Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 133 The Great Ideal

For Charlie's promise, Wright spared Aaron's life. When Wright personally escorted the Evil Dragon Pirates, who were bound by the special shackles of the navy, from Aaron to ordinary members, back to Cocosia Village, the villagers were boiling.

After a lapse of ten years, the legend of the East China Sea has returned again, saving more than 20 villages from the clutches of the Dragon Pirates.

After staying for a day, Wright asked the marines to search out the various finances of Evil Dragon Park, and return the property to the villagers in proportion according to the account book that Aaron exploited the villagers.

This guy Aaron is not only collecting money, but spending money to enjoy it is like running water. It is impossible to return the original amount of property.

"Sergeant Ah Jian, although the property cannot be returned in full, the Dragon Pirates themselves are property..."

Wright said to Ah Jian, who was still excited to this day: "I will send someone to send their bounty when they are escorted into the city. I will ask the sheriff to distribute it according to the account."

"Yes! I will definitely not betray the trust of Your Excellency Lieutenant General!"

Ah Jian tried his best to look serious, but the windmill above his head was really not serious.


Nami hid behind her sister Nuoqigao and her little friend Guina, and couldn't help laughing.

A Jian who has always been serious and serious, after seeing Lieutenant General Wright, he seems to have changed a person, completely become the other party's fan brother... uh, fan uncle...

Ah Jian is much bigger than Lieutenant General Wright!

"Nami!" Ah Jian rolled his eyes: "Don't be rude in front of Lieutenant General Wright!"

"Hahaha, don't be so serious, Mr. Sheriff, I'm a good talker."

Wright waved his hand helplessly: "Nami and my junior sister Guina are good friends, and naturally they are my good friends."

"Being able to destroy the Evil Dragon Pirates so quickly, but thanks to the detailed information provided by Nami, I didn't have time to thank her!"

"Senior brother, bring Nami to join the navy? The map drawn by Nami is the best I've ever seen! It's not inferior to the map of the headquarters!"

"Nami is a genius... You didn't see my shock when I saw her manuscript in Evil Dragon Park."

Guina was really shocked - is this really something a girl younger than her can draw?

Wright smiled. The current Nami was captured by Aaron not long ago. Although she has not fully exercised her super ability to draw maps, her talent can be seen at a glance.

"Guina, it's up to Nami to decide whether to become a navy. If you didn't agree to it, I wouldn't force you to join the navy."

"Sister Guina, Lieutenant General Wright..."

Nami thought for a while in Guina's expectant eyes, but she said firmly: "I... I still don't want to be a navy."

"Why?" Guinaqi said: "With your talent, Nami, you can get the best training in the navy!"

"In our school, even if the combat effectiveness is not strong, students with other talents will receive considerable training resources!"

"I want to be an excellent navigator, and my biggest dream is to draw a map of the world!" Nami's big eyes were full of longing: "And a navigator is destined to go out on an adventure to grow up."

"In the Navy, there will undoubtedly be good learning conditions, but the relative freedom is too much less!"

"I want to use my own practice to complete my dream step by step, to personally experience all kinds of different landforms and wonders in the world and changeable environments!"

"Crack, crack, crack..."

When Ah Jian, Guina, and Noqigao were shocked by Nami's dream, Wright's applause sounded.

"A great ideal." Wright praised: "Indeed, the knowledge learned in books cannot become one's own without practice."

"And to fulfill your dreams, what's more exciting than walking out step by step?"

"Nami, you are still young, and you are not old enough to go to sea. Even if you are not in the navy, in order to show your support for your dream, you can write to me or Guina every month and send it to the navy headquarters."

"Every month, I can answer, or ask the top navigator in the navy to answer a question about your sailing knowledge."

"Really! Thank you so much Lieutenant General Wright! You are such a good man!"

The wise Nami understands what these words mean from Wright's mouth.

The Naval Headquarters has the most complete geographic data and navigation technology in the world, and the monthly questioning opportunity will be of great help to one's own study!

Wright, who was sent a good card by ten-year-old Nami, smiled and touched his chin, and looked at Nuoqigao and Ah Jian who were happy for Nami:

"Thank you for being able to support Nami's dream too - you'll see what a navigator Nami will be in ten years!"

"Lend your auspicious words!" Ah Jian said excitedly, Lieutenant General Wright was even more approachable than rumored!

"Boom blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!"

Wright's phone worm rang.

"I'm Wright."

"Mr. Wright, I'm Drake."

"Colonel Mouse and his subordinates of the Sixteenth Branch have been arrested. Colonel Mouse tried to resist and was severely injured by his subordinates. You have contacted the fifteenth branch with your warrant and ordered them to escort Colonel Mouse to the headquarters and hand it over to Karp Middle School. Will!"

"Well, well done - Drake, go back to Cocosia Village, we're going to see my master."

"Yes! Mr. Wright!"


"Lieutenant General Wright, are you going back?" Ah Jian asked.

"Well...it will take about a day for the warship to come back. After a day, we will escort the Dragon Pirates out of Hokosia Village - I will personally send them into the Propulsion City."

"It's just... I hope you don't hate murlocs because of this. Most of the people on Fishmen Island still want to live in peace with humans. As murlocs, they deeply envy the lives of humans."

"Don't look at the East China Sea, Aaron and his gang can show off their power. On the Great Route, murlocs are one of the most important 'goods' for slave traders - and mermen!"

"Aaron seems to be arrogant. On the Great Route, murlocs are the targets of human oppression and enslavement! They don't even dare to land on the Chambord Islands near the naval headquarters!"


A Jian was silent for a while before saying, "Murlocs are traversing the sea, I didn't expect..."

"We will not let the children inherit hatred, Lieutenant General Wright. But Nami and the others will go to sea in the future, and they will inevitably encounter murlocs..."

Light nodded: "You can rest assured... The king of Fishman Island, His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime, are trying their best to promote the peaceful coexistence of humans and murlocs-maybe in a few years, the relationship between humans and murlocs will happen. Change it."

"Hate distorts people, whether it's murlocs or humans. Murloc pirates do evil and I will kill them, and human pirates do evil and I will kill too—even humans hurt humans, much more than murlocs hurt humans!"

"It is never the race that determines good and evil, but the human heart..."

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