Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 309: Pretty

"I really surpassed the Tianmen. It's amazing. This time, the person who entered Xingyue Ancient City, Jin Yuan, is probably one of the strongest arrogances!?"

"In fact, the half-step God King awakens the source of God's power factor in front of the God King, almost invincible!"

Many people look at Jin Yuan and show strong taboos. Like the half-step gods, those who have no source of awakening the power factor, if there is no terrible secret operation, I am afraid they can't stand the golden dollar.

Finally, Jin Yuan walked into the passage and turned to look at it.

He also wanted to know if anyone else could pass through the gate of heaven.

"Golden dollars, there are two brushes, then let me try!"

At this time, another young man came out.

This young man is wearing an animal coat and a local tyrant.

However, no one dares to look down upon this man.

Because of this person's breathing, it is also very scary, full of ancient wild atmosphere, and the atmosphere exuded by Jin Yuan is very similar.

The source of power factor!

Many people are full of shock. This person is also an indifferent arrogance, the source of awakening the gods.

Because the source of the divine power is the divine power of the primitive god, it is ancient and ancient, so once you awaken the source of the divine power factor, it will naturally exude an ancient breath.

This time, the two people actually awakened the source of the gods.

This person is very direct and has already stepped into heaven.

Half of the time, he stopped, and after a while, he woke up and successfully passed through the gate of heaven, and Venus at the same time.

The two collided and sparked.

However, everyone's shock did not stop.

Because, after two consecutive days of arrogance, they all went to Tianmen and they all passed.

They all awakened the source of the gods.

"This batch is not bad. In fact, there are four people in the King of God, and they have awakened the source of the gods!"

White smile.

Under the king of God, the awakening of the source of power is infinite in the future.

"Brother Lu, we are gone too!"

Wu Ming and Wu Yuedao, and then went with Wu Jia's other Tianjiao.

As a result, Wu Ming and Wu Yue were injured and finally passed the door.

And Wu Jia, there is a Tianjiao, passed the door.

"Autumn, we are gone, do you have to go through that door?"

Su Yi asked Qiuyue.

"Master, I want to go to Tianmen to try!"

Qiuyue narrowed her eyes and looked at Tianmen curiously.

"Try it!"

Su Yi smiled.

Although Tianmen is dangerous, he believes in the autumn months.

Jin Yuan and others could pass, but he didn't believe that Qiuyue could not pass.

Although Qiuyue didn't have the source of awakening the divine power coefficient, she awakened the Jiuyi Sacred Heart.

It is just the source of the gods, and its talent cannot be compared with the Nine Leaves Sacred Heart.

"Master, I'll wait for you first!"

Qiuyue floated out with a smile.

"A beautiful woman!"

Many people saw the autumn moon, all eyes were bright, but the next moment, everyone's eyes could not help but grow up.

Qiuyue actually went to Tianmen.

"She...she...want to enter the gate?"

Some people exclaimed, they stammered.

Even Wu Ming, Wu Yue and others were shocked.

"Qiuyue girl, no, this door is dangerous!"

Wu Ming couldn't help but shouted.

"Yes, this girl, this is not a joke, life is dangerous!" "Be careful!"

Others also spoke. It is a pity that the autumn months are so beautiful.

"Thank you, but I want to try it!"

Qiuyue smiled, and then continued to step into the heavenly gate, she couldn't breathe.

"There are two gods, she has been restored, only the gods and the gods!"

"Such a low planting, it is impossible to wake up the source of the power factor, but unfortunately, unfortunately!"

Many people sigh.

They believe that most of the autumn months must be incense.

Soon, the autumn moon came to the middle of Tianmen, and then the number stopped without moving.

Everyone stared at it.

Although many people think that the autumn moon is impossible to pass, they hope that the autumn moon will pass. After all, it is a pity that such a beautiful woman has fallen here.

Time passes slowly!

About five minutes passed.

"Look, she moved!"

"How? Hey, no!"

Someone exclaimed.

Because at this time, the autumn moon was moving, but she did not imagine her being bombed, but stood firmly there.

Did it pass?


But the next moment, they had to accept this fact, because Qiuyue looked back at Su Yi and said, "Master, I'm past!"

After all, it floated forward and landed on the channel.

Really passed?

How could this be?

A **** is twofold. There is no element of awakening the divine power. In fact, it can pass through the heavenly gate. This is a terrible talent.

Many young people are blinking their eyes.

Such gifts are so long and beautiful that many people are beginning to get hot.

It would be a good thing to get such a beautiful wife.


Then, many people couldn't help looking at Su Yi.

Just now, Qiuyue said that Su Yi was a young master.

A person so beautiful and with such a high talent is actually an embarrassment to others.

"How about Ho De, this kid?"

"Hey, look for an opportunity to warn this kid!"

Many people are cold-hearted and start to think about some attention.

Su Yi found these gazes naturally, but he ignored them directly. He said: "Autumn, I will come soon!"

After all, Su Yi walked out, and the door he walked towards was naturally Tianmen.

"What? This kid still has Tianmen?"

"No, he thinks Tianmen is great?"

"I don't believe it, he can also pass through the gate!"

Many people whispered and screamed in Su Yi.

Many people have seen the cultivation of the gods.

It is a miracle that Qiuyue can pass. They did not believe that Su Yi could pass.

Everyone's eyes fell on Su Yi.

Including Venus, Jin Yuan and some of the arrogances of the Qin family.

"I hope this child will die in the sky!"

The sne of the Qin family sneered.

If Su Yi died in Tianmen, they would not be allowed to do so.

Bai Li's eyes fell on Su Yi's body, he was very curious.

Before passing the Tianmen in the fall, he was very surprised, Su Yi, can you pass?

With a faint smile on his face, Su Yi entered the Tianmen without hesitation. Soon, I came to the middle of Tianmen.

As soon as he reached the middle of the gate, Su Yi felt a force to cover him.

This kind of power is irresistible, the ancients are already old, they are covered by Su Yi, making him unable to move. ..

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