Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 264: serious

He and Qiuyue have been missing for many years, and Qiuyue has always been fascinated by him. Now that he met, he naturally did not want to separate.

With Su Yi's current practice, the path is very smooth, crossing the sea into the territory of God's Land. Su Yi went straight to the ancient city without stopping.

The curtain wall is one of the most powerful forces in the ancient city.

I didn't start with some people who entered Wancheng for the first time, but first found a place to live.

However, Su Yi did not hide his identity. His purpose is to surprise the masters, bring all the masters on the screen together, and save trouble.

"Autumn, let's go out!"

Su Yi is on Qiuyue Road.


Qiuyue smiled and took away Su Yi's hand and walked out.

The two wandered in the ancient city, behind them, they wandered to a huge square.

This place is the largest city in the ancient city of Wancheng, where there are all kinds of treasures, dazzling.

Before the ten-place war, Su Yi came to Wangucheng, but the ten-man war was under great pressure. Su Yi did not have such a good time to visit. This square city is still the first time.

"Autumn, what do you want, even if!"

Su Yi smiled.


Qiuyue squatted with a few big eyes, then looked around.

Later, they walked into a magic weapon shop, where they sold all kinds of warriors, such as holy soldiers, virtual emperors and real emperors.

"Young master, I want that!"

Qiuyue looked at it for a while and slapped it.

This hair clip is made of a strange jade and looks very delicate.

"This girl has a vision, this hairpin, but it has been polished with decades of warm jade, and with the body, not only can it be beautiful, but it also helps to practice and inspire the law to a certain extent. It belongs to the top of the virtual emperor!"

A tall and thin middle-aged man smiled.

"How many rough stones, I want it!"

Su Yi Dao

"Five thousand of the best stones!"

The tall and thin middle-aged smile.

"Five thousand of the best stones, so expensive, young master, I don't want it!"

When I heard it in the fall, I was shocked.

Five thousand of the best rough stones, this is the best rough, the highest grade rough, even the emperor, the emperor of heaven is planted with the best rough, how precious.

Five thousand yuan, the price is not low.

However, for Su Yi, the original rough 5,000 stones, but only a small piece.

"Stupid girl, if you like it, how expensive you must buy!"

Su Yi smiled, waved his hand, a storage ring appeared, and threw it to the tall and thin middle-aged man and said, "The shopkeeper, five thousand rough stones!"

The tall and thin middle-aged man took it, his spirits swept away, with a smile on his face, and then handed the hairpin to Su Yi.

Su Yi just took the hairpin and made a sound.

"Wait a minute, this is a hairpin, I want it!"

When the sound began to sound, pedestrians came over.

Under the leadership of a young woman, she looks very beautiful, but worse than the autumn months.

Behind the young woman, a young woman dressed up, and two elderly people.

Seeing this woman, the shopkeeper's face changed, and then she smiled and said: "This is Miss Dongfang, Miss Dong is about to come to the store. It is just shiny!" "Shopkeeper, that hair, sell it to me!"

The young lady spoke directly and had a commanding tone.

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly and said: "Miss Dongfang took a step, this hair has been bought by this son!"

"it is good?"

The young woman was cold, her eyes looked at Su Yi, with a faint arrogance, leaning on her neck, and continued to say in a commanding voice: "You give me this hair, how rough it is, I will give it to you !"

"Sorry, this is a hairpin, not for sale!"

Su Yi smiled.

"Not for sale?"

The young woman's eyes glanced, and the color of dissatisfaction flashed. "You have to lift the plateau stone and say, how many rough stones do you want?"

"I said, don't sell, I don't lack rough stones!"

Su Yi Dao

"Young man, what are you talking about? My lady likes it very much. You don't need to sell it. You may not know who my lady is. My lady is Dongfang Xueyu. Fiancee, do you know that?"

The man behind the young woman jumped out and shouted, threatening to look at Su Yi.

"In the land of God, the first day of arrogance?"

Su Yiwei

It seems that the gods, Yuanxin and others have been in heaven for decades, and there is a new generation of gods in the land of God.

"I am scared now. I tell you that Xuan Lin's son is the young master of the mighty power of Wancheng Ancient City. If you feel uncomfortable today, you will want to leave the ancient city!"

The cockroach continued to scream.

This young woman, also known as Oriental Snow Jade, presents pleasant colors.

"Xuan Lin, Dongfang Xueyu, haven't heard of it yet, you can get out!"

Su Yidan spoke, then turned and walked towards Qiuyue.

"Autumn, I will bring it to you!"

Su Yi smiled softly, then he put his hair on Qiuyue's head.

Han Xun frowned, sank, and nodded: "Okay, just do it!"

Finally, Han Xun's eyes became very serious. He scanned all the disciples of Dragon God Valley on the platform and said: "The next test, everyone should listen to me. If someone likes him, he will become the owner. For the rules, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Yes, brother!"

Many people caught a glimpse of their hearts and nodded.

"Man, what kind of strategy is this, let's tell everyone!"

The cold and secluded way of Silver City.

"At the time, you naturally knew. Now, you only need to follow this arrangement!"

Han Xun glanced at Yincheng, with a hint of chill in his eyes.

Yincheng's face sank slightly, not much to say.

He lost, instead of returning to the platform, he came to the stand behind the platform and continued to test.

Platform No. 11 platform, No. 12 platform, No. 13 platform.

When the thirteenth platform Demon Castle challenge ended, the first round of challenge officially ended.

In the first round, the real master did not shoot, and most of the power was not strong.

Only the Dragon God Valley targeted by the three major sects suffered heavy losses. In one round, three died, one failed, and four lost.

The gods of the gods, the two swords of the sword of life and death, no one challenged them. Today, Cangzhou, Tianshenzong has the first tendency, powerful forces and other sects have scruples. ..

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