"It's arrogant!"

Seeing Zefa's severed wrist, Wright's eyes narrowed and he raised his hand and waved.

"Wall of Holy Light!"

A huge barrier of light separated Wright, Zefa and the students from Weibull who had just climbed up, and Wright looked at Zefa.

"Teacher Zefa, shall I treat your wrist first?"

"This thing..." Zefa breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the wall of holy light: "Can you stop it, that guy's attack power is not weak!"

"It's enough to cure your wrist."

Wright stepped forward to take Zefa's severed hand, took it carefully, raised his hand to summon an eternal fire, and after the internal tissue of Zefa's arm was restored, a holy light spell completely healed Zefa.

Zefa sighed as he felt his right arm that seemed to be completely uninjured and his strength restored.

"It's good to have you, Wright."

"Your lightcasting beacon... It is a perfect match with your own healing ability!"

"Teacher Zefa, tell the truth..."

Wright turned his head and waved to the students of Zefa who were shocked to see their arms return to normal.

"Dawn light!"

The golden light spread, and every student who came into contact felt that his injury and physical strength had recovered.

"Appeared! Lieutenant General Wright's magical healing ability!"

"Why did Lieutenant General Collette suddenly appear..."

"Teacher Zefa is not surprised, there must have been arrangements before!"

"But I still can't figure out how to do it..."


The students' whispered discussions were interrupted by a huge roar, and Weibull was slashing at Wright's Wall of Holy Light with his knife.

It is not known whether Weibull's IQ is directly low, or is affected by the ability of the fruit.

Usually, it's okay to look silly and silly, at least I can communicate. When fighting, especially when the fruit ability is turned on, the whole person has no IQ at all...

Wright appeared for a while, and Weibull didn't seem to notice the abnormality at all. He was still staring at Zefa behind the Wall of Holy Light with red eyes, attacking frantically.

"Well... This guy's attack is quite fierce, and the Wall of Holy Light can't last for too long."

Wright looked at Zefa: "Teacher Zefa, how do you feel?"

"It feels... great!" Zefa grinned: "I feel like I can still play all day!"

"Haha... Teacher Zefa, I will use the Wall of Holy Light to protect the students. You stand by and I will meet this guy. I just came from the advance city, and I don't mind going back again!"

"No, Wright..."

Zefa frowned: "The fight between the two of you is likely to destroy the warship, and the burden of protecting the students is too great."

Zefa understands better than others how much more difficult it is to capture than to kill: "It's enough to knock him back. Our primary goal is to protect the students and send them back to the headquarters safely!"

"Okay, Mr. Zefa, do as you say."

Wright nodded, the "don't kill" general always insisted on his position, and Wright agreed very much. After laying down a double-layered wall of holy light, Wright drew his knife out of the sheath: "Then I'm on!"


Wright appeared behind Weibull and kicked!

"The Punishment Strike!"


Weibull was kicked heavily on the wall of holy light, and the first layer of the wall of holy light that Wright laid at the beginning was finally overwhelmed and turned into golden debris.

"What's the matter with that kid!"

Miss Bajin on the boat noticed something was wrong when it lit up from the Wall of Light, but it wasn't until Wright kicked Weibull away that he realized that a tricky person had come.


Weibull let out a roar that didn't resemble a human being, and his powerful physique almost reduced the effect of Punishment Strike.

Turning over, Weibull finally stopped staring at Zefa, and swung the Naginata towards Wright.

"The Seraph Seal!"

The golden-red brilliant flame burned on the "ash", and Wright turned on the "speed of light", almost teleported to the left of Weibull, and slashed with a knife!

Weibull's armament doesn't seem to be very powerful, but his physical strength is terrifyingly high. "Ash" easily broke through the defense of the armed color, but was greatly hindered when it cut into Weibull's body.

"A problem with fruit ability?"

"Firelight? Super-strength physique? Double claws... animal type, phantom beast?"

Wright quickly came to a judgment that was closer to the current situation: "But it seems to have a great impact on the mind..."

"Very weird fruit, it seems that his low intelligence can't control the power of the fruit at all!"

Pulling the knife back, looking at Weibull who was roaring in pain, Wright frowned: "No... The power of the Holy Light didn't hurt him to the extent he imagined..."

"Could it be that this guy's intelligence is really just like a child's, with no view of good and evil at all?"

"That is to say... what this guy does is really under the instructions of that stinky old woman!"

Wright's eyes widened, blocking Weibull's crazy slash while trying to sense Weibull's mental state.

"Hmph... Chaos!"

"This is an uncontrolled beast!"

Wright dashed forward, set up Weibull's Naginata, kicked Weibull's big face, and leaped up, holding the knife in both hands.

"You can't use a big move... otherwise the warship will be finished."


The sound of the knife sounded, and Weibull's huge Naginata was cut off by Wright!

The strength of "Ash" at this time, even if it did not reach the level of the twenty-one work of the big quick knife, it was not far behind. With the addition of the "Seraph Sacred Seal", it properly ranks among the big swords!

And after Weibull lost his weapon, his attack power plummeted - in terms of physical skills, it really doesn't work, just resisting beating!

Dodging Weibull's Naginata hilt attack... That's right, this stupid big man is now almost instinctively waving the long hilt in his hand, even though the blade is no longer there!

"You still want to play 'Who says you can't be stabbed without a gun head'?"

"Wall of Holy Light · Circle!"

Wright summoned a small wall of holy light to block Weibull's attack. "Shushushu" a quick attack, slashing Weibull with scars all over his body, causing Weibull to howl in pain.

"Super Final Judgment!"

The more solid golden slash hit hard than ever before, and Weibull's howl turned into a scream - Weibull's left hand... The left claw wrist was chopped off by Lettkegan!

The huge animal claws turned back to Weibull's left hand and flew out, and were smashed by Wright's knife - leaving Weibull's body, it seemed that the strength of this left hand had dropped a lot.

"The speed of light!"

"The Punishment Strike!"

Teleporting to the side of Weibull, who was kneeling and screaming, with a blow, Wright swept Weibull's huge body directly out of the warship and fell into the sea.

"Good son!"

Miss, who didn't dare to continue clamoring just now, panicked, and desperately rowed the boat towards Weibull who flew out far away - as a capable person, if Weibull fell to the bottom of the sea, he was almost dead!

"I'll kill her!"

Wright was about to take off to pursue, but was stopped by Zefa.

"Don't worry about her... Beware of the dog jumping over the wall, the students can't withstand more accidents!"

Wright was silent for a moment, then nodded:

"That guy hurt your arm...I chopped off his left hand."

"If it was before, this guy would be dead today."

"Messaging! Speed ​​up! Go back to the headquarters!" Zefa shouted to wake up the students who were stunned by the battle between Wright and Weibull, and let out a long breath.

"Wright, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid this time I'll be planted."

"What did you say... such an accident would not have happened if I was there..."

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