Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 202 What is Teamfight MVP

"Bista, a warship was found ahead! But..."

Whitebey held up the telescope and hesitated: "This warship is very strange..."

"Weird? What's the matter?"

Bista looked in the direction of the telescope, and could vaguely see a little golden light.

"That warship is golden... No, it is surrounded by a layer of golden light!"

Whitebee put down the telescope: "It seems that this is Lieutenant General Wright's ship. This special effect... is very gorgeous."

"It is said that Lieutenant General Wright's combat special effects are also extremely gorgeous and golden."

A cyan electric light appeared on Maku Gay's long knife, and he grinned.


Thinking of his own "petal" special effect, Bista stroked his beard and pulled out one...

Whitebee rolled his eyes as he looked at the two swordsmen who seemed to have lost a point before they even started fighting.

"Oh, man."


"Lieutenant General Wright! It has been confirmed with the surveillance patrol ship that the pirate ship of the Fifth Division of Whitebeard has slowed down!"

"It is expected to meet in about fifteen minutes!"

"Well, it seems to have found us - after all, Dawn is so conspicuous."

Wright glared at the odd-looking Smog and walked to the bow of the ship: "Okay, get ready to fight!"

As soon as he stepped on, Wright snorted: "Triple Halo!"

In an instant, there were a total of 509 fighters on the ship, and three gorgeous golden halos unfolded at their feet at the same time!

It was developed and completed since Fishman Island, because it is always used alone or when the battle situation is crushed—

Enhanced defense - shield-shaped "defense halo";

Enhance mental power - hexagonal "invigorating halo";

Sustained Resilience - Circular "Aura of Kindness"!

The triple aura is slowly pulsing and swallowing under everyone's feet, bringing them unimaginable gains!

"The King's Blessing!"

As the golden light flashed under their feet, everyone felt that their physical fitness had improved a bit in all aspects!


Smog clenched his fists and exhaled a breath of smoke: "This guy Wright has such a useful ability, and the combat effectiveness of this team has been improved by a level!"

Feeling the magical effect brought by various buffs, everyone looked at Wright with more respect.

Bista's pirate ship can already be seen, and it is not very large - after all, a squad of Whitebeard's team only has a hundred people.

Two much larger pirate ships followed - the Icebreaker at Whitebee was particularly conspicuous.


There was a smile on the corner of Wright's mouth: "It looks like they don't plan to go all the way?"

The huge icebreaker slowed down and stopped first, and the other two pirate ships headed straight for the Dawn.

"Lieutenant General Wright!"

Bista's loud voice rang out: "Thanks to the care recently, we want to recruit some new people, but we can't find anyone!"

"That means, I did a good job!"

The justice coat fluttered in the sea breeze, and Wright held the handle of the knife and said:

"It seems that I have to apply for a military merit badge from Marshal of the Warring States Period! The affirmation from the captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard is much more reliable than the military merit reported by myself!"

"Hahaha! If you beat us, there will be no shortage of military exploits!"

The other party's pirate ship has entered the range, and Wright shouted: "Then I'm welcome! Fire!"

What is one of the biggest advantages of warships over pirate ships in this era?

The artillery fire of warships is much stronger than that of pirate ships! Although the quasi-head is very confusing in the naval battle... but it can't stand the large number and the fast firing frequency!

Nearly the range is covered by artillery fire, and most pirate ships will basically kneel if they do not have a strong helmsman.

And Dawn... This main gun is not a ship-based gun in the general sense!

With Wright's order, the light-cast crystal placed under the main gun lit up, and the entire fort was covered with a layer of golden mist.


The muzzle flashed golden light, and the shadow of the cannonball flashed away... Yes, although Wright really wanted a main cannon of holy light energy like Vidicaar, but unfortunately, it could not be achieved in a short time.

Therefore, taking the next step, Germa's scientists analyzed Wright's "Wings of Light" and "speed of light" principles, and successfully simulated the launch of artillery shells with auxiliary devices!

Different from the slow-flying shells shot by ordinary ship-based guns, the shells shot by Dawn's main gun...the flight is quite fast!

In the blink of an eye, Bista found that the shell on the opposite side was already touching his face!




The pirate ship was hit, and there was an explosion on the deck - fortunately, the shells are still of conventional size, and one or two rounds can still withstand...

"What a cannon!"

Bista and Makugai immediately swung their swords to cut off the astonishingly fast cannonballs, and while giving orders loudly, the pirates quickly put out the fire, repaired the deck, and prepared to fire the cannonballs.

"Boom! Boom!"

The shells of the two pirate ships began to roar as the three ships approached.

However... Wright and Smog didn't move, they saw a pale golden mask rising in front of the Dawn - the shells that might have hit the hull directly were blocked and fell into the sea without exception!

"This warship has more than gorgeous special effects!"

Bista slashed the rapidly flying shells with his double swords and shouted, "Get ready for a battle!"

"Maku Gay! Inform Whitibe to press down and be ready to support at any time!"

Soon, the three ships were getting closer, Bista and Makugai sandwiched the Dawn in the middle, and the icebreaker in Waidibe was also close to the range of artillery fire, ready to dash at any time.

"The hull protection is open, let them come!"

With Wright's order, the hull, deck, and mast of the Dawn were covered with a layer of glazed golden light - the simplified version of the Wall of Holy Light, which can greatly enhance the hull's ability to withstand strikes.


With the sound of killing, Bista and Makugai led their men to board the Dawn - with the protection of the Wall of Light, the huge deck of the Dawn can be used as a marine battlefield!

"Battle formation team, protection!"

The lieutenant-level officer who led the navy's "Joint Strike Array" loudly ordered, and the well-trained elite navy soldiers quickly fought against the pirates.

With Wright's halo and blessings, the marines only feel that their combat effectiveness at this time can beat two of yesterday's selves!

Coupled with the cooperation of the two beautiful schoolmasters Tina and Ain, the marines have received huge blessings both psychologically and physically!

"In the name of justice!"


"Since Whitebee did not participate in the war, then Makugai will be handed over to me first."

Smokey took a deep breath of the cigar - there should be still a big gap between him and Makugai at the moment, but it should be okay to hold on for a short time.

"Well, move to me if you can't hold it, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

Wright took out the "ash" and strode towards Bista, who was holding two knives: "Fight on the Dawn, but our home court!"

"Humph! I still have some experience in dealing with swordsmen and practicing with you for so long!"

Smog's feet turned into white smoke, and he rose into the sky. The huge white ten hands were wrapped in arms and domineering, and he slammed down on Makugai!

Wright and Bista faced each other with knives: "Come on Bista! Let me see what the level of the great swordsman other than Hawkeye is!"

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