Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 273: Two-Line Momentum (Monthly Pass 500 Plus)

Leaving Punk Hassad happily, Wright returned to the G-5 branch base.

Vegapunk is indeed a genius scientist who has surpassed the world for 500 years. In just over half an hour, he designed a perfect road sign transformation plan.

According to this transformation plan, the light-forged talisman can be directly installed on the light-forged beacon with only some improvements to continuously charge the light-forged crystal. When the light-forged beacon has a light-forged talisman, it can be switched to self-powered transmission. state!

Wright sent the blueprint to Gage of Watch Island, who would upgrade the Lightforged Sigil as soon as possible for the upgrade of the Beacon.

After informing the Warring States of the great progress of the Five Dynasties Lightcasting Beacon, the eyes of the Warring States turned red——

If five generations of road signs can be installed on a large scale, what a huge change will be produced!

The Warring States period has completely apologised for Huang Monkey who was wronged - once again, he will still let Huang Monkey be wronged!

"The old man will start to fight for Dr. Bergapunk. The original light-forged beacon of the great route will be upgraded first, and no more will be added for the time being."

The Warring States have deeply understood what is meant by "science and technology are the primary productive forces"!


It's been over a week since Wright took down the Golden Lion, Skee.

The Navy Headquarters made a decision to fully promote a plan - let Wright be promoted to "Admiral"!

In other words, the actual intention of the navy headquarters is to force the world government to allow the navy headquarters to "add a general seat"!

For a long time, there are three general seats in the Navy Headquarters most of the time, sometimes there are fewer, but never more.

In the previous generation, when the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies, Cyborg Air, was the Admiral of the Navy, there were two generals in the Navy Headquarters at that time—the Warring States of Buddha, and the Black Arm Zefa.

The other general position is Iron Fist Karp, who is unwilling to be promoted.

In the generation of Marshals of the Warring States Period, three "monster" lieutenant generals appeared, promoted to three generals, and filled the ranks of generals, shocking the sea.

Even so, the era of the Great Pirates is getting more and more intense, and the Warring States Period wants the Navy to become the existence of "suppressing the sea", rather than becoming the face of the world's ZF balance pirates, then it is imperative to enhance the hard power of the Navy.

The appearance of Wright made more civilians yearn for justice and joined the navy, which greatly expanded the naval force;

Or because of Wright's appearance, his miraculous healing ability and the epoch-making light-casting crystal, the navy's combat attrition was abruptly lowered by several steps, which greatly reduced the strength of the navy.

Therefore, compared to the original work, the overall military strength of the Navy Headquarters is much stronger now.

However, it is still not enough.

In this world where great power is attributed to oneself, the role that top powerhouses can play is obvious to all. The appearance of a top powerhouse is an all-round promotion of a power level from strength to prestige!

Even at the current level, the navy is only able to avoid facing the forces of the "Four Emperors" in the original work, and it is even a little weaker to join the "Seven Wuhai"——

The few guys on the top of the war paddling didn't say anything...

At least there are only two naval branches in the New World!

Then the current naval headquarters, if you want to achieve the effect of "suppressing the sea", must first add a top-level combat power - the fourth general!

Then rely on the strength of the fourth general and the formed deterrent force to further increase the troops, enhance the strength of the navy, and weaken the power of the pirates!

"Seven Wuhai" is unreliable, this is something that the Warring States period and all the high-level naval headquarters have long known, especially after the incident of Crocodile, the World ZF, in order to eliminate the influence, even sent CPs out to go around!

The world's No. 1 media tycoon, Morgans, also received a warning from the World ZF, and he couldn't use it as a breaking point to publicize it well.

Morgans, who was forced to write a few Shimizu articles, was furious, and the opportunity he had been looking forward to for a few years came.

Morgans never imagined that Wright actually killed the legendary big pirate one-on-one, the Admiral of the "Flying Pirates", and the "Golden Lion" Shiki!

