Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 252 Historical Text and Ancient Weapons


Seeing that Robin couldn't help wrapping his arms around his shoulders and shaking violently, Wright stretched out his hand and summoned an "eternal fire" to push towards Robin.

The warm "eternal fire" made Robin gradually stop trembling, closing his eyes and feeling the warmth he had not felt in more than ten years——

The ability of Lieutenant General Wright can even affect the spirit!

Robin woke up suddenly, but his gaze towards Wright was no longer as deadly as before - Lieutenant General Wright, compared with other navies, was still different.

"I'm sorry about O'Hara..."

Wright opened his mouth, and the first sentence made Robin's pupils shrink—

"Sorry? No!"

Robin's face became stiff: "That matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to take responsibility for the Navy!"

"Even if it was you, how much did you know about things back then... You didn't even join the navy at that time!"

Wright took a deep look at Robin, then looked at the serious-looking Cobra-the latter obviously knew something about the O'Hara incident.

"I know a lot more than you... think!"

"Lieutenant General Sauro, Spandain, Nicole Olvia, Dr. Clover, ancient texts, historical texts, ancient weapons, and..."

Robin trembled again, looking at Wright with incredible eyes, just as he was about to open his mouth, he heard Wright say the last term.

"Great Kingdom!"



Cobra couldn't keep his composure anymore: "Lieutenant General Wright! What you said..."

"It's the hidden truth... it's the key word of the blank 100 years that the world ZF fears!"


Robin didn't speak for a long time, and for a long time, until the air in the conference room was about to freeze, she showed an inexplicable smile.

"Lieutenant General Wright... You, like Sauluo back then!"

"You, unlike most navies..."

"I don't know how you learned about the information blocked by the World ZF, nor what you paid to get this information, let alone what you want to do..."

"It's just... as a candidate for the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, is it okay to say this in front of the ZF wanted criminals in my world and King Cobra?"

"I believe in the wisdom of King Kobra... After all, Alabasta is a very special country."

Wright glanced at Cobra, who nodded slightly: "After this incident in Crocodile, there are some other incidents..."

"I do have a lot of things that I want to know from the World ZF... but I also know that the time is not yet ripe!"

"So, Nicole Robin, maybe the information you know will help us a lot, and in the future."

"Nicole Robin... You are a wanted criminal of the World ZF, about the Baroque Works, you participated in the crime, but it is also considered a crime."

Wright said slowly: "You long for a partner you can trust. I understand it very well. The World ZF will not remember your credit this time, but King Cobra will remember it, and I will remember it too."

"I have already said that I will give Kuzan senior brother's face. Now I will not shoot you because of what happened before. Now, you can only look at the affairs of Alabasta."

"Then, could you please tell us, Crocodile, and what is your goal?"

"I don't believe it...the two of you who add up to the power to destroy the country will unite without any other purpose!"


Robin looked at Wright fixedly, and after a while, he finally spoke with determination.

"History text, my goal, is owned by the royal family of Alabasta, historical text!"

"So, originally I just wanted to stop Crocodile's plan and kidnap King Cobra to take me to the place where the historical text is preserved..."

Robin smiled bitterly: "Unexpectedly, Lieutenant General Wright has already arranged everything for you."

"Historical text... So it is, O'Hara's orphan, the only person who can read the historical text. If you want to read the historical text, I can understand."

Wright pretended to be ignorant and looked at Cobra, who nodded slowly:

"Can you read the historical text... I guessed it before. Alabasta does have a historical text..."

"But the king of Alabasta only knows that we are obliged to protect it from generation to generation, and that is the only thing we can do."


Robin showed an inexplicable smile: "The goal of Crocodile is the content of this historical text, and this is the reason for our cooperation!"

"What he wants is the ancient weapon 'Pluto'!"


This name with inexplicable shocking power made the scene fall into silence again.

"It seems... both of you know this thing. The most ferocious battleship in history, it is said that a single shot can destroy an island!"

"Back then, O'Hara was exterminated on the charge of 'intending to revive ancient weapons'."

Wright listened to Robin's words, his eyes were calm, and Robin was stunned:

"After 800 years, it is hard to imagine that a warship can still operate normally, no matter how powerful it is."

"'Pluto', hum... That guy Crocodile is really naive, thinking that an ethereal battleship can help him reach the top of the world?"

"It seems that Whitebeard hit him too hard, so big that he forgets that this is a world where great power is attributed to itself!"


Robin's eyes flickered, obviously not expecting Wright to say these words-

No one who has heard of "Pluto" has really thought about it from the perspective of whether "Pluto" can still be used normally after 800 years!

Cobra also came back to his senses, with a complicated expression: "It's actually 'Pluto'... I didn't expect it."

"Then, Lieutenant General Wright, Nicole Robin."

Cobra closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then opened his eyes, and said firmly: "The opportunity is rare, please come with me... Look at the historical text, what is written!"


Nicole Robin took a deep look at Cobra - no matter how hard it was, Cobra was willing to take the initiative to take him to see the historical text!

Isn't he afraid that the information of "Pluto" is really recorded on it?

Or did he know there was no "Pluto" information on it?

Or...he knew that the information about "Pluto" was recorded on it, but he didn't plan to hide it from Lieutenant General Wright? !

How much did he trust the Vice Admiral? !

"Alright...Nicole Robin, we all look forward to your solving the mystery of the world..."

"Since His Majesty Cobra invites, let's come together."

Wright laughed, and Cobra made such a choice that he was worthy of him.


In the Royal Tomb on the west side of the palace, Cobra appeared next to a hidden staircase with Wright and Nicole Robin.

"The historical text is hidden deep underground."

Cobra entered first: "Come on...this is 800 years of hidden history, right in there."

Wright and Robin were silent and followed Cobra through the desert-like corridor to a gate.

Cobra stepped forward and opened the door. In the wide room behind the door, a square boulder full of wonderful characters was displayed in front of the three of them.

"This is... Alabasta, the historical text!"

Robin muttered.

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