Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 303: Atmosphere

Su Yi took out the ruby ​​box and manipulated the ice chain. Under the pull, the ice jade was cooled and slowly pulled onto the jade box.

"damn it!"

"How could this be?"

The people of the Black Ice family have been screaming, their envious eyes are red.


Bing is a clear laugh.

He never expected that Lu Ming would play such a huge role when he came to them this time. The reason why the people of Haicang asked Qin Tian's Thirteenth Heavenly Pride to help was mainly because the thirteen heavenly patriots of Qin Tian helped them clean up wild animals or deal with other dangers. As for the chill of Bingyu, they still have to rely on them. Pull the arrogance of the people tribe.

Unexpectedly, the Hail people couldn't get the chill of Bingyu, and Su Yi could get it.


After all, the ice jade choke smoothly entered the red jade box. Su Yi immediately closed the jade box. The runes on the jade box shone and formed a formation. The ice jade inside was frozen, and the cold ice of the ice jade disappeared immediately. The cold was greatly weakened.


At this time, the entire ice platform actually vibrates violently.


Finally, the entire ice platform was shattered and broken.

"That is"

At the moment the ice table broke, Su Yi saw an artificial stone flying out under the ice table.

These round stones actually emit a faint moonlight, like a bright moon.

Cold Moonstone!

Su Yi was overjoyed, which was exactly the same as the legendary Han Yueshi.

Under the ice platform, there was a cold moonstone. Lu Ming's eyes were swept away and six were found.


Su Yi's figure flashed by, and he rushed to these cold moonstones.

"Kill the child, win ice and cold!"

Undercurrent screamed, his body rushed to the ground, towards Su Yi.

At the same time, the rest of the Black Ice family also rushed to Su Yi.

"Don't think about it!"

Bing was already staring at the undercurrent and other people, the undercurrent gushing out. The shape of the ice also rushed out, rushing towards the undercurrent, a cold sword light violently rushed towards the undercurrent.

The two men fought fiercely.

Su Yi, his body flashed, grabbing a cold moonstone.

Unlike Bingyu's cold heart, Hanyue Stone began to become gentle and did not feel the sting of ice.

After grabbing it, Su Yi directly took it into the storage ring, and then grabbed it onto other cold moonstones.

In an instant, three cold moonstones entered Su Yi's storage ring.

At this time, the members of the Black Ice family had been killed.

"Child, hand over Bingyu's chill!"


More than a dozen members of the Black Ice family fired at the same time, launching a storm attack on Su Yi.

For an endless month, I took a sip from the cup and my eyes fell on Su Yi. I asked, "Listen to perfume, can you help me with anything?"

"Yes, the seniors of this month, the younger generation wants to improve a kind of battle, so the repair of the younger generation is too low to be perfect. Only the powerful king of gods can refine, so the younger generation thinks of the seniors!"

Su Yi didn't hide it, but told him directly about his purpose.

"What kind of battle? Do you still need the King of God to improve?"

There is no end to this month.

"Look ahead!"

Su Yi took out a piece of jade and waved his hand, Yu Fufei had nowhere to go.

In the hands of the end of the month, knowledge was swept away, and Yu Fuzhong's content was seen.

The roar of the Supreme Son was a shameful shame to him, and he blamed Su Yi for these shame.

They are all Su Yi. If they are not Su Yi, they will be greatly abused.

"Su Yi, among the three powers, some people should pay attention to it. The Four-Eyed Court and the Supreme Son are the same person. It is very talented, extremely powerful, and powerful. I am afraid of being stronger than the Supreme Son. It must be stronger."

Ouyang Qingxiang gave Su Yi a voice.

"Moreover, there are no swordsmen, infinite holy land, all these are terrible!"

Ouyang Qingxiang continued to speak Lu Ming.

Su Yi nodded and asked: "I heard that among the three hegemony forces, there are god-level figures and their gods, aren't they coming?"

"Everything is here!"

Ouyang Qingxiang said: "You see the indifferent bald young man in the Devil Academy, that is the **** of the Devil Academy, Magic Nine Nights!"

Su Yi followed Ouyang Qingxiang's instructions. Sure enough, among the crowd in the Devil's Hall, I saw a bald young man.

This person looks ordinary, the atmosphere of the whole body converges, standing in the crowd, it is easy to be ignored, Su Yi did not pay attention to this person before.

Unexpectedly, this man is a **** from a different magical academy, a peerless arrogance who controls the power of the gods.

It seemed that he had already felt Su Yi's gaze, the demon Jiuye's gaze also looked at Su Yi, his eyes flashed with a dark magical light, like a blade, and came to Su Yi.

Su Yi's eyes condensed, and there was a tingling sensation in his eyes.

"This person is terrible!"

Su Yi has come to a conclusion.

The magical Jiuye stared at Su Yi, a cold light flashed in his eyes, the corners of his mouth sneered, his lips moved slightly, and a sigh suddenly sounded in Lu Ming's ear.

"Su Yi, in the world of ancient gods, you killed the son of the Devil Academy. This is a big sin, and I will make you pay."

The voice of Magic Nine Nights is ruthless, full of terrible killings.

"Want to kill me? I'm worried you don't have this skill!"

Su Yi responded strongly.

"Oh, you are confident, then wait a minute!"

Magic Jiuye said coldly, and then did not continue to speak.

Ouyang Qingxiang didn't know that Su Yi and the magical Jiuye had already talked secretly, and continued to introduce Su Yi.

"The white young man with a sword is not a sword god. The sword is infinite, holding a sword in his hand, extremely terrifying!"

Ouyang Qingxiang Road.

Luming's gaze was removed from the magic night, looking at a white youth who had not destroyed the sword.

This person is called Kendo Nuo, who looks very handsome and shows a terrible sword intent, which cannot be ignored.

Another terrible Tianjiao!

Su Yi's heart is dark.

The lion stared at him and looked at Su Yi, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a pair of dawn, flashing like two swords, exuding sultry swords.

Even Tianjiao, who was standing next to him instead of destroying the swordsman, changed his face and left him so as not to be hurt by his sword. "A very burly person in a sacred place. The young man in red armor is called the broken army of Cangyan, the **** of the infinite holy land!"

Introduction by Ouyang Qingxiang. ..

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