Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 238: area

Then, their eyes swept away, and they found that all the parties in the Emperor City were in a great war.


In the depths of the Emperor City, in the direction of Emperor Mountain, emptiness vibrates, and there is a three-eyed **** race, riding a strange animal, rushing forward.

The beast was empty, and the sky was shaking.

The Three-Eyed Protoss has been killed.

The head of a three-eyed Protoss, riding a huge behemoth, wearing heavy armor, carrying a battle axe, and three eyes as sharp as sword light, swept to Su Yi and the others, sipping: "Kill them in a hurry!"


This three-eyed protoss came to them on a giant beast.

"The most powerful but the emperor, rush to the past!"

Su Yi drank and rushed forward first.

"Die to me!"

The head of the Three-Eyed Protoss slammed into Su Yi with a bang, and a devastating light was emitted in his third eye.


Between the waves of Su Yi, a monument to nine prisoners appeared and was suppressed.

"Prison monument, a prison monument!"

The three-eyed protoss leading the way screamed in horror.


The shadow of the prison monument was suppressed, and the other side was attacked and defended. It is very fragile and killed directly. In addition, dozens of other three-eyed gods were also killed.

At the same time, Huang Ling, Long Chen and others fired, and a group of Three-Eyed Protoss was bombed. They suddenly rushed out of the encirclement and rushed to the outside of Emperor City. "Someone has the power of a prisoner's monument and can't let it go!"

"Must be killed!"

In the distance, there was a screaming sound. The Three-Eyed Protoss was strong, riding a strange animal and killing them.

Su Yi hurried outside.

"The power of the prisoner's monument, kill!"

In the sky, there was a burst of explosives, a huge incomparable battle axe, and it slammed into the vast emperor Su Yi violently, making people feel scared.

Emperor Wu!

A powerful emperor and Su Yi shot and killed Lu Ming.

But at this moment, a huge iron rod swept across and collided with the battle axe, erupting a terrible roar, terrible sound waves, and the sound of Lu Ming stinging their eardrums.

Lu Ming's burly figure with an iron rod appeared on them.


Su Yi has a happy heart.

This is the teacher of Yuanshan Holy Temple.

"You are going, another emperor, we will stop!"

The voice of the teacher of Maruyama Shrine came, and then several characters appeared, exuding a broad atmosphere.

They are both teachers of the Yuanshan Saint Court, and they are the most powerful in the Wudi Kingdom.

"Let's go!"

Su Yi spoke to everyone, and they continued to attack.

"go away!"

"kill him!"

Several explosions sounded in succession, and several powerful three-eyed protoss came to Su Yi to kill them. They are the strongest among Emperor Wu.

"Don't be a god, you have to deal with a few teenagers, and you are really shameless!"

"Your opponent is us!"

The teacher of Yuanshan Saint Court also fired, blocking the opposing emperor.

Su Yi, they kept lashing out.

Several three-eyed Protoss cavalry rushed towards them one after another, and all of them were defeated.

The Emperor City was completely plunged into the flames of war. From that whirlpool, I don't know how many three-eyed gods rushed out, shouting everywhere.

When Su Yi passed the Hengjia site, they found that Hengjia was also fighting a battle.

The sky crossed Heng's house, and even the real emperor was fighting. The scene is great.

At this time, Su Yi's third drop of blood had been collected. In addition, he learned this trick and was afraid to use the power of the prisoner's monument to avoid being targeted.

Confusion, completely messed up!

Emperor City, a mess.

Without the emperor's powerful shots, they are very fast. Soon after, they finally came to the edge of the imperial city, rushed out of the wall, and rushed to an acropolis in the distance.

Soon after, they successfully came to an acropolis.

prosperity! prosperity! .

Even if they are far apart, they can hear the violent roar of the imperial city.

From the emperor's city, various characters constantly rushed out.

Su Yi did not stop and came to the transmission array.

However, most people did not follow Su Yi, but returned to their respective sects.

"Su Yi, I want to return to the Shenyuan Empire first and invade aliens. The difference is very small. The Emperor Yuan Emperor must prepare early!"

Ouyang Wushu vs. Su Yidao at home.

"Well, everyone is acting separately. I have a chance to see you in the future, but I must live!"

Su Yi looked at his eyes and looked at everyone.

"Of course!" "Everyone will live!"

"The boss is careful!"

People have resigned to Su Yi and set foot on the transmission array.

In the end, some people stayed in the ancient holy land, as well as Luo Xiang, wild power and so on.


They also began to use transmission arrays to transmit to the transmission area outside the ancient moon, and then fly to the ancient moon.

After flying to the ancient holy land, Huang Ling, Long Chen, Luo Tianyi, Ye Dongfang and others all left and returned to their respective sects.

Now, the main force of the ancient holy land, it is estimated that they have not received the news, they must return to the report as soon as possible and prepare in advance.

Finally, Su Yi brought Xiangxiang, Xue Ning, Jiu Pride, and Luo Xiang returned to Dayan Dan Temple.

After returning to Dayandan Temple, after the people settled down, Su Yi found Kong Bo and said that the imperial city had invaded the Three-Eyed Protoss.

"The evil soul has invaded, and it is still earlier than expected."

Kong sighed, his face a bit solemn.

"Evil god? Hollow, this three-eyed monster, what is it?"

Su Yi asked, Kong Boxiu is incredible, and he has lived for a long time, and may know many secrets.

"From another world, claiming to be a three-eyed god, but brag, we call it the evil god!"

"For a long time, we have broken into heaven. Since such a long time, most of the sky has been captured. Today, we always want to open space barriers and invade the kingdom!"

Facing the empty face, he seemed unwilling to say more, "Su Yi, your current task is to cultivate peace of mind and improve your cultivation. In such a big battle, you can't insert it!"

Su Yi nodded. Even in heaven, even Yuan Yuanzong's giant could not stop it. What did he do to stop it.

"Yes, Sora, you can help me alone!"

Lu Mingdao, and then he released the autumn moon from the map of mountains and rivers. ..

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