Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 374 The future has come

The news of the great naval victory quickly spread throughout the world.

At such a small price, killing Whitebeard and exterminating most of the Whitebeard Pirates was a wonderful victory no matter what.

For the first time, the powerful combat effectiveness of the Navy headquarters has been fully presented in the eyes of the world. "Justice will win" has become the main theme of the cheers of those who yearn for justice all over the world.

But the consequences followed.

Whitebeard's site is the largest among the "Four Emperors", but with the great victory of the navy and the news of Whitebeard's death in battle, his site began to encounter bad luck almost immediately——

The New World has always been suppressed by Whitebeard, and those lawless and evil pirates have emerged one after another to seize Whitebeard's territory!

The new world suddenly fell into a bloody storm!


In the Chambord Islands, the "supernovas" of this year's pirates, many of the guys who had already gone to the New World, heard the war and came back to watch specifically, heard the news of the victory of the Navy Headquarters, and their reactions were different.


Luo held up his spotted hat and greeted the crew with an unpredictable smile:

"Bepo, Shaqi, Pekin, let's go, it's time to go to the new world... The straw hat master will be quiet for a while, and we have to start planning."


The captain of the "Broken Monk Pirates", "Monk" Urki grinned. As the Qiwuhai, Anilu, who performed relatively well, naturally attracted special attention from Urki.

"Isle of Thunder... It seems that I need to go to 'visit'!"

"Those strange people..."

The captain of the "Boney Pirates", "Big Stomach Girl" Joelie Bonnie was thinking slightly confused about the relationship between Ivankov and others and the bear.

"Do they... do they know each other?"

"But what happened after that?"

"I have to figure it out!"

"Let's go! Go to the new world!"


Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

Shanks left with Whitebeard's body, along with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates led by Marco.

The Warring States period was listening to the official report on the advance city. After the war, Wright had gone to the advance city for the first time to assist Magellan with follow-up matters.

"How about Magellan? With Wright here, it should be alright?"

Warring States already knew about the situation Wright had described before.

The prisoners who advanced to the sixth floor of the city were released by Blackbeard to kill each other, but they were almost wiped out by Magellan and Wright.

The escaped Redfield and Crocodile are both huge hidden dangers, but they have all appeared on this battlefield.

"Your Excellency Marshal, although Director Magellan's injuries have been healed by General Wright, this incident made him extremely self-blame and took the initiative to ask for responsibility..."

Major Brannew, who came to report, paused:

"He said that if it wasn't for General Wright's timely support, I'm afraid he could only apologize with death..."

"This is not Magellan's fault, this is also part of the plan, a plan to eradicate a hidden cancer - Magellan's mistakes are inevitable, and no one would have thought that the revolutionary army would suddenly appear..."

Thinking of the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, the Warring States period had another headache—with Karp being there to "guard", the Revolutionary Army was almost here to watch the battle this time, and no one was looking for trouble.

"Escaped prisoners are always a big problem, and this time, the advance city LEVEL6 was almost emptied, and the same is true for the previous floors. Such a major incident is unprecedented."

"Fortunately, 'World Breaker' Bundy Waldo was directly killed by Wright..."

"Immediately want the guys who escaped from the push city to the world!"

Sengoku said solemnly: "Whether it is Baroric Redfield, Shah Krocdahl or Ambrio Ivankov, they all have the ability to subvert a country alone!"

"If they are allowed to infiltrate a certain country...the consequences are unimaginable!"


"What's wrong?"

"World ZF, request... to conceal this..."

"Promoting the scandal in the city, we must block the news, otherwise it will affect the reputation of the world ZF..."


Warring States was in disbelief at first, then clenched his teeth, his forehead was bulging, his eyes widened, and he finally roared:

"What a joke!"


Naval New World Branch G-5 and G-10 Branch, Rossindi and Smoke have returned to base respectively.

"Lieutenant General Smog, I'm taking the Dawn to the designated location, and I'm expected to arrive in half a day!"

Guina is talking to Smoker in G-10. After the victory of the Navy, there is no doubt what will happen to Whitebeard's territory. This is a good time for the Navy to expand its influence!

What Guina has to do now is to arrive at the pre-selected Whitebeard site as soon as possible, close to the islands controlled by the navy, and occupy those places before the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates return!

The navy with the light-forged beacon and the fluttering fruit is so fierce!

As for why the red-haired can appear in Marin Vando from Elbaf... This is up to the high-level to consider.

"Very good... From now on, send elite combat troops to Dawn one after another!"

Smog bit his cigar and said solemnly:

"Tina will be the first to go there. After reaching the designated area, the battle will begin immediately!"


Roxandi's G-5 branch, Ace, Dusty, Cavendish, and T. Penn, were all gathered in the secret meeting room.

"What is Lieutenant General Rossindi planning to do?"

Ace asked quietly: "The teacher seems to have plans, is it a secret mission?"

"I don't know..."

Several people looked at each other in dismay, all of them who had just returned from the top of the battlefield, still had lingering fears about the thrilling war.

The terrifying power of Whitebeard that made the whole island almost sink, really subverted their perception of the strong.

Ace is the most excited one - the appearance of Sabo completely let go of his previously incomprehensible thoughts, and the whole person became lively.

Thinking of the battle with his brother Sabo under the supervision of his grandfather Karp, Ace couldn't help rubbing his nose and smirked a little:

"Hey! I'm still my brother...Although I'm the same age, my birthday is January 1st..."


When everyone's expressions were different, the door of the conference room opened, and Roxandi walked in with a big box with a serious face.

"Lieutenant General!"

The four of them saluted in unison. Lieutenant General Rosannadi was the only Lieutenant General who could play a role in the battle against Whitebeard. That wonderful three-second "Stagnation Domain" defended the fortress of justice!

"Don't be too polite."

Closing the door behind him, Roxandi walked to the main seat and put the big box on the table.

"Next, announce the secret order issued by General Wright himself!"

The four of them looked serious, it must be a big event to have such a formal secret order.

"Everything that happens here must be kept secret until half a year later, before you can show what you will get next!"

The four were at a loss, this order... so strange.


Although they were puzzled, the four of them responded immediately. Listening to this, is this a reward for themselves and others?

Roxandi opened the box, and the four were stunned—

What was displayed in front of them was, impressively, three Devil Fruits!

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