Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 207 Seventh Seven Wuhai

"Old man in the Warring States period, so far, it has been a week since the battle with Whitebeard's fifth division captain 'Foil' Bista, 'Leiqing' Makugai, and 'Ice Witch' Waidibe."

Wright is reporting the new situation of the G-5 branch to Sengoku: "At present, there is no sign of the Whitebeard Pirates coming to retaliate."

"Well, well done!" The phone bug showed a smile, but... it seemed something was wrong.

"With this deterrence, we can get a considerable part of the development time for the department!"

The strange feeling disappeared in a flash, and Wright stared at the phone bug carefully - was it just an illusion? Or is the phone bug sick?

I always feel that the expression of the old man in the Warring States period was a little wrong!

At Wright's level of seeing and hearing, even if you don't take the initiative to activate it, your five senses are much stronger than ordinary people!

"Old man in the Warring States period, you..."

"Ah, by the way, the headquarters recently received news from Drake..."

"Drake? Did that kid send a message back?"

Putting a trace of doubt behind him for a while, Wright asked about the business.

"No... The headquarters received Drake's... record, um, it was made into a reward order!"


Even though he knew that this day would come, Wright still felt very happy—his direct subordinate of Wright had a reward...

"The G-5 branch will receive a new batch of bounties in a few days, including Drake's."

Warring States, Wright, Roxandi, and Smog are the only ones. The four navies who know Drake's identity, Drake can't get any support from the headquarters outside, it is really difficult for this honest man.

According to the original plan, even Smaller would not be informed of the news, but Smaller often sits at the base in place of Wright. Without a tacit understanding, it would be difficult for Drake to disguise in the new world.

"Name - X Drake, identity - head of the 'Drake Pirates', reward - 123 million!"

"Old man in the Warring States period, Drake was taken away by me in the training camp in front of everyone's eyes. What kind of identity did you arrange for him..."

Originally, Wright also thought of letting Drake become a pirate as a "navy traitor", but...

"Why, that's his true identity!"

Warring States remarked: "The son of a pirate, the pirate group his father was in was wiped out by the navy, and he was rescued by the navy disguised as a civilian."

"Drake joined the Navy as a victim with the intent of avenging his father."

"Then he was selected by Lieutenant General Wright as his subordinate. Unexpectedly, Drake found out that the navy who killed his father was Lieutenant General Wright's subordinate... So he planned an assassination, then fled and became a pirate!"

"Just perfect!"

Warring States sighed and praised his arrangement.


Wright covered his forehead weakly, and he was shocked when he knew that Sengoku made such an arrangement - well, although the events and characters do not match, anyway Drake is really the son of a pirate.

Those who play tactics have a very dirty heart - General Crane doesn't count!

"The reward is over 100 million, and it will soon be noticed by Kaido - Drake has been trained well by you, and his combat power is quickly formed."

Warring States coughed: "Okay, let's do it first... Luo Nandi, you should pay more attention, after all, only you can come and go to Wano country at any time."

"no problem."


Hanging up the phone bug, Wright was silent for a while, and the doubts that had just been left behind resurfaced.

"What's wrong..."


"He's not suspicious, is he?"

In the Marshal's Office, Garp rarely interfered with Sengoku's work. It wasn't until the Warring States Period hung up the phone bug that he asked aloud.

"It might not feel right...but I didn't give him a chance to speak."

Warring States sighed: "Wright's intuition is too powerful, the old man is worried that he won't be able to hide it for long."

Garp snorted coldly, grabbed Xianbei and took a big bite: "It's not easy to hide from that kid, you better prepare what to do when he finds out!"

"The people of ZF in the world come up with such an idiot idea only when their brains are flooded!"

"Kapp..." Sengoku knocked on the table: "When did World ZF consider the face of the Navy?"

"Qiwuhai, the World ZF has been proposed for more than ten years, but until now, the Qiwuhai has not been assembled!"

"Either the combat power is not enough, or it is disdain to be recruited, or the price paid for recruiting is too high..."

"Recently, in the new world, that kid Shanks has a very high reputation. Although he has not yet reached the level of the 'Emperor of the Sea', he has clearly surpassed other big pirates by a lot!"

"It seems that the World ZF is eager to gather Qibukai, and that person... very much meets the standards of the World ZF."

"And obviously, the world government still does not intend to take the face of the Navy into account this time."

Karp took a big sip from the teacup and let out a sigh of relief: "So, I can't let Wright and CP face each other this time..."

"With that kid's temperament, once he finds out, he will definitely explode."

"Danzifa's side..."

"The old man will go in person!"

Warring States stood up, his fists clenched and loosened: "Fortunately, Wright arrived in time last time, and Zefa himself was fine. But the matter of the students who died in battle, Zefa will not so easily forget."

"The old man just asks Zefa to calm down..."


Branch G-5, Wright's office.

Wright was working on some of the documents—these were already picked out by Ain and had to be handled by Wright himself, most of the rest Ain could handle alone.

"Oh! I'm still thinking of letting Smog help me sit at the base. That smoker looks like he's seen a ghost when he sees these documents. Has the military strategy been learned in vain!"

"The guy with smoke in his head... Fortunately, there is Ain, and the ability to process documents is about a hundred smokers!"

Wright poured a cup of tea and continued to write hard.

"Lieutenant General Wright!"

"Oh? It's Ain, what's the matter?"

Hearing Ain's voice, Wright looked up, but immediately realized that something was wrong.

"What's wrong!"

Ain bit his lip tightly, looking like he was greatly wronged.

"The smoker made you angry again? I'll clean him up!"

"Lieutenant General Wright! Binz just contacted me with a message..."

"Binz? Wasn't he by Mr. Zepha's side?"

Wright was startled, and the strange feeling he had during the phone call with Sengoku resurfaced——

"The old man in the Warring States period is hiding something from me!"

"What happened to Teacher Zefa!?"

"Yes... Binz saw the Warring States Marshal and went to see Teacher Zefa, and overheard their conversation!"

"The World ZF decided to secretly invite a pirate to make up for the 'King's Qiwuhai'!"

"This pirate...the one who attacked Zefa-sensei and our actual combat training warship, Weibull!"

"Bastard... It's early!"

Wright pinched the pen in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Weibull?! This guy... have those bastards in the world flooded with brains!"

"The World ZF has sent CP1 to look for Weibull with an invitation letter from Qiwuhai..."

Ain choked and said: "But...why does the World ZF do this? Teacher Zefa almost lost his right wrist! A dozen sacrificed classmates are watching us!"

"Humph! World ZF... When did you take into account the face of the navy!"

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