Wright said it needed a good timing, but this timing was too crazy!

This time, because of the meaning of the Navy Headquarters conveyed by Wright, Morgans was so excited that he almost went mad-with the endorsement of the Navy Headquarters, this wave was even more stable than if he did it alone!

As a result, the bosses of the Navy Headquarters were shocked to find that they originally wanted to cooperate with the old bird Morgans, but they did not expect the old bird to be bloody and almost go all out!

"Golden Lion" Shiji's old foundation was dug up by Morgans, and almost in the form of characterization, Shiji's power, brutality, evil, ambition, achievements, etc. before his disappearance were shown in detail. in front of the whole world!

After Roger the Pirate King, "Golden Lion" Shi Ke succeeded more than ten years later, reminding the world of the horror of the predecessors of the great pirates!

Although the World ZF feels wrong, once they are overwhelmed by the protests in Alabasta, they must do their best to deal with the adverse effects of the Crocodile incident;

Second, the news of Shiji of the Golden Lion was not deliberately covered up by the World ZF, but Shiji himself disappeared for more than ten years, and the world gradually forgot about it. Once this kind of thing is recalled, there is no way to erase it;

Thirdly, Shiki is already dead. For a guy who is already dead, even if he is the second one in One Piece, what can he do? He was killed by the Navy! And the navy is the world ZF!

Therefore, in just two days, the world was full of Shiji news, and from the third day, the world began to feel that something was wrong.

Was Wright who killed Skey strong? very strong.

Is there any credit? The credit goes a lot. That guy Shiki is the first criminal in history to break into the Navy headquarters and escape from the advance city.

Do you want to be rewarded? As a general candidate, Wright has already achieved the pinnacle of lieutenant generals, and he will break if he goes on the road - the three generals are full.

Then just reward a few more military medals, honorary titles, etc. These world ZFs are very good at it.


The World Economic News ran a full-page comic book, and even went so far as to issue a supplement to publish the highlights of the fight between Wright and Scy...

What kind of war correspondent did this! Putting videophone bugs at an altitude of several kilometers? !

Although the shocking scene of the final battle was not photographed, what was the floating island group including Melvio before, what it was like when it fell into the sea after the war, the testimony of thousands of the aboriginal people of the floating island, and Shiki's Whole corpse—

Based on these real data, according to Wright's narration, Morgans almost restored the whole process from Wright's discovery of Melville to killing Scy.

Shiji's ambition, Shiji's strength, Shiji's cruelty, "SIQ", the beast plan...

All exposed to the world.

As a result, after Morgans' ingenious polish, the danger level of Shi Kee has been raised again. After more than ten years, Shi Kee's risk level has risen by a level compared to what was previously announced!

In Morgans's writings, Wright, who killed Skey and stopped his revenge plan, is not a hero, but a hero!

World class hero!

The Navy Headquarters, led by the Warring States Period and Crane, perfectly seized the hot spot of this propaganda and commended Wright through the official channels of the Navy Headquarters!

The World Economic News continuously published the complete commendation content. This time, the Warring States made a ruthless effort to add Wright to the Navy. All the credits started, except for the top-secret childlike fruit incident, the light cast beacon, and the sensitive and Weibull. The events of fighting to protect the actual combat training warships are all open!

It's an official campaign!

Now, it is the world's No. 1 media, and the Navy headquarters, for Wright's two-line campaign!

PS: I remember that a book friend said that the title of the Warring States period was "Xianshi", the general of Xianshi. In fact, it was an early folk translation problem. The source is when O'Hara slaughtered the demons, Spandain said that the general immortal stone gave him a golden phone bug. In fact, the Japanese original text is "general センゴク", "センゴク" is the Warring States Period, and it can also be translated as "immortal stone". When the Warring States debuted for the first time, the name board was marked "仏のセンゴク", which is "The Warring States of the Buddha". You can see from Tencent's genuine comics that O'Hara is translated into Warring States General here.

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