Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 191 The pattern of the new world ([Qinglian Taoist Song] ten thousand rewards plus more)

"Hey! Smoker, you've done a good job, now that group of ** really has some elite looks!"

When Wright returned to the G-5 branch, he was relieved to find that during the time he was away, Smog had basically handled the affairs of the branch - well, most of them were helped by Ain.

I have to say that Ain is indeed a rare expert in handling internal affairs.

Even Tina seems to be more interested in leading patrols than dealing with base affairs.

"Do you still know that you are the branch commander, the base chief?"

Smaller bit his cigar and said angrily--since Rosannadi was sent out on a mission, Brother Smoker felt the enormous pressure from the beautiful subordinates around him.

When Roxandi was there, he could still play a roundabout way, but now... Smog can only distract his attention to training those **, so as not to annoy Miss Tina by being too stubborn.

Uncle laugh? The old gambler had a "see no evil" face, and he was completely avoiding these things.

Wright flipped through the recent base affairs records and nodded with satisfaction:

"Hey, you are now promoted to brigadier general, Tina and Ain are also a lieutenant colonel and a major, you guys can support the G-5 branch no problem!"

"It really doesn't work, there's a smile for the chief instructor to control the field, and a smile to solve a thousand worries!"

"After all, the rules here are relatively simple, not as troublesome as other branches - the fist is big enough, and the gangsters will be obedient enough!"

The corner of Smog's mouth twitched: "Ah? Is the fist big enough? I don't dare to be!"

"You guy can go head-to-head with that lunatic Kaido, I can't slap him enough!"

"Uncle Yixiao is your own account. Try not to do it unless you are in an extreme situation. Use it as a secret weapon!"

"Kaido is not running out every day when he is full!"

Wright replied, flipping through the newly sent information on the desk: "Recently, how are the waves of pirates in the New World?"

"Big pirate, Whitebeard, Kaido, BIGMOM, these are the three biggest forces."

Smog exhaled a sigh of smoke: "However, the voice of the 'Red-haired Pirates' has been very high recently, and it seems that they are on a par with the previous three 'Sea Emperors'."

"It's just that there are fewer of them. Although the cadres are all elites, and their average strength is extremely balanced, they can't hold their territory enough."

"Is Shanks..."

Wright knocked on the table. It was really unclear why Shanks could rely on a ship's elite cadres and affiliated forces to obtain a status on a par with them when they were far inferior to the others.

"Now in the new world, in terms of pirates' turf division, although Shanks occupies a lot, it's still not "on par with the other three", but the momentum is not weak."

"It seems that as long as there is a decisive battle, or a decisive force to expand the territory, Shanks can be on an equal footing with the three of them."

Wright frowned: "Shanks, his strength is unbelievable, and his reputation is among the top among pirates—it's ironic, he is a big pirate, and his reputation is better than the navy in many places!"

Smog looked weird: "Speaking of which, I have always cared about it, and even many navies have cared about it..."

"How did a big pirate like Shanks lose an arm in the East China Sea?"

Wright was silent for a while, then said weakly, "Because he's an idiot..."


Smaller obviously didn't know much about the "friendship" between Wright and Shanks in the early years.

"Okay, let's talk about Whitebeard... That old guy is still sheltering Fishman Island! The Navy can't even do that!"

When Smog said this, he still couldn't help but complain: "Whitebeard does this, does the headquarters have any opinion?"

"Now that the Dragon Palace Kingdom has participated in the World Conference, or is being sheltered by Whitebeard, where should the Navy's face be?"

Wright glanced at Smog: "The face of the navy? The face of the navy is nothing in front of the ZF gang in the world!"

"Garrisoning troops on Fishman Island will affect their interests - don't tell me you don't know what forces are behind the Chambord Islands slave hunters."

"If the navy wants face, it has to earn it - when Fishman Island migrates to the surface, many problems can be solved."

"Although his stance is hostile, I have to admit that the guy with Whitebeard deserves the title of 'the strongest man in the world'. His domineering is not something that others can learn."

"What you did on Fishman Island was like slapping Whitebeard in the face."

When Smog said this, he was a little excited: "At least for now, you have directly offended Kaido and Whitebeard, the two 'sea emperors'!"

"Now that you are stationed in the new world, I think the two guys will inevitably find trouble with you!"


Wright smiled and said, "Then you underestimate Whitebeard too much."

"Kaido, that shameless guy must be trying to trouble me, but he probably doesn't have much time. But Whitebeard, he will only pay more attention to me at most..."

"Then it's more likely that he'll think I've done a good job - this old guy is there to protect Murloc Island, rather than simply drawing Murloc Island into his turf."

"Jinping they called Whitebeard 'Daddy', and Whitebeard took sheltering Fishman Island as a matter of course."

"What I do is beneficial to Fishman Island, so it doesn't conflict with his philosophy."

"Whitebeard, although his strength suppresses the world, it is more because of his way of life that he is called 'the strongest man in the world'!"

"...I have to say, what you said is very reasonable."

Smog pondered, and finally nodded.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are indeed the largest pirate group in the New World, but when it comes to the commotion, they are not even better than the pirates of the previous level, let alone Kaido and BIGMOM."

"Recently, that old woman from BIGMOM destroyed another island - it seems that the tribute snacks were not delivered in time."

"And Kaido, the pirate group under his command is constantly recruiting people, especially those with animal abilities—"

"Oh? What's up with Drake?"

Wright was not at all surprised that BIGMOM would do this. That crazy woman is just for the appetite, what can't she do?

After nearly a year of preparation on Drake's side, it should be almost the same.

The matter of Drake and Rosindi is a top-secret mission. Apart from Sengoku and Wright, only Smoker, who is sitting in the New World, knows where they went.

"Not long after you left last time, Drake sent a message."

"This kid has already made some famous names, and Kaido's 'Beast Pirates' has officially issued an invitation to him."

"You must know that Kaido is very fond of those with the abilities of various dragon and dragon fruits and ancient species. Two of his three 'big kanbans' are dragon fruit and ancient species!"

"The 'Three Disasters'..."

Wright gave Smog a wink: "You said, 'Drought' Jack, he has only become a 'big kanban' not long ago, if Drake has made rapid progress in the past few years to push him down, it will be a lot of fun! "

"...Drake's talent is good, but it's still a bit difficult to do this."

Thinking of the scene, Smog also wanted to laugh a little: "Although Jack 'Drought' is young, he is very talented. It may not be easy for Drake to catch up with him."

"Well, you don't need to catch up with him, just be better than the others... That guy Jack, find a chance to clean it up!"

"...It's really easy to say."

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