in the chaos of the robbery, the smoke disappeared.


The rest of the Three-Eyed Protoss was shocked, their orders were the most powerful in this great sanctuary, and they were actually killed by a stroke.


Su Yi shouted, killing Chaoshui, his body was shining one by one, and a holy soldier flew out.

When these sacred soldiers flew out, they became the likes of death, and they rushed out and killed the Three-Eyed Protoss.

For these three-eyed gods, Su Yi has no mercy, only one word, kill!

Under the territory of Suyi, under the great saint, there are no enemies, it is easy to kill.

More than a hundred holy soldiers became more than a hundred lights. Once they passed by, there was a three-eyed **** race, and even two or three three-eyed **** races were killed.

A large group of three-eyed protoss fell.

"Retreat, retreat!"

"Come on, call the general's vanguard to kill this man!"

The Three-Eyed Protoss was very scared, and many people went backwards crazy.

"Today, you can't escape!"

Su Yi remained indifferent and became the **** of murder. He is standing in the air with a dragon on him. The swallowing power exploded, and the entire tribe, all three-eyed protoss were enveloped.

The Three-Eyed Protoss under the Holy Land screamed in horror, their bodies dried up at a speed visible to the flesh, and finally turned into a corpse. Although the strong people of the Holy Land did not swallow dry corpses, their bodies were also greatly swallowed, making it difficult to move. Waiting for them was Su Yi's merciless slaughter.

The holy soldier jumped up, and the Three-Eyed Protoss was killed. Soon after, the Three-Eyed Protoss came here. They are basically dead. The body is covered by tribal ground. Su Yi left only one person and did not kill. I fainted and took it into the mountain and river map.

There were only dozens of people in the entire tribe, standing there in silence.

This is one of the few surviving tribes.

Su Yi's fists were clenched, too fierce. He hates his heart. He was too slow to break through the chains. If he can get up early, Xia Hu, Xia Hua, Li Bo and others will not die.


Sigh, all over the tribe, full of sadness.

This is a surviving old man, the elder of the tribe.

"Elder Liu, where are you going next?"

Su Yi came to Mr. Liu and asked.

"Now, the three-eyed demon has broken into the void and invaded heaven. I heard that the vast territory of the sky has been invaded. We plan to bury the people first and then go to the big tribe!"

Liu Changdao

This statement made Su Yi feel something.

"Elder Liu, how many years has the three-eyed demon invaded heaven?"

Su Yi asked.

"For about hundreds of years, I heard that there are countless strongmen in the sky who were killed in battles with the three-eyed demons. For example, today's vast territory is invaded! Oh, this is a disaster!"

Elder Liu sighed.

In Su Yi's heart, there are countless ideas.

According to him, the Three-Eyed Protoss has invaded heaven, it has been in endless years, but now, here is only a few hundred years, perhaps, this is really fake, it is an ancient projection.

"No matter what the facts are, in my heart, all this is true!"

Su Yi whispered in his heart, and buried this tribe with the others.

"Brother Lu, let us go, trust the big tribe!"

After the funeral, Liu Changdao.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "I won't leave, we are leaving, I still have my own business to do!"

Teacher Liu shook his head, but didn't convince. He took care of himself and left the rest of the tribe.

Su Yi was alone in front of the grave. For a long time, Su Yi took out a pot of wine and poured it on the ground. He said: "Whether it is true or false, this is an ancient projection, or if it happens, I will avenge you!"

"Man, do something, do something!"

Then, Su Yi waved his hand, and he collected the three-eyed gods from the mountain river and appeared in front of the tomb. At this time, when he woke up, he looked at Su Yi in horror.

"Say, where are your other troops?"

Su Yi asked indifferently.

"Do you want to go to our vanguard? It is really looking for death, the general of our vanguard, but the great and holy man."

The three eyes of the gods.

"Say! Where is it!"

Su Yi's voice did not fluctuate, and continued to ask.

"Only 80,000 miles to the west!"

The Three-Eyed Protoss replied that he would not hide and said that he knew he would die, but in their vanguard, the master was like a cloud, and Su Yi went, and he died. The Holy Spirit burst out and passed by. The three-eyed Protoss was strangled to death, and blood splashed on the grave.

"Xia Hu, Xia Hua, I will retaliate against you. In the future, if you encounter a three-eyed protoss outside, kill the innocent!"

Su Yi whispered, this is his promise.

Then he went to the west.

Eight thousand miles away, Su Yi will arrive soon.

On the front, the flag is an invitation, this is a military camp, and there are a lot of three-eyed gods.

Su Yi stood high in the sky, hiding in the clouds, watching quietly, thinking in his heart.

After a while, Su Yi turned and left.

Su Yi did not give up, but borrowed it.

In it, there is a powerful and perfect person with Su Yi's current combat effectiveness. I am afraid that he is not a great saint and a perfect opponent, not to mention the existence of other great holy orders, there must be more.

If a person is killed, it is unwise!

Although it is likely to be false, it is an illusion, but it is not the case, because everything is really too real, and Su Yi cannot judge whether it is true or false.

Soon after, Su Yi came to the Wild Beast Mountain.

In the past, Su Yi had been to the Beast God with the hunting team of the tribe many times. He knew there was a group of **** konjac among the beasts.

This kind of konjac, biological killing, is very vengeful. Whoever offends them will chase death instead of endless chasing.

Before the tribal hunting team came here, they stayed away from the konjac. ..

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