Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 354 Infinite Hell

"Director! This, this..."

Hannibal was taken aback by the sound, if it was true...

"Shiliu...this bastard!"

Magellan's face changed, no matter who the guy was talking, but Shiliu has not yet appeared to suppress the prisoners, which is a big anomaly!

"I'll go to the sixth floor to confirm for myself! Hannibal!"

"Yes! Director!"

"All the prison bomb troops hunt down the escaped guys, and the jailer beasts come with me! Once I send a message back, immediately use 'that' to contact the Navy Headquarters!"

"But that just now..."

"Infinite hell is the top priority! The guy just now, notify the 'assistant defense' Qiwuhai Jinping!"

"Ah! Yes!"

"It's not unfounded to worry that General Wright sent someone... I still insist on advancing the city and don't need the help of the navy!"


"Head keeper Shiliu would actually betray..."

Marine Headquarters, Marin Fando, and Warring States frowned as they watched the urgent message from the advancing city through the light forged beacon.

"It seems that Wright has to make a trip in person. If something happens to the advance city, it will be a big trouble!"

"The guy with the black beard has a lot of plans, but it doesn't seem to be simple..."

Sengoku took out the phone bug and contacted Wright - now that the execution time is less than three hours, the whereabouts of the Whitebeard Pirates have not moved.

But the army and the generals are already in place. At this time, a general is selected and can be seen in the world live broadcast. Maybe...the white beard hidden in the dark can be drawn out in advance!

Wright took out the phone bug, nodded slightly to the three senior brothers, and disappeared into a golden light.

"That's... General Wright! He disappeared!"

"Turn into golden light? Is that General Wright's ability?"

"What is Wright going to do at a time like this?"

"He just took out the phone bug...Is there an urgent mission?"

"Could it be Whitebeard..."

People watching the live broadcast discovered the abnormality of the Navy Headquarters for the first time. With less than three hours before the execution, the Navy can send a general to deal with it. How serious is this?


Advance the city, sixth floor.

"Thief hahaha! Magellan! No matter how strong you are, it's useless against so many of us!"

"Ha ha……"

Magellan was full of poison, and he was panting:

"Fortunately, there is General Wright's purification crystal... Otherwise, with this level of ability, it would have been long overdue for diarrhea."

"But now, these guys are not easy to deal with..."

Magellan faced the powerful criminals released by Blackbeard in the infinite hell.

The original "The King's Seven Wuhai", Shah Crocodile;

The most ferocious female pirate in history, "Xuanyue Hunter" Katerina Daipen;

"Giant Battleship" San Juan Bad Wolf;

"The Big Barrel" Basque Choate;

"The King of Evil" Abarro Pizarro;

There are two more... even the first few, the big men who dare not provoke!

"Descendants of the Devil" Douglas Barrett!

"Lonely Red" Baroric Redfield!

In addition to the former head guard, Shiliu of "Rain", and Blackbeard's group, it was a riot of demons!

The other prisoners on the sixth floor have already killed each other because of Blackbeard's scheme, and only these few people are left, but this lineup, Magellan alone, can't keep all of them no matter what!

The Jailermon that came with him have all fallen down, and even if it has strong vitality, it will take time to recover.

The existence of the jailer chief, Sati and the jailer beast, also made Magellan a little bit jealous. After all, his poison is indistinguishable from enemy and mine.

"Humph! It's absolutely impossible for you all to escape! Even if I die here today, it's impossible for you guys to get out!"

"These two guys are role models!"

Those who fell to the ground and howled in pain were the "Huge Battleship" San Juan Evil Wolf and "Large Wine Barrel" Basque Choate!

"Humph! Two reckless guys, just as shields, Magellan!"

Blackbeard is surging with a strong darkness, and it seems that the restraint on the ability is not very effective in Magellan - the poison that has been created by the ability makes Blackbeard not dare to directly touch Magellan!

"Poison Dragon!"

"The Giant Soldier of Poison: The Judgment of Hell!"

Magellan snorted, and three huge poisonous dragons and a huge bright red skull-shaped giant rose from behind him and rushed towards the criminals fiercely.

"The Wall of Sand!"

Crocodile waved his hands, and a huge, thick wall of sand blocked Magellan's moves.

"Tsk! Quickly think of a way to attack! This move won't last long!"

Crocodile snorted coldly. Originally, he was reluctant to cooperate with this group of people, but now escaping is the first priority.

"Thief hahaha! As expected of the original Qiwuhai..."

Blackbeard laughed wildly and launched an attack with the pirates.

Magellan's poison can be called no solution, but the two unfortunate guys who have been poisoned are used as shields by them, and with the defense of Crocodile, it is indistinguishable to fight Magellan for a while.

"Barrett! Redfield! Aren't you guys going to do something!"

Shiliu was holding the famous sword "Thunderstorm", and he was not calm at this time - Magellan was able to turn back so quickly, which he did not expect.

According to the original plan, if they blocked Magellan on the fifth floor of the extreme cold hell, it would have a certain suppression of his poisonous ability, but here on the sixth floor, it was different.

Moreover, these two guys have no intention of interfering at all since the prisoners were fighting each other, and other prisoners did not dare to disturb these two guys who are even closing their eyes and resting!

"Humph! Trash is trash, and escaping will only be shameful!"

Barrett opened his eyes slightly, showing a hideous smile, and a strong fierceness radiated out:

"If you don't have the ability to escape, just die here!"

"I disdain to join forces with you weaklings!"

Redfield sighed softly:

"You are young and strong, I will leave you alone... The old ones will not be involved when they are old."

"However, today's young people are really not enough to see, tsk tsk..."

The disdain of the two bosses was beyond words, making the faces of the criminals look ugly, but they had to fight hard to resist Magellan's attack——

These two can't be bothered!

"Let's capture it! You guys, do you really think you can escape?"

Magellan was gasping for breath, and he was overwhelmed by the attacks of the criminals, especially the former chief guard Shiliu, who was even as powerful as him. It was not easy to maintain such a situation.

With the spread of the deadly poison, the space on the sixth floor was gradually compressed, and the criminals had less and less space for activities, making them more ruthless—

"Just work harder! If we let the poison completely fill the space, we're dead!"

"Magellan's 'Propulsion City is the strongest' is no joke!"

And just when Magellan desperately resisted the attack from the opposite side and began to feel a little overstretched, his long-awaited voice finally rang.

"Oh, Director Magellan, thank you for your hard work... Next, I'll help you!"

A golden beam of light enveloped Magellan, making him feel that his physical strength, which was on the verge of drying up, was rapidly recovering!

A figure wearing a justice coat and holding a golden long knife walked in and looked at the criminals who were repressed by Magellan:

"Blackbeard...are you ready to die?"

Blackbeard's face was ugly, how could the Navy's support speed be so fast! Moreover, at this critical moment, this person was actually sent directly!

"Admiral, 'Orange Xiao' Wright!"

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