Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 283 Secret Meeting

Throwing Anilu back into the sea, Zefa shook his head as the priests were busy saving Lord Thor on board.

This guy beats and beats well, it can play a big role, and it is a pity to let Wright slash with one knife.

Glancing at Cavendish, who was winking, and looking at Dusky, who was bewildered, Zefa knew that the two must know Anilu, but the "agreement" with Wright might not be clear.

Needless to say, Dasqi, Cavendish, who escaped, didn't make a sound just now, which made Zefa very satisfied with his educational achievements.

"Continue with the mission. Don't have too many thoughts on that guy just now. Naturally, those with the ability to ring the Thunder Fruit are not as harmless as you see!"

Zefa beat the students: "If the old man didn't make a move just now, now none of you will be standing!"

"Yes! Chief Instructor!"


Wright knew nothing about the tragedy of El Nilu.

Clearing up the first half of the Great Route, it stands to reason that there is no need for him as a general.

But people all over the world know that General Wright used to hate hatred and hatred, and it is normal to do some things when a new official takes office.

But in fact, is Wright really so busy?

After being promoted to general, Wright and Karp and Sengoku, two old men, had a secret one-day meeting.

The meeting used Roxandi's long-lost stunt, the Silence Field, to ensure that even if something violent happened, it wouldn't be noticed by others.

The content of the meeting almost made the Warring States gas out of a heart attack.

If it wasn't for Laitra, the Warring States period would really have staged a "meeting friends with martial arts" with Garp.

Sengoku was aware of the relationship between Garp and Roger who were both enemies and friends, but it wasn't a big deal.

But since the Navy spent a lot of energy and still failed to find the rumored Roger's child, Sengoku found that things were not as simple as he thought.

And when the Golden Lion Shiki had escaped from the prison in the advance city, and Garp began to frequently return to the East China Sea to visit his family on vacation, the Sengoku became more and more wrong——

He was not yet a marshal at the time, but he had already begun to deal with the internal affairs of the Navy, and he was aware of some of Garp's abnormal behaviors.

Even, Warring States silently helped Garp erase many suspicious records-in front of a whole warship, on the way to search for Roger's posthumous son in the South China Sea, he took a child back for adoption...

Are all navies really blind?

With Garp's behavior, he didn't care at all, and he didn't bother to hide it. His "disrespectful" remarks to the Tianlong people were not unlearned by the marines under his command.

It's just that Karp's reputation is too high, all of which are insignificant under the title of "hero".

Garp's control over the marines under his command is super strong, but even if the marines turn a blind eye to Garp's actions, it is impossible not to leave any clues.

Why hasn't there been even a little bit of wind in the Navy for more than ten years?

This good friend of the Warring States period is absolutely indispensable!

Back to the meeting scene at that time-

At the beginning of the meeting, before Sengoku's buttocks could sit firmly, the first sentence Garp said with his nostrils pierced the marshal.

"Ah, Warring States, Roger's son is with the old man!"

Warring States' brain is buzzing, I just feel that I have been careful and ignored for more than ten years and I have fed the dog. This bastard has no foundation at all...

"If the old man doesn't teach you a lesson today, you won't know what it means to have trouble coming out of your mouth!"

The Warring States period was already full of golden light, ready to send shock waves, and Wright had to use the Wall of Holy Light to separate the angry Marshal from the innocent-looking old man Karp.

"Remove the air, remove the air..."

Wright intervened in the middle, and Sengoku finally calmed down. Considering that if there was a real fight, I might not be able to use it the next day, so the news couldn't be hidden. Sengoku grabbed the senbei from Garp and bit it hard.

"Look at this, Wright, your kid already knew it?!"

"Um...not a few years..."

Wright glared at the old man Karp who opened his mouth to continue to break the news, told him to shut up, and then continued:

"I'm that kid's teacher."

Seeing that Sengoku's face was pale, Wright hurriedly added:

"That kid was going to become a pirate, but after my careful persuasion, hard guidance, and careful education—"

"He has decided to be a righteous navy!"

Sengoku almost didn't take a breath just now, and he calmed down when he heard this.

"Become a navy? One Piece's son?!"

"Well! Warring States! The old man has always educated Ace in the direction of excellent marines!"

Karp finally found a chance to speak and laughed:

"With the old man's solid basic education, Ace will definitely become a powerful naval soldier not inferior to Wright! Hahaha!"

"Bastard Garp! That's not the point at all!"

Warring States roared: "Join the navy, can you keep him!"

"Better than being a pirate!" Garp muttered softly.

"You guy..."

Sengoku sighed heavily and looked at Wright:

"So, tell me now, you planned this, right? I don't believe Garp has such a brain!"

"Hey! What do you mean in the Warring States period!"

"It means you shut up for the old man!"

Warring States was angry when he saw Garp. This guy who talks with his fists is not very useless, but with himself and cranes, and now Wright, this old guy is too lazy to use his brain!

How else would he choose Wright to be that kid's teacher? !

"Your plan, gather the strength of the three of us to suppress this matter, right?"

Warring States took off the toad mirror and squeezed his eyebrows:

"The old man thought that the child could disappear without a trace, and it would be the best ending to leave no trace."

"This child's talent is not ordinary. After all, this is the blood of that person."

Wright said with a smile: "At least, the potential to become a 'general' is beyond doubt!"

"So strong?"

Sengoku put on his glasses and looked at Wright seriously: "Are you so sure?"

"Of course...and, if he hadn't told him to keep a low profile, he might have fallen out with him now on the great route."

"He has already obtained the natural burning fruit!"


This is not only the Warring States period, but Karp is also not calm:

"Natural system? Or is it a powerful burning fruit?! When did this happen, why doesn't this old man know!"

"All the information about Ace has not appeared in the newspapers during this period of time, you naturally don't know - but this is what I asked Morgans to do."

The relationship between Wright and Morgans is much better than everyone imagined, and it is no secret here in Sengoku and Garp.

After all, the promotion of generals at that time, Morgans was trying his best to support Wright!

"I know very well about him. Now he doesn't hang a pirate flag, he's not a pirate, he doesn't have a bounty, and he doesn't get published in the newspaper. It's hard for the headquarters to notice him."

"...Well done, in this way, the maneuverable space will be larger."

Warring States murmured to himself, and after a while, he finally made up his mind:

"Tell me about that child in detail!"

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