Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 193 The quack doctor's swan song


Wright was on patrol with a gang of gangsters on the "Holy Light" when the phone worm rang.

"I'm Wright."

"Wright, I'm Crane."

"Oh! Granny He, it's really rare, you take the initiative to contact me."

Wright was really a little surprised - "Great Staff" Crane usually conveys things through Marshal Warring States.

"What's your order?"

"...Wright, this time is my personal request, not a mission."

The crane said slowly, with a smile in his voice.

"Look at what you said... what request are you talking about, what happened?"

"That's right—I have a young... old friend who's been in some trouble."

"She's a doctor, a very good doctor."

"But a friend of hers has a terminal illness - only two weeks to live."

"As almost the best doctor in the country, she is powerless against this disease."


Wright felt that this situation was inexplicably familiar, but he couldn't remember it all at once.

"So, through you, she wants me to go save that person?"

"That's right..."

He paused and continued: "The World Economic News published your special page a few days ago, 'The ceiling of today's healing power'..."

"That's why she thought of you after she tried every means to prolong the lifespan of the other party."

Wright quickly searched his memory, and a name slowly emerged.

"Mother-in-law He, what's the name of your friend and that patient?"

"Kureha, Shiruluk."


Wright took a breath: "No problem, please tell me their location, I will arrange the branch affairs and go to the headquarters immediately."

"Thank you, Wright... They are in the Drum Kingdom, a big medical country. You'd better go to the Drum Kingdom - King Wapol of the Drum Kingdom, he's not a good person."

"Understood, Granny Crane."


"what is this?"

"This is what I have been through for 30 years and finally completed. It is a 'panacea' that can heal all wounded hearts in this country!"

"It's 30 years of life in vain..."

"I don't have time..."

"Also, I want you to teach Chopper medicine, he wants to be a doctor!"


"Get out! There should be a limit to being cheeky! Let me do your stupid research and take care of weird pets for you!"


"I understand... you are also trying to save lives... Doctors are good people!"

"Then I'll officially ask you!"


"What? 'Doctor 20' is all ill?! How is that possible!"

"Even if you dispense some medicine!"

"There are only doctors like 'Doctor 20' in this country!"

"Bastard! Are you planning to die!"


Wright appeared in the Navy headquarters, his own office with a golden light.

"The Drum Kingdom... it's too far away. I don't know how long it will be until that event happens, but it's definitely not as long as two weeks!"

"Maybe only a week, no...even a day or two!"

Wright put on his civilian clothes and called Cobra, King of Alabasta.

"Your Majesty Cobra, I'm Wright!"

"Lieutenant General Wright! You..."

"Your Majesty Cobra, I need to go to the Drum Kingdom to save people - I'm in the Navy Headquarters now, and I need Alabasta's light-forged beacon to transfer, and I'll apply to you!"


Cobra's face became serious: "Please come here, Lieutenant General Wright - the life-saving cannot be delayed!"

"Thank you!"

A golden light flashed, and Wright disappeared.

"His Majesty Cobra! I'll go first—we'll talk when I get back!"

Without bothering to talk to Cobrador, who came in a hurry, Wright summoned the wings of holy light into the sky.


Princess Vivi, who ran with Cobra, saw Wright's figure in the distance, and worried: "Is something wrong?"

"Where is Lieutenant General Wright going in such a hurry?"

"He's going to save people."

Cobra touched Weiwei's head and sighed, "I didn't expect that my previous decision could actually be a help in saving people!"

"Weiwei, if every island, or even between towns, could have such a magical teleportation device, how many people would it be able to help!"

Weiwei blinked her eyes: "I believe Lieutenant General Wright can do it!"


"Where is Shiruluk!"

Kureiha rushed into Shiruluk's tree house, and Chopper, who was wearing a bandage, ran around in fright.

"I won't cook you, I know you... Where is Shiruluk?"

"Doctor...he's sick, maybe he's going to town!"

"How can it be good! That's because the current medical level cannot be cured!"

"The doctor drank this and it's all right!"

"Ami black mushroom..."

Kureha was shocked, and then burst into tears, finally understanding everything.

"Stupid reindeer! Ami black mushroom... is highly poisonous!"

"If you eat it, you won't survive for half a day..."

"I... I have clearly contacted the person who is most likely to save him..."

Chopper couldn't listen anymore: "Big liar! The doctor said that he feels much better, and next to the picture book of this mushroom, there is clearly a skeleton drawn!"

"The skeleton in the illustrated book means highly poisonous..."

Kleiha fell to her knees and snarled at Chopper: "Listen! There is no 'magic medicine' in this world, that's why you need a doctor!"

"Goodness alone can't save anyone!"


"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"


"Get out of the way! I'm here to save Doctor 20!"

Shiruluk, who had gone through hardships to reach the gate of the palace, stared blankly at the palace guards, captain Dalton, and King Wapol on a hippo who were lined up in front of him...

And, intact, "Doctor 20".

"what on earth is it……"

"Wow hahaha! Shiruluk, you've been tricked! Come on, prepare to execute!"

Amidst the unbridled laughter of Wapol, the King of the Drum Kingdom, the shocked Shiruluk sat down on the snow feebly.

"So...isn't there any patient...that's great..."

"It turned out to be just being deceived... I really thought that something big happened in the country..."

The captain of the guard, Dalton, and the intact "Doctor 20" were shocked by Shiruluk's emotion and were completely speechless.

Chopper ran out of the tree house and ran desperately in the direction of the palace. The cableway connecting the palace was already in sight.

A ray of golden light is approaching at an extreme speed, and the Drum Mountain Highland, which is quite distinctive in the Drum Kingdom, has already appeared in Wright's sight!

"When do you think people will die?"


"It's time to be... forgotten!"


"Dalton-kun, why are you crying?"

"Can this country... be saved..."

"As long as there are people who have inherited my ideals!"

Shiruluk raised his wine glass to the sky, and his bloodshot eyes could vaguely see a ray of golden light on the horizon.

"What a wonderful life!"


Shiruluk detonated all the bombs, huge smoke rose into the sky, and the heavy snow was violently lifted by the violent explosion, blurring the dumbfounded eyes of Dalton and Doctor 20.

Wapol's laughter came: "Wow ha ha ha! It was blown to pieces! What a lunatic! Deserving it!"

On the other end of the violent smoke of the explosion, Chopper just arrived.


To clarify, there is no original work here, but I don’t think it would be strange if there was a connection between the two old women. Anyway, I don’t know the original work, right?

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