Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 204 Soldier to Soldier

Facing the elite 100 members of the 5th Division of Whitebeard, and the more than 500 pirates under Maku Gay, Tina and Ain did not have the slightest timidity in their hearts.

The captain of the fifth division, "Foil" Bista, and "Lei Qing" Makugai had been stopped by Wright and Smog, respectively. Tina and Ain led the sailors to fight according to their previous arrangements.

In the early days of the pirates' pick-up battle, in order to save the consumption of light-cast crystals, Wright did not order the Dawn to open the shield to prevent the pirates from boarding the ship.

Therefore, Tina's ability comes in handy here.

With a lady's cigarette in her mouth, Tina was at the forefront of the five battalion formations led by lieutenant-level officers, and Ain stood guard with a pair of knives.

"Maoyu threshold, change!"

Tina was in the middle of the deck, snorted coldly, opened her arms, and stretched out a long fence-like iron branch.

Different from the general "sill feather threshold", this time Tina threw the iron branch into the air to the pirates who were boarding the ship on both sides, so——




The elite pirates were able to react by relying on their excellent ability to dodge or turn over the iron sticks, while some unlucky ones who were too excited or underpowered were directly hit by the iron sticks and fell into the sea with glory.

"Miss Tina, well done!"

The ruffians who have been educated by a smile have now advanced to the "elite sea soldiers", but there is no such thing as the previous cheers——

But red eyes and "high fighting spirit" are inevitable.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Tina shouted loudly, pulling the fighting spirit of the marines to the top. Under the command of the lieutenant, the marines clenched their weapons and were ready to face this kind of battle they experienced for the first time——

A battle with fewer sailors than pirates!

That's right, generally speaking, when the navy and the pirates are engaged in a port battle or land battle, the number of the navy far exceeds that of the pirates.

The number of pirates who can reach the new world is limited, and all of them can be said to be elites who have experienced countless battles.

The navy is better than the navy because of its sophisticated weapons, large-scale training, and prohibition of orders. Even elite sailors can only attack pirates if they have a large or even absolute advantage in number.

With a strong general-level officer in the line, the situation may be better, but in a well-prepared battle, very few are like today—

Wright used the No. 500 navy to fight with a team of Whitebeard and a complete pirate regiment under his command!

This is still another pirate group that was not expected to participate in the battle!

What is Wright's confidence?

The "Joint Battle Array" that defeats the strong by the weak, the powerful Legion-level Holy Light gain halo and blessing, and this Dawn, which combines Germa technology and Wright's powerful Holy Light!

"Meet the impact!"

Ain fluttered with two swords, repelling the pirates who approached Tina and the lieutenant officers, reminding the lieutenants to pay attention to the impact of the pirate army.

"Bang bang bang-!"

The pirates who didn't have time to board the ship saw that a group of people had been shot down in front of them, and they started to use firearms to attack remotely, but they had to give up after a few shots——

Let's not talk about how to shoot a warship across the undulating sea, just because the iron sticks in front of them completely destroy the formation of one's own people, there is no way to fire a cold shot!


The lieutenant-level officer, as the direct commander of the combined attack formation, began to command five formations to meet the enemy—three formations to deal with the pirates under Makugay’s command, and two to deal with the fifth division of Whitebeard’s own team!

"The formation of black guns!"

Tina swung both hands together, and a large number of black iron bars rushed towards the pirates like long spears, knocking down more than a dozen pirates who could not dodge, and even some unlucky ones were dressed into candied haws!

And all kinds of iron sticks, iron bars, and the elusive bondage prison, directly smashed the pirates' offensive rhythm.


Ain's figure flew over and rushed into the pirates. With a posture as flexible as a flying swallow and a pair of short swords, he was looking for elite pirates to start.

Even if swordsmanship can't be successful——

"fall back!"

The two swords were retracted, a peach-colored flame ignited in his hands, a smile appeared on Ain's face, and he waved his hands again and again.

Anything she touches, weapons, human bodies, even bullets - goes straight back ten years!

"Unfortunately, at present, we can only go back ten years... If we can deepen our development and cultivation, if we can go back fifteen or even twenty years, it is the time when our abilities can exert their power."

Ain watched a lot of pirates with five big, three rough and overly mature faces being made ten years younger by him. After being horrified, they looked inexplicably surprised. For a while, he was a little annoyed and wished to make them disappear!

Weapons and the like - in addition to the many famous swords in the world, weapons can be regarded as one of the most frequently replaced equipment by pirates.

In the heat of battle, weapon damage is all too common, and most pirates don't have the skills to protect their weapons from damage for ten years.

Therefore, few weapons in the hands of pirates have been crafted for more than ten years - under the influence of Ain's ability, many swords have become iron lumps, and they have been scattered on the deck.

And the bullet is even more so - a bullet can be used for ten years from production to being fired? There's a high probability that you won't be able to play!

So, Ain grabbed the bullet with his bare hands—the moment the bullet touched the peach-colored flame on Ain's hand, it turned into a raw material powder such as metallic sulfur and sprinkled it down.

"Miss Ain is also great! I really want to be made younger by Miss Ain!"

The five "joint strike battle formations" formed a hundred-person formation. The original gangsters were still in the mood at first, but only after facing the frontal impact of the pirates did they recover.

These pirates are the elites under Whitebeard who have dominated the New World for more than ten years!


The cries of killing were endless, but the marines who were fighting the enemy with all their might soon found out—

"That's what elite pirates look like?"

"It feels like it's not much stronger than what I've encountered before!"

"I thought that all the characters under Whitebeard's command were 1 to 10... With this level of strength, it's not bad to be able to fight with 1 and 5!"

"No...we've become stronger!"

"It's Lieutenant General Wright's ability!"

It was not until the close-quarters confrontation that the sailors understood what Wright said before, "will bring you back safely", how much weight!

And Lieutenant General Wright dared to fight such a battle with less battles and more battles, and what did he have?

Without the blessing of Wright's ability, it is very likely that the first wave of elite pirates will be seriously injured and fall to the ground!

"Not to mention... the battle formation was invented by Lieutenant General Wright!"

The confidence of the sailors has greatly increased - as long as that adult is there, anything is possible!


The pirates fought hard to kill the enemy, and the fierce killing intent and madness, as well as the killing skills, trained by countless life and death battles, are not given for nothing!

After all, many sailors who were far less powerful than pirates were still injured.

Although the physical attributes have been enhanced in all aspects and the mind has become a lot more agile, it cannot completely make up the gap.

The pirate who beheaded a sailor laughed, and was about to step forward when he found the bleeding wound of the sailor in front of him, and a faint golden light appeared——

In the blink of an eye, the wound no longer bleeds!

The pirates were stunned for a moment, and the wounds of the sea soldiers were healed!

With the double blessing of the aura of kindness and the healing power of the Dawn, some minor injuries cannot even affect the minds of the sailors!

"what's the situation!"

The pirates were startled, and the wounded navy slashed with a knife, shouting:

"I'm covered by Lieutenant General Wright!"

The navy has completed the anti-suppression against the pirates in the case of a numerical disadvantage!

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