"That's right, world peace, I believe you also know, I wouldn't naively think that it can be achieved safely and stably."

"The transformation of the world is bound to be accompanied by huge sacrifices and requires enormous power."

"Gore D. Roger is the closest person in 800 years, and even he has changed the world to a certain extent - it's just too crude."

The long black trench coat rattled in the wind, Wright pressed the gentleman's hat, and turned his head to look at the serious-looking dragon:

"In your eyes, I'm a mysterious guy... In my eyes, why aren't you?"

"Building a revolutionary army on your own...that's a feat from nothing - I don't have the patience."

"Roger chose the path of pirates to pursue the truth. You chose to build a revolutionary army yourself, and I chose the navy."

"If you want to change the world, these three paths have the same goal and the same goal, but... can a single force really shake the world's 800-year rule of ZF?"

An accident flashed in Long's eyes:

"Looks like, General Wright, you know more about World ZF than I imagined."

"The pirates and the navy both have the shackles of the times, the navy is controlled and controlled by the world government, and the pirates are largely isolated from the civilians."

Long said seriously: "Therefore, they all have limitations, not only the limitations of the times, but also the limitations of human nature..."

"So, I think, if you want to break the existing world order, you have to create a system that is completely different from the existing order!"

"I chose to gather like-minded people on the basis of the lowest level of civilians to light the fire of revolution - one day, this fire will burn all over the world and burn out the rotten ones!"

"Well... a great ideal, but this method requires too much sacrifice."

Wright stared closely at the dragon's eyes: "Have you not thought about how many civilians will be put into danger and how many unnecessary sacrifices will be made on the basis of civilians..."

"This is a world where great power is attributed to itself, and unfortunately, the World ZF that currently controls the world, although it is usually embarrassing, but it is not pedantic - they are shameless, they will directly overturn the table!"

"This is a world where the weak eat the strong, and happiness will not fall from the sky for no reason!"

Long shook his head slowly: "If you want to fight for freedom and equality, you must fight with their hands!"

"What you stole is what really belongs to you - instead of waiting for the charity of those in power with unrealistic illusions!"

Wright looked at Long Yi for a while before opening his mouth and said:

"Weakness is not the fault of the commoners...they're not trained, and not everyone has the talent and luck to get stronger."

"Justice is in the navy, countless civilians, and countless people with justice in their hearts joined the navy, received strict training, and worked hard to become stronger, just to protect the people they want to protect!"

"Joining the navy is the realization of sacrificing yourself for the goal you want to protect - if you are weak and need to struggle to survive, then what is the role of being strong!"

"No matter how strong the strong are, they are also supported by the weak. If the strong are unwilling to protect the weak and gain strong power just to dominate the world, such a guy is not worthy of being a strong!"

"Civilians can live according to their own will, and the strong and conscious who are born from them will serve as the strongest shield to protect them!"

"This is the ideology I uphold when I chose the navy, intending to set things right and make the navy a true embodiment of justice!"

Wright looked at Long's shocked eyes and said decisively:

"Just as the gap between the rich and the poor will not disappear, the gap between the strong and the weak will always exist!"

"Civilians are the cornerstone of everything. If they have a big problem, it's not just a small thing like a few countries subverting, the whole world will go backwards!"

"Civilians can achieve overall progress by popularizing education, opening up channels for advancement, encouraging innovation and creation, and even increasing the probability of the emergence of the strong... But if it is a battle where the arm is a car, I can't accept it!"

"Professional people, come to do professional things - fight, let the soldiers do it!"


Long Liang was silent for a long time, and the atmosphere between the two almost solidified.

"I have to say that although I have known for a long time that there are true people of justice in the navy, it is unprecedented to be able to interpret the relationship between the strong and the weak from this angle."

"The relationship between the navy and civilians, perhaps in the middle and low levels of the navy, is really like what you said, with the responsibility of protection - but in the high level, you may be the only one who still holds this kind of thinking. "

"That's why we meet this time, isn't it?"

The dark clouds covering Rogue Town have dissipated, the sky has returned to a clear sky, and the fresh air after the rainstorm makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Wright stretched greatly:

"I can see that you won't be shaken in the slightest by your persistence because of what I said, but on the contrary, you won't think that what I said is nonsense."

"If the idea of ​​the revolutionary army will sweep the world one day, then the navy will one day get rid of the control of the world government and change from a puppet pretending to be a real incarnation of justice!"

"I believe in this, just as you believe in your ideals."

"So, let's cooperate - in order to change the world, we need to gather the power of the world."

"A bottom-up revolutionary army, a top-down navy, and even lawless pirates!"

"If... no, when the world is changed to what we ideally look like due to our efforts, no matter the navy, the revolutionary army or the pirates, it will no longer be us."

"But the premise of all this is our common goal now!"

Long slowly took off his hood, and his tough face was completely exposed in front of Wright.

"Is this an unexpected gain from coming to Rogge Town this time... So you even count the power of the pirates? No wonder you let Luffy and them leave."

"The revolutionary army does not reject the power of pirates, does it?"

Wright waved his hand:

"Of course, just like the navy, the premise is that those guys who are not aiming for hegemony and are willing to help civilians. I have already killed one of the big pirates who intend to conquer the world... I believe there will be more in the future!"

"That being the case, I have no reason to refuse - however, the navy can have the current size, you can become the fourth general, and there are our factors. If a cooperation is reached, at least now, on the World ZF side, how do you explain it? ?"

Wright showed a sly smile and made a gesture to the dragon:

"So, to act - as a qualified actor, I am very experienced in acting!"


Long smiled bitterly for the first time:

"So that's the case... So good at hiding, we must be able to cooperate well."

"I won't reveal too much information, but there will be an opportunity soon ... when the time comes, I will watch your performance."

Wright's words made Long's pupils shrink:

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it!"

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